Winter Tale - Ethny S. - 03/22/17

Contest: Winners

Winter Tale

Submitted by: Ethny S., age 11, Lake Toxaway, NC

Lost in a Blizzard

We were on the way back to my cousin’s house from visiting my grandma. We noticed the snow was falling very hard. Uncle Will had pulled to halt. We sat in the truck, hoping the storm would die down. The windows were frosted and cold; it was silent. You could only hear the snow and wind hitting and swirling around the truck. I was hoping and praying the storm would die down and that God would keep us safe.

Then there was a break in the silence. My uncle said to bundle up. I couldn’t believe it. We were going to try to walk to my cousin’s house. It wasn’t far, but it was freezing. We got ready to go outside.

We started to walk but it was slow going. What made matters worse was that we were going against the wind. The thing that hurt was that the wind and snow were nipping at my face, and it felt like a bunch of little needles poking me.

All of a sudden there was a person riding a horse. He said, “Do you need help?”

“Yes, we need to get home.”

“There are four other horses,” he said. “Hop on.”

We got on the horses. We had walked for a while. When I saw a light ahead as we got closer, we could make out the house, and looking through one of the windows we saw my aunt Amy.

We jumped off the horses and ran inside. Then we pointed to show her the man who had helped us through the storm. But he wasn’t there.

So we went and sat down on the couch, and Amy fixed us some hot chocolate. So we told her of the adventure we had and about the man with the horses. After that, we got into bed.

We wondered about the man. I personally think it was an angel.

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