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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

The City of Ember
Have you ever...

Have you ever imagined what the future will hold? What is waiting for us? How will our descendants' lives possibly be different? Jeanne DuPrau has an idea. The story takes place in an underground city, the city of Ember, a city where the generator is their source of light and electricity, and the sky is black, and the storage rooms hold medicine, clothing, and cans of food for years to come. Two 12 year olds, Lina Mayfleet and Doon Harrow, create an unexpected friendship on "Assignment day" the day where all 12 year olds are assigned to their job. When Lina finds a message full of holes, the two teens think it's instructions for a way out of Ember left to them from the people who built their city. Oh, have I mentioned, Ember is a dying city. The generator is breaking down, they have blackouts for minutes at a time, and there's something wrong with the green house crops! Together, Lina and Don must work together to save their city before the lights go out, forever. 

There are three more books of Ember, each with an exciting story waiting in this future world.

Book 2, The people of Sparks: Lina and Doon have led the Emberites to the town of Sparks, and their leaders decide that they can stay for 6 months to learn the ways of life above ground, where electricity is a forgotten thing and the sun beats down at them from a blue sky. But soon, arguments are raging between the people of Sparks and the "cave people." When Doon is accused of vandalism, things only get worse. The Emberites might be sent out before 6 months is up, who knows what could happen then.

Book 3, The Prophet of Yonwood: Nikki's grandfather has died, and her mom and aunt now inherit Greenhaven, his former dwelling place, located in Yonwood. With the crisis seeming inevitable between the US and the Phoenix Nations, Nikki thinks Yonwood might be the place to get away from all that. Her mom and aunt are trying to sell Greenhaven, but Nikki has three goals to accomplish while she's around.

1. Keep Greenhaven

2. Fall in love

3. Help the world

Also, in Yonwood, there's a prophet. Althea Tower has had a vision and her friend, Brenda Beeson, is sure it's a message from God. The prophet goes into a coma like state and the town hurries to make sense of her concerned murmurs. Mabye, just mabye, if they do as she says they might be spares from the crisis. Nikki explores these odd things while searching for a way to accomplish her goals.

Book 4, The  Diamond of Darkhold:

We're back to Doon and Lina's time, and winter is coming soon to Sparks. When a romer shows up with a book bearing the inscription "For the People of Ember" Lina and Doon are sure that they've forgotten something in the abandoned city. Something of great value and power that could change their lives. Besides, even if they don't find it, they can bring back supplies for Sparks. But when they meet unwanted acquaintances back in Ember, their journey takes a turn. And when their friends in Sparks find out where the two have gone, they are determined to find and rescue them. And I bet you're wondering, what is this item?

(March 6, 2017 - 5:24 pm)

I love those books!!! Im probably going to read through them again soon.

submitted by Crookshanks, age 2nd year, Hogsmeade
(March 7, 2017 - 11:34 am)