Chatterbox: Blab About Books





Ok, but seriously guys, I have a giant hole in my heart.

I have read Hunger Games, the Hobbit,  Chronicles of Narnia, Divergent, I've tried Sherlock Holmes, I've tried Mary Poppins, etc.etc.


What do I do????????? 

submitted by Pearl, age Tomato, Gotham City
(February 15, 2017 - 4:30 pm)

Yes! Yes! Yes! I love Fablehaven so much! I've read the whole series three times and Warren and Seth are my favourites!

submitted by The Riddler
(February 17, 2017 - 8:14 pm)

Fablehaven is so good!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(February 19, 2017 - 10:08 pm)

Oh, I love Fablehaven! Read The Apothecary Series too!!!!

submitted by Bibliophile
(February 27, 2017 - 12:09 am)


I have seen Doctor Strange! It was great but it was weird that the main character didn't have an English accent, because I'm used to seeing him in Sherlock. XD 

Favourite villain: Ultron

Favourite avenger: I really like Captain America, Hawkeye, Black Widow and...oh, it's so hard to decide!!

submitted by Killim@Nebula
(February 17, 2017 - 6:12 pm)

wait... you like Sherlock too?!?! Ok, you are now my new best friend. (Just kidding) seriously though, there are not enough Sherlock fans, I have only met one other person who likes it. I really liked how they gave Ultron Tony's personality, it made the whole movie even more interesting!

submitted by Nebula@Killim
(February 18, 2017 - 2:02 am)

Try watching the movie Newsies!

I guarantee it is the GREATEST THING YOU WILL EVER SEE!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! 

submitted by Brooklyn Newsie
(February 18, 2017 - 10:51 am)

I agree with you about Snape, Pearl! He's a very interesting character, but he's not a hero or a good person at all. 

Here's a suggestion for you! The Chronicles of Prydain by Lloyd Alexander. It's a quintet following the story of Taran, a young Assistant Pig-Keeper living in Caer Dallben. The series follows him as he grows up. It takes it's roots in Welsh mythology and legend-- Prydain is inspired by Wales. It's refreshingly, truly funny, but also very deep. The comedy and darkness and bitter-sweetness create a world so much like our own--a world of beautiful, terrible, perplexing reality. As Taran matures, he undergoes the trials and pains and joys of growing up in a journey of loss and discovery that everyone can relate to. Also, the other characters he meets aren't your typical, rock-bland add-ins. They're bright and different and entirely likeable and individual. Please try it out-- you won't be sorry!


You said you read The Hobbit-- have you tried The Lord of the Rings, by J.R.R. Tolkien? It follows up on the events in The Hobbit, but it's much deeper. It has revealed so much to me-- this is not story from which it is possible to emerge unchanged. In fact, I'm not entirely certain you ever emerge at all, having shut it's cover-- it lives on with you, and in you, and around you.  

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(February 18, 2017 - 1:02 pm)

Two words. Doctor Who. UGh I love that fandom so much...

submitted by Nighthawk/Ember
(February 19, 2017 - 5:08 pm)

Try The Wingfeather Saga! (Obviously!XD) And Scarlet and Ivy, and The Mysterious Benedict Society, and the Rise and Fall of Mount Majestic, I could go on and on!

submitted by Leeli
(February 19, 2017 - 8:01 pm)

Guys, everyone knows that when in dought resort to Star Wars.

submitted by Cmon guys
(February 21, 2017 - 7:40 pm)

Nah Star Trek is soooo much better. 

submitted by Nighthawk/Ember
(February 24, 2017 - 9:37 am)

Star Wars, and, um...LORD OF THE RINGS!!!

submitted by Nope.
(February 24, 2017 - 9:37 am)


Also, how old are you? I have a mental list but some are a bit mature. 

Don't worry, there's no end of the fandoms! 

submitted by Bibliophile
(February 27, 2017 - 12:05 am)

Try Dear Evan Hansen, Kid n Teenagers (It's a comic), Young Sherlock Holmes, and A Tale Dark and Grim...That's really the only things I have...

submitted by Quirker
(March 8, 2017 - 3:41 pm)


The Percy Jackson series and the Heroes of Olympus series is AWESOME! Percabeth infinity! Ugg, love the fandom, they make the best headcannons and memes. And the ships are to FALL for. Haha. Plus, you don't have to wait for the next book to come out because there are some serious cliff hangers. 


submitted by Ghost Queen
(March 10, 2017 - 2:13 pm)