New Story Contest: Transformation - Penelope B. - 03/29/19

Contest: Winners

New Story Contest: Transformation

Submitted by: Penelope B., age 9, Mars Hill, NC

A Little Bit of Moonlight
Night had fallen, and Luna awoke from where she had been sleeping in a cornfield. She moved steadily through the stalks with barely a sound, keeping her eyes on the glittering glass rooftop of the greenhouse in the distance. When a centipede crawled up her leg, she shook it off and kept going.

When she reached the greenhouse, Luna looked around her. The moon glowed full and orange in the frosty autumn sky. The cornstalks clacked and rustled in the soft night breeze. Luna took a deep breath and pushed through the doors.

Inside the greenhouse a Venus flytrap snapped around a beetle. Luna crept inside. She found a small pot labeled “blue moon vanilla.” Plucking a pod form the plant, she darted back outside.

 Luna made her way through the stalks. She walked across the clearing where she had slept and up to a cauldron of water. Luna crushed the pod with her fist and sprinkled it onto the glassy surface. Then she reached into the pocket of her filthy brown dress and pulled out a sack of gray powder. She dumped it in along with some knobbly bark that she had cut into small pieces.

A silver cat padded out of the darkness and wound in and out of Luna’s legs, rubbing her head against her knees.

“I’ll be with you soon, sister,” Luna whispered, stirring the mixture with a branch. She bent over the pot, lapping water from it like a cat.

Her transformation began. Her ears grew larger, black hair prickled up her arms and legs, and her nails melted into claws. Luna peered at her reflection in the clear water of the cauldron. Instead of seeing the round face of a young girl, she saw the face of a black cat.

“Restored to my true form at last!” she purred, and then the two cats slipped away into the shadows.

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