Magnificent Moms - Shivani Y. - 09/26/17

Contest: Winners

Magnificent Moms

Submitted by: Shivani Y., age 10, Albany, GA

Why I Love My Mom?

I love my mom, why?
Because she taught me how to cook.
I cut and slice the vegetables,
While she fries and boils.
We both have a good time together.
My mom and I will then sit, eating,
Our favorite show we keep watching.

I love my mom, why?
Because after dinner, Mom reads me my favorite book.
Then Sambi, my cat, comes along.
My mom and I sing “Chubby Cheeks” to her,
In perfect harmony.
When Mom starts meowing,
I start laughing.
It always cracks me up.
When I start going to sleep,
Mom tells me how much she loves me.

One of the biggest reasons I love my mom is?
She taught me to take care and love my cat.
I clean her litter myself,
Every week I give Sambi a bath,
I take her for walks in the afternoons sometimes.
Mom says I am a good mother to my baby cat.
I love my mom very much!

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