Warriors of StormClan...

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

StormClan camp
Warriors of StormClan......

Warriors of StormClan... get back here and stop deserting meeeee! *throws fit* Lookie, I made us our own thread so we don't have to get so confused. Come back! Please? *big sad eyes*

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons, StormClan camp
(March 26, 2009 - 10:41 pm)

*Leaps out of bushes with another group of warriors behind her ( including Copperpelt)* Stormclan, ATTACK!!!!!!!  Shadowclan! What do you want??? 

submitted by Snowstorm
(April 2, 2009 - 6:42 pm)

Rawr! *startles most of the warriors away, swats at mangy tom* Don't you dare touch my apprentice!

Sorry, Juniperpaw, I was busy hunting. But I'm back now!

*bristles* Look out behind you! Theres a cat about to attack! 

submitted by Copperpelt
(April 2, 2009 - 8:21 pm)

'Kay, CopperPelt! Thanks!

*whirls around and somehow gets beforementioned fighting moves right*

Oh, and I've still got the mouse!!!

I buried it here, see?

*uncovers mouse*

submitted by JuniperPaw, age 6 moons, StormClan terri
(April 3, 2009 - 6:26 pm)

*comes crashing into clearing* Good gracious. How did all these ShadowClan cats get in here?! Hang on there, warrior! *totally pwns ShadowClan invaders*

 *ShadowClan invaders slink off, yowling piteously*

 *dusts off paws* Well then, I am a bit rusty, but apparently not as rusty as I thought. Hello there, warrior. I am Laughingstar, leader of StormClan. What's your name? ((Your warrior name, if you have one... you know, besides Jenni T.)) Copperpelt's on a hunting patrol now, but that patrol should be getting back soon...

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons, beating off Sha
(April 2, 2009 - 10:20 pm)

Hey, wait a sec... *peers at the new warrior* ... Juniperpaw?! *startled meow* You've grown so much since I've seen you last, I barely recognized you! ((At least, that's my excuse... so sorry, Jenni! Kipin failed to make the connection... got it all figured out now. Duh.))

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons
(April 2, 2009 - 10:24 pm)

LaughingStar, the last time you saw me was yesterday when you made me an apprentice.............Idon't think i grew THAT much!


((Sorry my dumb autofill just jumped in on the J and I didn't notice it.......))

submitted by JuniperPaw, age 12, StormClan terri
(April 3, 2009 - 8:50 am)

HEY!!!!! My clan NEVER attacked your clan!!! At least not while i was leader!!!

submitted by Dawnstar
(April 20, 2009 - 9:44 pm)

No problem, guys! Duskpaw, happy to have you back. Firewhisker and Snowstorm, too. Snowstorm, do you still want to be my deputy?

submitted by Laughingstar, age 16 moons, StormClan camp
(April 2, 2009 - 10:14 pm)

sure, unless you want another cat to be it.

submitted by snowstorm
(April 2, 2009 - 11:41 pm)


  Duskpaw, come with me and Snowstorm on a border patrol! 

submitted by Firewhisker
(April 4, 2009 - 12:15 am)

*skids into clearing*


LaughingStar, I'm so sorry, I just heard about the invasion!

*swipes at ShadowClan cat*

Oh! Hi, JuniperPaw! You caught that mouse? All by yourself! Cool!!!

*continues swiping at ShadowClan cat*

*rips other cats ear off*

*the ShadowClan cat runs away*

submitted by GingerFur, age 10 moons, StormClan camp
(April 4, 2009 - 5:33 am)

I'm sorry that things are hard for you, Laughingstar. How did you get that name anyway? It's very cool! I'm sorry I haven't been around long, but why are your warriors deserting you?? A loyal warrior NEVER deserts his/her leader. Is your camp located near the lake?? I haven't seen you at Gatherings. Please get back to me at once. Thank you.

submitted by Stealthfire, age 12, Don't know
(April 5, 2009 - 5:37 pm)

*neck fur rises* stealthfire! we only didn't post because the other thread was to crowded! and anyway, why are you in our camp??? *ears flaten* GET OUT NOW!!!!!!!!!

submitted by snowstorm
(April 5, 2009 - 11:38 pm)


Hey LaughingStar, can my friend HollyPaw join our clan?

She wants to be a medicine cat apprentice, if possible.



Yeah, I wanna be a medicine cat apprentice, please! I is really good with herbs, and I can catch lota and lots of prey. PWEASE!?!?!? *big eyes*



She's at my house today bcuz she is having spring break lucky her.



I know, it is AWESOME!!!!*sorts herbs*

submitted by JuniperPaw,Hollypaw, age 6 moons, StormClan camp
(April 6, 2009 - 12:19 pm)

Wait... who is the medicine cat??? HMM... I guess you'll have to get training from another clan unless SOMEONE posts as a medicine cat. *hint hint!!!*

submitted by Snowstorm
(April 6, 2009 - 6:50 pm)