Winter Tale - Anna M. - 03/22/17

Contest: Winners

Winter Tale

Submitted by: Anna M., age 9, Kansas City, MO

I woke up excited. I was on a voyage to Antarctica on the ship the Maiden. It’s 2017, and we have all the best equipment.

We had just arrived at our destination, and we were all getting dressed to go out in the cold, harsh climate. Some men had gone out yesterday and never came back. We organized a search party for them and we were to leave this very morning. The whole crew met us on deck to wish us luck.

We set off and soon got lost. A huge blizzard was brewing. The snow had a sugary look, but we all knew no matter how beautiful it was, it was still dangerous. We had been hiking for one hour, then one man collapsed. We tried to lift him, but he was too heavy.

We were debating whether to leave him or not when out of nowhere a girl appeared. She was wearing thick white fox furs and had long black hair. Her eyelashes were long and lined with snow so it looked like lace, and she was really pretty.

Without a word, she lifted the man easily. She walked across the snow into a hidden cave behind a huge chunk of ice. We walked in and saw all the people who had set out yesterday. They each had the same story. They had collapsed, and the snow girl had saved them.

We all greeted each other, but turned our attention back to the girl.

She had a pretty voice and told us that she was on the voyage to Antarctica before us. She was left behind and learned the ways of the animals to help her survive.

Then on man recognized her. She was the missing daughter of the explorer John Stewart. People had been looking for her since her father realized she wasn’t on the ship back to America. Her name was Silvia.

The storm was letting up now, so we all found out way back to the ship with her. Everyone greeted her and praised her for saving our men during the snowstorm.

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