New Story Contest: Time Travel - Maggie B. - 12/16/20

Contest: Winners

New Story Contest: Time Travel

Submitted by: Maggie B., age 9, Oakland, CA

A School Back in Time
Urgh, thought Gretta, as she squeezed her fist. It seemed as though the talking machine inside Ms. Tosta’s throat had a broken stop button, and now she would not stop talking. Geography lesson was taking forever, and she longed to go home and read. She was overwhelmingly tired, and none of Ms. Tosta’s words really registered in Gretta’s mind. She wished she were back in the olden days, where it was much more studying than listening.

Suddenly a strange thing happened. The room started to shrink; the walls were now of wood, the lights only candles, and a cozy wood burner was in the corner. Her classmates were the same, but wearing old-fashioned clothes.

Ms. Tosta wore a long skirt and blouse. “Gretta,” she snapped, “write faster! Daydream one more time and you’ll find yourself in the Headmistress’s office faster than you can say ‘Jack!’”

Gretta blushed and bent down. Goodness, Ms. Tosta was snappy today. She looked up.


“Sorry! You weren’t so strict a minute ago.”


Suddenly Gretta remembered. She had wished. But now she wanted to get back.

With a flash, the lights were on, and Gretta heard Ms. Tosta ‘s not-strict voice. How good it was to be back again!

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