Warriors RP~
Chatterbox: Inkwell
Warriors RP~
Warriors RP~
This is a role-playing thread based on Warriors (a popular book series by Erin Hunter). This is mostly meant for those who contributed in the Clan-making thread, however anyone may join if they wish. Here is some information about the Clans and their Allegiances:
Among mountains, streams, forests, and meadows, centered around an ancient boulder, a group of cats made their home there. These cats, otherwise known as warriors, were divided into Clans, mainly four different Clans: FalconClan, IvyClan, MossClan, and RainClan. These warriors would do their best to live in harmony, but invetiable conflicts and differences always threatened to bring them apart. Each Clan had its own leader, medicine cat, warriors, and more, as well as territory characteristics, strengths and weaknesses.
FalconClan - credits to Ellesmere
FalconClan is a quiet, cold Clan, but ask for assistance in battle, and they will fight fiercer than the birds they are named for, although alliances made with them are typically only based upon mutual respect.
Territory: The foothills of the mountains, and their camp, hidden in the rocky outcroppings, is a close-held secret.
Strengths: FalconClan cats pride themselves on their ferocity in battle and strategical skills. They claim that they are descended from the powerful "cougars" that used to call their territory home, going so far as to stripping their leaders' birth prefix and replacing it with "Cougar" upon their return from their nine lives ceremony. Although they are not burly or plump, they are large cats, their pelts rippling with muscle. In battle they use their strength, speed, and agility to gain an advantage over their opponents.
Weaknesses: Believing the other Clans to be deceptive, FalconClan does not trust easily. Their warriors are discouraged from relationships with cats outside their own Clan, making them prideful of their own Clan and disrespectful towards most other cats. They also do not have a close relationship with StarClan, believing themselves to be the sources of their strength, not spirits of ancestors. Their medicine cats are therefore not apt at seeing signs or omens, their rare communications with StarClan only being in dreams or during half-moon meetings.
FalconClan cats, not having much water on their territory aside from a cold mountain stream, are not good swimmers, and they do not have much undergrowth on their territory either, giving them a disadvantage on battlefields with water or close quarters.
IvyClan - provided by Moon Wolf (me)
IvyClan is known to be resilient and intuitive, however can sometimes hold to a belief to a fault (like thinking a certain villainous cat is good for a long time before realizing, or not accepting kittypets as easily). However they are also known to sneak around quite often into other Clans or unexplored territory.
Territory: It is mostly forest, with a lot of tall trees and dangers such as foxes, badgers, and a wild boar every once in a few moons.
Strengths: IvyClan cats are excellent climbers, using the trees as a means of an attack from above. They are nimble and are great at making their way through forests. Their medicine cats are known to have the most variety of herbs.
Weaknesses: They are not as good at direct attacks of strength, preferring to use sneak attacks and strategies than straight up battles. IvyClan cats are also bad at fighting in the open.
MossClan - credits to Sempreverde
Territory: MossClan inhabits a mossy forest territory, with many streams and ponds. Due to the abundance of water, many MossClan cats learn to swim from a young age and eat fish when necessary. They make their camp in a grassy clearing surrounded by huge trees. The leaders’s den is under a tall stump, upon which they make announcements to the Clan. The rest of the dens are spread out around the camp, mostly in bushes and under fallen logs. The only exception is the nursery, hidden in an easily guarded tree hollow accessible one cat at a time. A fast creek that flows through the camp provides water for the Clan, and ends in a small pool in the medicine cat den under a fallen log.
Strengths: MossClan is a curious and fiercely loyal Clan. Clanmates care greatly for one another, and they are a very accepting Clan overall, giving cats injured in battle or disabled from birth many choices in their path forward, and not forcing them to retire early or become medicine cats if they do not choose that route.
Weaknesses: MossClan cats do not easily trust the other Clans. They are often skittish around strangers and protect their borders furiously. They are not always welcoming to non-Clanborn cats, accepting them in other Clans but not often in their own, due to a very tight bond between cats raised in the Clan.
RainClan - soon to be provided by Hawkstar (no pressure by the way!)
- Allegiances - (WIP)
LEADER: Fernstar - long-furred gray she-cat
DEPUTY: Ravensplash - black she-cat with gray splotches and a silver tail tip
Apprentice, Cranepaw
MEDICINE CATS: Oakflutter - sturdy dark brown tabby tom with green eyes (Apprentice: Streampaw)
WARRIORS: Hawkwing - dark brown tom
Deerleap - pale brown tabby tom
Apprentice, Leafpaw
Lilysong - cream tom with blue eyes (possible nursery helper)
Rainsplash - silver she-cat with gray splotches
Apprentice, Raccoonpaw
Bearfur - brown tom
Sagepelt - long-furred silver ticked she-cat
Apprentice, Slitherpaw
Tawnycloud - white and brown tabby she-cat
Daisyflower - gray tabby tom with a flower-shaped blaze on his chest
Crowfrost - lithe black she-cat with pale ice-blue eyes
Apprentice, Snakepaw
Foxglove - pale orange she-cat with green eyes (former loner)
Streampaw - small spotted silver she-cat
Leafpaw - blue-furred she-cat with silver tufts of fur on her ears
Raccoonpaw - gray tom with black stripes and white underbelly
Cranepaw - gray tabby tom
Snakepaw - calico she-cat
Slitherpaw - wiry white tom with bright green eyes
ELDERS: Wasptongue - fuzzy black tom
LEADER: Cougarstar - spotted gray tabby she-cat with emerald eyes
DEPUTY: Thornbear - burly brown tabby tom (apprentice: Ravenpaw)
MEDICINE CATS: Whistlepine - brown-and-white she-cat with green eyes
Boulderchest - gray tom with darker gray legs, head, and tail (apprentice: Magpiepaw)
Ravenpaw - slender black she-cat with violet eyes
Magpiepaw - dark gray-and-white tom with amber eyes
QUEENS AND KITS: Owlclaw - spotted she-cat (expecting queen)
LEADER: Lilystar - a Siamese she-cat with blue eyes
MEDICINE CATS: (apprentice: Spiritpaw)
Spiritpaw - white and ginger spotted she-cat with green eyes
Hufflepaw - small blond she-cat with black paws
ELDERS: Mallowleap - cream tom
LEADER: Everstar - dark gray-brown she-cat and dark green eyes
MEDICINE CATS: (apprentice: Orchidpaw)
Parsleyspring - speckled gray tom
Embermist - smoky gray she-cat
Griffenpaw - stocky tom with golden brown fur
Orchidpaw - albino white she-cat with pink-blue eyes
Tulipbreeze - dark brown tabby she-cat (expecting kits)
Cats Outside the Clans
Thyme (kittypet) - tortoiseshell she-cat with green eyes
Coriander (kittypet) - calico she-cat with pale yellow eyes, Thyme’s littermate
To join, simply comment on this thread that you want to, along with the cat(s) which you want to RP with. To pick cats to RP with, after priority/permission is given to those who created the characters, you can choose/claim any of them. You may also make your own if you wish, and I recommend choosing to create cats in categories that are lacking/blank (as seen above).
Form for creating a cat:
Name (prefix + suffix):
Personality (optional):
Role (ex. deputy, warrior, elder):
Clan (optional):
Apprentice/Mentor (optional):
Additional Information (like siblings):
Feel free to ask questions or fix the post if there is any information I missed!
(December 3, 2024 - 11:21 pm)
Name (prefix + suffix): Shiningbrook
Gender/Pronouns: she/her
Appearance: A long-furred silver tabby she-cat with blue eyes
Personality (optional): cheerful, determined, and lonely.
Role (ex. deputy, warrior, elder): Loner, formerly a Mossclan/Falconclan halfclan cat.
Apprentice/Mentor (optional): Her mentor was a warmhearted tom named Bearfeather, he died a moon after Shiningbrook got her warrior name.
Additional Information (like siblings): Both her parents left their clan when she was a kit, and she has no siblings.
(December 4, 2024 - 10:28 pm)
forgot to say that make sure to include the Clan that the cat is in (or not if they are not a Clan cat). also, there is no limit to how many you RP as, as long as you can keep up with it. Any other cat not chosen can be RPed with as sort of like NPCs.
I will RP as Everstar, IvyClan's leader, and maybe also Orchidpaw, IvyClan's medicine cat apprentice. also:
Name (prefix + suffix): Crystalmist
Gender/Pronouns: she-cat, she/her
Appearance: white she-cat with silver stripes and crystal blue eyes
Personality (optional): kind, thoughtful, helpful sometimes to a fault
Role (ex. deputy, warrior, elder): RainClan warrior
Apprentice/Mentor (optional): if anyone wants a mentor, Crystalmist can be!
Additional Information (like siblings): n/a, probably has littermates but won't include them for now
(December 5, 2024 - 12:01 am)
Hey, do you mind if Crystalmist is deputy?
(January 11, 2025 - 8:45 am)
I don't mind :)
Also I suppose we can start RPing soon. Feel free to start posting whenever (I'll be posting my first one soon as well)
(January 11, 2025 - 11:24 pm)
I am SO sorry about not doing RainClan, I completely forgot. I'll post there territory, strengths, weakness and a little necessary backstory soon!
(December 5, 2024 - 7:31 pm)
(December 9, 2024 - 6:20 pm)
Can we add Clan to the form? It can be optional, or you can just write "loner" or "non-Clan"
(January 3, 2025 - 4:42 pm)
Yeah I meant to have that as a correction. @admin, could you add "Clan (optional):" to the form, after Role maybe? thank you!
(January 11, 2025 - 11:23 pm)
I'll rp as Ravensplash and Sagepelt. I can also take Foxglove or Crowfrost if no one else does.
(January 3, 2025 - 4:44 pm)
(January 13, 2025 - 10:17 am)
Everstar woke up to sunlight streaming through the entrance of her den. She got up and stretched, yawning, before padding over to the clearing where IvyClan warriors were already starting to go about their duties. She noticed Orchidpaw fetching herbs, likely for Tulipbreeze, who was expecting kits soon. She felt content, looking around at the bustling Clan.
As the day went on, Everstar suddenly realized that leafbare was approaching soon, and with it, all sorts of dangers...
Crystalmist could tell that there would be a slight drizzle of rain today---not enough to get in the way of duties, but enough to feel it. She didn't mind though, like most RainClan cats. The rain made her feel calm and peaceful.
Crystalmist glanced around and decided to begin assigning patrols. After the dawn patrol left (anyone can be on), she decided that perhaps she should lead a border patrol as well.
"I'm leading a border patrol to the FalconClan border," Crystalmist announced. "Does anyone want to join?"
By the way, we still need an IvyClan medicine cat and deputy, as well as RainClan/IvyClan warriors. Feel free to create more cats, and you don't have to RP with them if you do not want to.
(January 14, 2025 - 7:14 pm)
I might be super inactive, but... I'm going to claim Cougarstar. I'd claim Whistlepine as well, but she might be needed too much for me to roleplay her all the time, whereas the leader could, y'know, be resting.
oh, I have to ask the creator's permission. hey, Ellesmere, can I claim Cougarstar for the roleplay? yeah, sure, I can. ok, thank me! looks like I said I could play my character :)
since a few characters are patrolling at the FalconClan border, should I send a patrol there, for my first rp entry? I won't write one now--we aren't quite full enough yet, I don't have enough warriors to send for a patrol--but it seems like a good idea
(January 27, 2025 - 4:56 pm)