New Story Contest: On the Job - Rose P. - 07/07/20

Contest: Winners

New Story Contest: On the Job

Submitted by: Rose P., age 11, Westport, CT

Going Green

When times get tough with the earth, there are people who are there to help. One of those people is Rose P. Rose is in fifth grade, and at her school there are many ways to help!

Rose’s school has a special program called the Green Student Leadership Club. The GSLC does small acts to help the earth. Many kids, including Rose, are part of that club. One year, the GSLC got water bottle refillers to encourage students to bring reusable water bottles.

In that same year, they began composting in the cafeteria. Composting is when you take leftover food and donate it. The people who you bring it to turn the food into nutrient-dense soil. Then, people use the soil to grow new food.

The GSLC started bringing awareness to students that anyone can help.

The next year, the GSLC split into groups and got to work on some new projects! Rose was part of two groups. First, she helped make bulletin boards throughout the school about how students can have zero-waste lunches. Zero-waste lunches are meals where nothing, including packaging, is wasted. You can do that by using reusable water bottles. You can try to avoid using plastic bags. Try not to bring a paper bag, use a fabric one. The bulletin board compared what zero-waste lunches looked like compared to other lunches.

The next group Rose was in was the group to help stop idling. Idling is a big problem. It is when people keep their car on while just sitting and waiting. On the school’s movie night, a couple members, including Rose, met up. They hung up signs and handed out small cards for people to put on the windshield of their car. They all said how idling was bad. It listed some things that idling can do. Some of those things were that idling is bad for children, bad for the earth, and stopping idling can help save money.

And, even after that, Rose’s job isn’t done. And you know what? You can help, too! Just remember, even small things help!

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