This is a

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

This is a...

This is a thread for anything except realistic fiction*, Warriors**, or Twilight***. These have been taking over the front page, and it's really annoying (not the realistic fiction, though) So, a thread for anything BUT WARRIORS, TWILIGHT, OR REALISTIC FICTION.


My reactions to those books/genres:

* :p not so bad sometimes
** :P Yuck. Stagnant
*** *wishes it had never been written* *dies in horror of the fact that it has*

submitted by Pirocks
(May 11, 2009 - 6:36 pm)

Hello! The Lightning Theif is a great series! I recently read the fifth book! Hooray! What is lulz? Sorry if a I sound like a neophyte*. And yes, unnon, this is no place for chtspk** or trolling, as TNO said. This is a nice esablishment, not to be ruined by bad grammar a spelling.

*neophyte= new sprout as in new commer to blog
** chtspk= rude term for chatspeak

submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(May 13, 2009 - 4:07 pm)

Most simply, it's what you do things for (e.g., the motto of TwiSu - "We're in it for the lulz".) It's used as a corrupted plural of lol, and if something is "lulzy" that mean's it's laugh-worthy.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(May 13, 2009 - 4:42 pm)

I'm obsessed with InnocentHarry PotterInnocent. Does anyone like InnocentHarry PotterInnocent?  FYI, Twilight***, in my opinion, is the worst book on the face of the earth. PERIOD. So, I really like Harry Potter, and- I SMELL BROWNIES!!!!!!! Oh, they smell heavenly.Tongue out Really, I smell brownies. So please read Harry Potter IF YOU HAVEN'T READ IT YET!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Oh, ya, I don't have pierced ears-.- So, I really LOVE HARRY POTTER!!!!!!!!! Although I don't really like the actor, it would be as cool as meeting one of the Beatles to meet him. Daniel Raddcliff. Bye, people!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

P.S. (My real name really is Marguerite.)

submitted by Marguerite, age 10, Hogwarts (i wis
(May 13, 2009 - 4:52 pm)


submitted by unnon
(May 13, 2009 - 6:40 pm)

I agree with everything you say, except that now this thread is at least three-quarters taken up by discussing Warriors. Hmm. What's a book that at least three people here have heard about, that isn't in the category of one of the taboos? I know! TNO, isn't it you who likes Terry Pratchett? Have you read "Nation?" Surely someone else has read some of his works! And then there's Patricia C. Wrede (who wrote "Calling on Dragons" and that series, plus the "Sorcery and Cecilia" books; the latter jointly written with Caroline Stevner), and Hilari Bell, Richard Peck, Roald Dahl, Shel Silverstein, Jane Austen, Alexandre Dumas (the last two can squeeze by "realistic fiction," right? They're the classics!) and many more....

submitted by Aliza, age 13, Vermont
(May 13, 2009 - 6:14 pm)

No... But I'm going to once I finish my absurdly long list of things to read (LoTR, The Vampire Lestat, Queen of the Damned, The Jungle,  Making Money... etc etc etc.

submitted by TNÖ, age 15, Deep Space
(May 14, 2009 - 5:03 pm)

I love:

a.  Harry Potter

b. The Chronicles Of Narnia

c. The Inheritance Cycle

d.  The Bible

e.  The  Time Quartet (not many people know that that's what A Wrinkle In Time, A Wind in The Door, Many Waters, and A swiftly Tilting Planet are collectively called)

f. The Series Of Unfortunate Events

g. Just about everything else!

submitted by Ima Bookworm, age 10, somewhere, anyw
(May 14, 2009 - 12:22 pm)

...with the obvious exceptions... :/

Are we now on the topic of obscure but relatively good authors? Elizabeth Enright is okay... oh, wait, sorry, that's realistic fiction... disregard...

Oh, a really awful book? Hatchet, by Gary Paulsen... no, sorry, that's RF too... never mind...

Okay, what about Brandon Mull?

submitted by Mary W., age 11.35, NJ
(May 14, 2009 - 3:16 pm)

Lovely thread, guys! Tho' I have read all the Warriors books (mind candy, mind you, and the last one was horrid), I am in complete favor of a non- Warrior thread!

The Percy Jackson books are fantastic. Although I do agree with the previously mentioned attitude about the lightning-creatures-cover, it reminds me of reading the books aloud to my sister last summer. I cannot wait to read the last book! 

The Terry Pratchit books are bleeping amazing! *luvs them* Haven't read Nation, tho'.

I have read Storm Thief! I liked it a lot, and felt it was well written. The characters and world were really awesome, too. I only wish I had learned what the chaos engine changed Orokos into...

Any Tamora Pierce Geeks? My fave books by her are The Immortals (Daine) and the Aly series.

Ummm... A Wrinkle in Time is amazing.... *is tired of postin-* *action is cut off by clicking submit* *submit*  


submitted by Willa
(May 14, 2009 - 6:14 pm)

I think it's kind of awful (if inevitable) that there should be ONE popular series (or two, or three) and and all the other authors, who are potentially better than the popular ones *coughcoughSMeyercough* are left in obscurity. What has Brandon Mull written? 

submitted by Aliza, age 13, Vermont
(May 14, 2009 - 8:10 pm)

Well, I'd like to contribute to a thread that has nothing to do with clans, but Harry Potter's the only thing I've liked that isn't realistic fiction, just about, I think. No offense to you fantasy lovers, but I really like books where people have names like Emily and Jennifer and Mike. I know, boring. That's just me.

submitted by Lena G
(May 15, 2009 - 8:22 am)

I have reached a conclusion: Lena can have a successful career as a comedian. ;)

Brandon Mull is Fablehaven, for whoever inquired.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.35, NJ
(May 15, 2009 - 3:43 pm)

Willa, your experiences with Warriors mirror mine. Koffee and I once had this whole warped discussion about Fablehaven. It was quite entertaining, until Mary W. changed the subject, and I was gloating NJ, and Jenni kept asking to be my friend... good times.

submitted by Reuben K
(May 15, 2009 - 4:57 pm)

@Reuben: Wait, YOU NOTICED?! You never said anything back.............transalation: I don't consider you a friend because you didn't go through the "ceremony" by saying that yes you want to be my friend. Sorry, mental block, ask XirTalleB. I like the Wheel of Time books by Robert Jordan. He wrote eleven books, but died in 2007 while writing the twelfth and last book in the series. The author who was hired to finish it is Brandon Sanderson, I think. Has anyone here heard of him? Is he any good? *urgently desires to go to library and look him up* and I also like Tad Williams (science fiction and fantasy ) especially his series Memory, Sorrow, and Thorn. GO SIMEON!!! haha aka Simon! And Josua, the One-Handed Prince! And his right hand (haha), Deornoth! And Princess Miriamele! And Binabik! and-you get my point. Also, Tailchaser, Tad's first book, is a win too. Yay for Tad!

submitted by Jenni, age 12.5, Nowhere
(May 17, 2009 - 7:25 pm)

There are plenty of fantasy characters with normal names.

submitted by Wizard
(May 15, 2009 - 5:27 pm)