Written pictures~ 

Chatterbox: Pudding's Place

Written pictures~ 

Written pictures~ 

Please just fill out the form with as little or as much info as you'd like! 





submitted by Hawkstar, age Dynamite , My thoughts in Korea
(January 13, 2025 - 2:21 pm)

Name: Amity

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: long blond hair, blue eyes, usually wearing blue

Personality: Thoughtful, sometimes quiet, creative  

submitted by Amity
(January 13, 2025 - 3:27 pm)


Up, down, up, down, up, stop, glide.

You ride your bike along the path in the park, the early afternoon light seeping through the tall junipers on the sides of the path. Standing up to pedal up a short hill, you glide down and round a corner, braking and coming to a stop next to a bench, the park’s pond just ahead. Getting off your bike, you unbuckle your helmet and hook it on the handle bars, knocking down the kick stand and setting it out of the way. 

You walk over to the pond, over to a cypress, its knees poking out of the grass. For fun, you attempt to balance on them, jumping from one to the other. It doesn’t really work, and you wobble, falling off and hopping on the spot so you don’t fall over.

A small laugh makes you glance at the tree.

Sitting on the ground, facing the pond, a girl sits, her eyes glinting. “Are you okay?”

“Yeah,” you mumble, slightly embarrassed. You gesture to the open notebook on her lap. “What’re you writing?”

“Poetry,” she said simply, and scratched a few more lines onto the paper with her pencil.

“Oh.” you sit down near her, and look out over the pond before looking back at her.

She was pretty, with long blond hair and eyes so blue, they looked like they belonged to the sky. Her lips played in a little smile as she considered her words, then she glanced over at you. Her blue jeans and indigo t-shirt stood out against the vibrant grass.

“Do you want to hear what I wrote?”

“Sure,” you shrug.

She clears her throat, then starts. You don’t much understand poetry, but her words flow over you like a calm wave of water. You fall into her world of writing, surfing her creativeness into an explosion of explanations and colors. You didn’t know you could so deeply understand something, but she described things well in her writing.

“Well, what do you think?” 

You mentally shake yourself, not realizing she had stopped. “Oh, well. I haven’t heard anything like it. It was extraordinary."

Her smile was also extraordinary, lighting up her face. “Aw, thanks!” 

A ding ding of a bell has us turning our heads to another bike rider, waving at us. “My friend,” she explains. “I gotta go.”

“Oh, okay. Thanks for reading your poetry to me,” you say.

“Of course!” she stands and brushes herself off. “Bye!”

She turns to go. “Wait,” I called. She turns back. “What’s your name?” 

“Oh,” she smiles. “You can call me Amity.”

And with a swish of her long hair, she was gone.


Weeeeell, I really had a good time with this one. I hope you like it! :) Also, Kwani says "topnr". Top is near, for this thread :P

submitted by Hawkstar
(February 1, 2025 - 3:05 pm)

This is amazing, I love it :D Thanks!  

submitted by Amity
(February 3, 2025 - 8:30 am)
submitted by Top
(January 13, 2025 - 7:56 pm)

Yes pleaseee :D

Name: Amethyst

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: Long dark hair, hazel eyes, tall, agile

Personality: A sunset/sunrise person, a dreamer, a romantic, someone who loves music and writing and people and life and some other somewhat obscure things


submitted by Amethyst
(January 13, 2025 - 8:14 pm)


Name: Moon Wolf

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: sleek wavy black hair, midnight dark eyes that shimmer like stars when excited, tan-ish skin, Asian, usually wearing something light purple, a moon pendant necklace

Personality: creative, thoughtful, kind, impulsive sometimes

Thank you! <3 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(January 14, 2025 - 6:27 pm)

)Moon Wolf( 

A squeal of laughter races through the cold evening air, startling a creature at the edge of the woods. 

Beyond the trees, a steep, snow covered hill shows a hord of children racing along the top of the hill, sleds and inner tubes being dragged across the ground. The snow had finally stopped, and there was a little daylight left for sledding before bed.

The wolf in the trees cocks her head, the instincts of a predator slipping away, and something else slips in. This playing looks familiar. 

A flash of a memory zig zagged through her head, of a smiling mother and father- human parents. The wolf’s body shook, and suddenly a girl was standing in her place. She gasped, flexing her fingers. 

The girl had shining dark hair, like a raven’s wing, rippling down her back. Her dark eyes darted around the snow filled forest, slanted at the tips. A body length purple cloak was draped around her, and she brought her hands up to her chest, tightening the fabric around her. Her fingers brush something cold, and she finds she is wearing a necklace, a crescent moon pendant curving down from the string.

“Oh,” she whispers. 

A crunch in the snow has her head jerking up. A small girl, bundled up in snow gear gapes at her. Her small fingers point at the necklace around the wolf girl’s neck, and she makes a grabbing motion with her fingers. The dark haired girl slowly lifts the necklace off, and holds it out to the little girl. She takes it, and turns it over, delighted, in her hand.

“Hey, Vanessa!” An older boy comes tramping over to his sister. The wolf girl snarls, animal-like, and turns.

She jumps over a fallen log and in mid air, transforms back into a silver wolf. She bounds away, memories of being human once stripping off as she runs far ahead.

“Vanessa, where’d you get that?” The boy has found his sister, looking at the necklace and into the forest.

“A moon wolf gave it to me,” she squeaked. “I think she’s my friend.”

The boy frowned. “What? Well nevermind, it doesn’t matter. Come sledding, we have to go in soon.”

He took her hand and walked her out of the trees. Vanessa looks back into the forest, and carefully drops the necklace into the snow. 

Seasons later, a slender and silver snout nudges the moon on the forest floor, before carefully nipping it up with her teeth by the string and walking away into the forest.


Hiiiii! I hope you enjoyed the story, I had fun writing this one :) 

submitted by Hawkstar
(February 1, 2025 - 3:06 pm)

Thank you so much!!! It's so beautifully written and I love how the necklace is like a symbol throughout, and how the snow and everything is described in vivid detail. Again, thanks!! <33

submitted by Moon Wolf@Hawkstar, age lunars, A Celestial Sky
(February 1, 2025 - 9:16 pm)

Name: Zealatom

Pronouns: He/him

Appearance: White windbreaker, black pants. Ruffled black hair that looks to be slightly untidy, and purple amethyst eyes. Wears a body-length purple scarf that drifts even in the absence of wind and fades like smoke into the air at the very end. 

Personality: Optimistic when it comes to people and pessimistic when it comes to things. An idealist either way. Has fondness for odd puns and talent when it comes to daydreaming on the spot, and is also equipped with fair amounts of irony and humor. Loves nature, music, and writing.

submitted by Zealatom, House of Cards
(January 17, 2025 - 8:53 am)


Walking through the tall, thinning trees, you head for the sound of the ocean.

The air this early morning is extra foggy and misty, the not yet up sun making it difficult to see clearly. Slowing on the well worn path, you round a tall juniper and step into an open space, short dew dropped grass brushing your feet. Ahead, the grass fades away to soft moss, and then to the hard gray rock of the cliff overlooking the harsh ocean slamming against the said cliff. Usually, it’s your spot to come and think, alone and with your thoughts. However, someone is already standing there, hands in pockets.

You cough in surprise, and the person turns around, just as the sun beyond the ocean breaks over the horizon, blinding you with the combined light and mist. Ducking your head, you walk over to the lone pine, clinging to the rock and stand beneath the shade. Getting a better look at the person, he takes a hand out and gives you a little wave. “Hello. I’m Zealatom.”

Taking him in, you notice the nice contrast of the white windbreaker, dew sweating off of the surface. His dark pants ending at simple shoes, feet planted firmly on the ground. His black hair was untidy, swooping in different directions in almost elegant waves. A long, purple scarf waves lazily, even though no wind is to be had. You can’t even see the end of the scarf- it was as if it disappeared into the air, like smoke. 

A friendly smile stretched his face, and you looked into his eyes, startled to find them to be as purple as amethyst, with just as much sparkle in them as a jewel. 

“I seem to have taken over your spot,” Zealatom interrupts your thoughts. “I hope I’m not intruding too much. It was very peaceful here, though. It was interesting to observe the stars, rather than being in them, you know?”

You blink. “Um.”

“Yes,” he continues conversationally, “I’m a star traveler, flying here and there. I almost lost my belt at one constellation, but luckily Orion brought my predicament to my attention.”

You frown. “What?”

Zealatom laughs, a sound that is both heavy and light. “A joke. Maybe.” He winks. “I often come down to Earth. I love nature, and there is hardly any of that on Mars or Jupiter. Dirt and gas, meh. Here though,” he nods appreciatively. “Nice stuff.”

“Are you… an alien?” you venture to ask.

“What? No, of course not. Aliens don’t exist.”

You exist, you think.

The sun comes fully over the horizon now, and Zealatom turns his head toward it. “Ah, hear that? The music of this star is very overwhelming.” He closed his eyes and hummed a tune that you had never heard before, sounding majestic and powerful. You close your eyes too, straining your ears, but you hear nothing beyond the ocean below. 

“I don’t hear…” Opening your eyes, you find you are alone. You blink. Did you imagine the purple eyed boy? 

A flutter catches your eye, and you look up. One of the pine tree’s branches stretched out over the edge of the cliff, and caught on the end was a purple scarf, rippling in the nonexistent breeze. It fades away at the end like a dream just out of your grasp.


Hey, I hope you liked it! I’m not really sure where I was going with the whole star traveler thing, it kind of just slipped out? Anywayyyy, yep, hope you enjoyed it :)

submitted by Hawkstar
(February 1, 2025 - 3:07 pm)

Hey there Hawkstar! Sorry for seeing this so late. Thanks so much for the picturing, I loved it <3 Your writing is perfect!  I totally get how odd ideas slip out of minds and take form, but don't worry, it is wonderful. You captured the description of the scarf so clearly, and I'm totally saving this to reread many times in the future.

submitted by Zealatom, House of Cards
(February 2, 2025 - 10:05 am)

Name: Coyote

Pronouns: she/her

Appearance: wild-ish, long-ish brown hair flecked with gold, storm-colored eyes, suntaned skin, usually dressed in darker blues and greens. often wearing a stylish army-green utility jacket, usually carrying a bow and quiver of arrows. 

Personality: Aurgumentative and stubborn, has skill for riddles and puzzles, likes clever humor and appreciates quick wit. Always has a winning strategy and a look in her eye as if she knows something you don't. Very clever and knows how to survive in most any circumstance. Prepared for everything.  

submitted by Coyote , Strawberry Fields
(January 17, 2025 - 9:16 pm)

Update! Thank you all for submitting and whatnot, I will be getting to them by the end of the week, hopefully :)

Hawkstar, I've just deleted a previous comment you submitted. It concerned the name of a site that we shouldn't post on Chatterbox. I've deleted the other mentions of that site, too.


submitted by Hawkstar
(January 26, 2025 - 6:51 pm)

@Amethyst and Coyote, having a little dificulties with your picturings, but hopefully will get them going soon!

submitted by @Amity, Moon, Zeal!
(February 1, 2025 - 3:08 pm)

No problemo! Take all the time you need!

submitted by Coyote , Penny Lane
(February 2, 2025 - 6:14 pm)