New Story Contest: On the Job - Laura M. - 07/07/20

Contest: Winners

New Story Contest: On the Job

Submitted by: Laura M., age 10, Spokane, WA

The Multi-Species Race

“Down, Neptune!” I commanded. The sea serpent beneath me quieted and settled back into the water, until someone shouted, “Crazy animal!” Neptune reared again.

I knew it was a tough job, being a jockey in the Multi-Species Race, but it was the only work I knew. My job had its ups and downs, like the time when I fell off Neptune, but it was worth it when we won the next race.

“Three . . . two . . . one . . . go!” I pulled on Neptune’s reigns, and we sped forward. I heard people yelling and saw that Neptune was heading the wrong way! I jerked the reins again, and we turned around and continued. I heard a screech and saw a griffin crash into one of the commentary podiums.

Ahead, a whirlpool formed, and I just barely turned Neptune before the kraken surfaced. A tentacle slapped the water, and sharp pellets of water sprayed me. I shouted in pain and steered Neptune further away. There were screams, and I realized I was coming close to the merpeople in the water watching the race. I called an apology and adjusted my course away from the merpeople.

“Having trouble? Maybe this job is too tough for you,” someone sneered. I turned in the saddle and saw another sea serpent next to Neptune. On its back was a young boy named Jonah. He had been fired from his last job, exercising the Pegasus in the healing compound and apparently thought this job would be easier. I knew it wasn’t and decided he was in this for the money, more likely.

Jonah yanked on his serpent’s reins and fell into the water when his sea serpent stopped. He shouted that he couldn’t swim and then sank into the water.

I pulled Neptune to a halt and dove in after Jonah. He was just below the surface, and I pulled him back up. We boarded our serpents and finished the race. We came in last, but I decided my job was the best anyway. It was fun, and I participated in the races for the job itself.

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