New Poetry Contest: I Wonder - Susie L. - 09/22/20

Contest: Winners

New Poetry Contest: I Wonder

Submitted by: Susie L., age 12, Sammamish, WA

I Wonder About Math

I wonder
as I see equations in black ink,
sharp numbers on white paper.
A disconnected storm of confusion,
like fishing in murky water.

I wonder
as I think, Should I use this theorem, that formula,
or the method from yesterday?
I try, but each leads to a dead end.

I wonder
as I will to see something,
to cross the border on impossibility,
to find the trick, the starting point,
that idea I missed.

But aha!
I see the pattern,
a shaft of light in trees,
a hidden path out of jungle:
the disorganized calculations aligned.

I sprint, I leap, like runner reaching end
on flying legs I race
I tear across finish line ribbon
cheers of imaginary crowd ring in my ears—
as I wonder about math. . . .

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