Winter Tale - Alexandra Y. - 03/22/17

Contest: Winners

Winter Tale

Submitted by: Alexandra Y., age 11, State College, PA

Where the Polar Bears Roam Free

The snow was falling in the northern land where little Naiya lived in a small hut with her Papi. The snows had come suddenly, without warning, descending upon her hut swiftly. Papi had left the night before and still wasn’t back.

Naiya slipped her feet into the boots Papi had made her. Her tiny hands fumbled with the buttons of her thick winter coat, then again with the door, swinging it open and calling, “Pa-a-pi!”

She hesitated at the doorframe, but stepped outside. The icy wind attacked her cheeks immediately, like pixies biting her. Papi had always protected her against them.

“Pa-pi!” she shouted more insistently. “Where are you?!”

She listened for his returning call, but only the wind responded, roaring like a polar bear from Papi’s stories. She sighed. If only not all polar bears were captured in Naästrich.

She looked out into the snow, her observant eyes catching a figure in the distance. “Papi!” She ran toward him, stopping before she could let the hut out of sight. Why wasn’t Papi running over?

She ran father, letting the hut disappear. Papi would help her find her way back. “Over here, Papi!”

Then, suddenly her eyes grew big. She stumbled backwards, falling down, then stumbled back up.

“Polar bears are all in the cages of Naästrich.” That’s what Papi said!

But here one was! She cautiously approached it, reaching out her hand to touch its soft, soggy fur. When the polar bear rubbed her with its rough nose, she daringly pushed herself onto the polar bear. With Naiya on it, it ran gracefully and sturdily away.

Naiya laughed out loud, exhilarated. Soon the polar bear entered a cave. When Naiya looked around, her hands flew up to cover her mouth.

Polar bears . . . everywhere! Walking and playing in the cave, which stretched farther than Naiya could see. She touched them, and she marveled at them.

She was in the polar bears’ cave, the land where the polar bears roamed free.

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