New Story Contest: Pet - Lisa S. - 08/01/23

Contest: Winners

New Story Contest: Pet

Submitted by: Lisa S., age 11, Chicago, IL

The Best Midnight

“Scratch. Scratch.” I was eating dinner when I saw my cat Midnight playing with a string. So I tied it and a cloth scrap together and dragged it before her. She pounced on it! I pulled it back and forth as she played with it. When I tried to pull it away, she held on so tight I dragged her by her claws.

After she got bored, I saw her enter my room near the kitchen and exit a moment later with a Sharpie in her mouth. I saw her paw at it, pouncing on it then running away, like she feared it would bit back. Then she did it all over again. When she got bored, it was nearly calm down time.

“Lights out by nine,” my mom said.

“OK, Mom,” I replied, lying down to read.

At nine o’clock, I turned the lamp off, lay down, and fell asleep. Or at least I tried to.

Like many nights prior, I heard a snuffing sound. Midnight ran in as I peeked under the sheet. She ran over and jumped on me, which tickled me! Thankfully no laughs escaped me. She jumped onto my leg and sniffed the end of my bed. Then she climbed my leg onto my stomach and walked out of the fort. She walked over to the fluffiest part of the comforter next to me and lay down, smooshing it as she did so. I petted her several times, and she purred.

As I attempted to sleep, she decided to bathe herself. For the next several minutes, she licked herself loudly. I love her but was still annoyed, and amused. When she stopped, I fell asleep right away.

The next day, my dad told me when he got up at twelve to go to the bathroom (where Midnight stayed at night), she slipped out, only to run to my bed again! And when he entered my room to get her, she dug her claws into the bed so well he could hardly move her without pulling the entire comforter with her.

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