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Our Heroine!
Chatterbox: Crowd Sorcery
Our Heroine!
Our Heroine!
The votes for hero or heroine have been counted! You've chosen Fable Thatcher to be the main character in the Crowd Sorcery story. Rayth and Rilla Tindell were close seconds.
Thanks to everyone who contributed characters and voted, and to Madeline T. for creating a popular main character. Fred and Emily are very excited about creating a story starring Fable Thatcher—and keen to see who the story's villain and sidekick might be.
Now is a great time to add to the Villain thread and to visit the Sidekick thread, which goes live today.
Here's the schedule for creating villains and sidekicks and voting:
You have until next Monday, July 7, to add to the Villain thread. Fred and Emily will then choose some of their favorites for you to vote on. Voting for the villain will begin by Friday, July 11, and close Monday, July 21.
The Sidekick thread goes live today and will stay open until Monday, July 14. Fred and Emily will again narrow down the choices, and open the voting by Friday, July 18. You will have until Monday, July 28 to vote.
To summarize:
July 7: Last day to create a villain
July 14: Last day to create a sidekick
July 11-21: Vote for villain
July 18-28: Vote for sidekick
You can also add to the Fantasy Dictionary and other threads any time.
The free July digital edition should be available in a few days. Just go to iTunes or Google Play and search Cricket magazine. You'll find more heroes and heroines there, and selections from the Fantasy Dictionary.
1. Name
Fable Thatcher
2. Appearance
Deep blue eyes that seem to hold something deep inside their cores
3. Background
A poor girl who lived in a poor village; until she met the man who thoroughly recognized her talents, that is
4. Personality
Scared of her own strength, shy, somewhat depressed, longing for something or someone she doesn't really know how to explain, wise
5. How is he/she different from others?
Whatever she writes becomes true. She can write better than anyone who's lived on the Earth. She does not know who her parents are. Some people speculate that she came from somewhere else...somewhere beyond.... (maybe that's why her eyes are so strikingly blue and so...starry)
6. What does he/she most desire or hope for?
Someone to come and save her from the life she has been living; to save her from the prophecy that was put in place by her hand, a quill pen, and a piece of paper.
7. How is he/she strong?
She is very wise and knows a lot about people just by looking at them....
8. How is he/she weak or vulnerable?
She is scared of what she writes because of what once happened to her
9. What does he/she fear most?
What she writes; that she would write something even worse than the prophecy; and, of course, the prophecy itself.
10. Your Crowd Sorcery Sentence(s)
Fable tucked her hair behind her ear, and, shakingly, began to write, a tear streaking down her dirtied cheek. No one except her really understood the reason that she wrote so much. It wasn't her fault. Many people would call it a gift to write as good as her. Not Fable. She called it a curse. The thing is, no one--or not anyone that Fable could recall, that is--would call being able to write better than the best writers of the world a gift if they knew what would happen if they wrote. If they knew that their writing would come true, whatever it was that was put down on paper. Now, many people may think that the person that had that "gift" would then simply write nice, sweet things.
But what if they couldn't control what they put on the paper? What then? That was what Fable wanted to know. But even as she thought this over, Fable's hand still danced across the paper, painting with words and ink. She knew it wasn't her fault; not thoroughly, but what she was writing scared her nontheless, for she knew what would happen if the prophecy wasn't fulfilled, and if that happened, she did not know what anyone could possibly do...
(July 1, 2014 - 10:40 am)
Well! Glad Fable won. And you know why? I VOTED FOR HER!!!
(Along with Rilla and Lisette)
Rodney says iwin. Rodney clearly has been possessed by Fable, who is obviously also immensely glad that she has won.
(July 1, 2014 - 12:19 pm)
Good for Fable! I'm a little disappointed Rilla wasn't chosen, but I have consoled myself with the thought that many other people have voted for her (thank you Joe the Stickfiddler) and a "close second" is better than being entirely forgotten. And who knows? Maybe she'll show up later in the story. After all, there needs to be another important character, like Loric in The Star Shard. *hint hint*
(July 1, 2014 - 4:47 pm)
Great job, Madeline T.! I'm a bit disappointed, I admit, about Rayth not getting it - and being so close! - but I'm glad that it was Fable who got it instead of me. She is my favorite character in the list, not counting Rayth, and is well made. I can't wait to see the story!
(July 1, 2014 - 7:03 pm)
Thanks! I really like Rayth, too! I think all of the entries were great!
(July 5, 2014 - 5:37 pm)
Aww! I was hoping Rayth would win!!!!!
(July 1, 2014 - 8:03 pm)
Hope you vote for Conor (Echo) as the villain!
(July 1, 2014 - 8:06 pm)
Yay! I voted for her, and Rayth. Although I can't remember the other...
(July 2, 2014 - 5:53 am)
I'll vote for him, he sounds really cool!
(July 2, 2014 - 10:05 am)
My villain Lycan's eye was supposed to have been taken out by the hero's dad, and I had wanted the hero's dad to be a man who smelled of starlight............ you know how Fable's eyes are so starry?

(July 2, 2014 - 10:03 am)
I hope Madeline likes the sidekick I made for her:3. I also hope Fred likes it :D
(July 2, 2014 - 7:41 pm)
Congratulations, Fable and Madeline! I am a little sorry that Rayth didn't win, but I also liked Fable.
(July 3, 2014 - 6:35 am)
When the time comes... vote for me. I WANT MY FAMILY BACK!!! (Screams and murders the nearest bystander)
(July 3, 2014 - 12:34 pm)
Werewolves rule, foolish mortal. (rips nearest bystander to ribbons and eats nonchalantly)
Vote for me or end up like him! Muahaha!
(July 4, 2014 - 5:55 pm)
I will get you Fable... Hehehe.....
(July 6, 2014 - 4:32 pm)
(July 6, 2014 - 7:08 pm)