Origin Myth - Katherine S. - 12/30/16

Contest: Winners

Origin Myth

Submitted by: Katherine S., age, Niskayuna, NY

How the Sun Gained Its Light

Once, long ago in the Kingdom of Soluné, there lived Aethra, the Moon Goddess. While being immortal may seem wonderful, it wasn’t so for Aethra—she was shunned by everyone. But she had one thing that everyone desired: fire.

Every night, Aethra, as the Moon, would stride through the sky, flaunting her flames. Every day, the Sun Goddess, Sarali, would trudge after Aethra, wishing the fire was hers.

Sarali was Aethra’s opposite: she was loved by all. But she was sick of Aethra’s bragging and finally decided to set it right.

Sarali found Aethra in the bustling corridors of the Solunian stronghold. “Hello, Sarali!” Aethra chirped. “What do you require?

Sarali promptly forgot the grandiose speech she’d planned. “I’m TIRED,” she hissed, “of you  boasting about that fire! You deserve it not—give it to me!”

Gasps emanated from the crowd. Everyone knew the rules of a challenge.

Sarali’s eyes gleamed. “As it’s my right to select this challenge’s medium, I declare that your flames shall be awarded to whoever, in one month, is worshipped most. Takor, God of Justice, will judge.” She smirked.

Aethra’s heart sank. She knew Sarali would win. . . .

And win Sarali did. The fire was presented to her as Aethra looked on shamefully. Sarali took to the sky,  displaying her flames just as Aethra had.

Aethra was furious. How dare she do this! she thought.

So Aethra went immediately to Takor’s court. “Please, she begged, “return the fire to me! She—“

But then Takor erupted. “You dare defy the challenge’s rules? he boomed. “You dishonor your ancestors! You know the outcome cannot be reversed!”

“But—“ Aethra pleaded. “I will have no light—”

“Light?” Takor thundered. “Fine! From now on, the only light that shines upon you shall be the light Sarali casts off! You will forever be a reflection of her glory!”

Humbled, Aethra slunk into the sky. True to Takor’s word, she glowed—but only with leftover light.

And so the Sun was lit, and the Moon became dark.

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