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Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Fantasy Book Recommendations
Hey everybody! So...

Hey everybody! So I know Cockleburr already has a book rec thread, but if you guys could give me some book recs, I'd love that. Another reason I made this thread was specifically for fantasy book recs. I usually prefer fantasy books, but I'll also read some historical fic and realistic fic. I also like animal books. I try to avoid too much romance and mature themes, and I'm not comfortable with LGBTQ+ themes either. If you could include some short synopsis of the books, that would be great, but just the title and author are fine too. Thanks!

submitted by Leeli
(August 30, 2017 - 9:43 am)

@Everyone who commented on Throne of Glass:

yes, this is all true, about the swearing and mature content. In Throne of Glass, that is. The farther along the series you get, the more mature and detailed the romance gets. I wish it wasn't there, because this is an amazing book series with unexpected plot twists, and the characters are so real! But I would not reccommend this book to anyone under the age of maybe 14 or 15. (I'm younger than that, and I read it, but I probably shouldn't have read the later books). All in all, I would say definetely put this on your future reading list if you are younger than 14-15.


submitted by Starseeker, age 156 moons, Enterprise
(October 23, 2017 - 6:28 pm)

Anything by SJMaas is wonderful. 

I’m also finding that I rather like Cassandra Clare’s book (The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, etc.) 


the Grisha trilogy is also great.

As is 6 of Crows


submitted by Kestrel, Returning to Reality
(October 26, 2017 - 7:13 am)

I love The Mortal Instruments, The Infernal Devices, and The Dark Artifices! They're all great series by Cassandra Clare, and there are other books that go along with them that you can read along the your way through her universe. There's also a tv show about The Mortal Instuments called Shadowhunters, it's a good representation of the books and I would recommend watching it after reading TMI. I also love the Legend trilogy by Marie Lu; it's based in a post apocalyptic world and the characters are really interesting. There are cliffhangers and some really sad moments, but it's still a great series! Wow, that was long. 

submitted by Ghost Queen
(November 7, 2017 - 5:57 pm)

The Unwanteds by Lisa Mcmann

It's about these twins, they live in a world where you get killed for being creative, when one of the brothers gets caught being creative he is brought with other kids to the great lake of boiling oil which he'll get thrown into, but instead he is saved and gets into a world full of creativity and color but his brother isn't with him and he misses him, he'll try anything to get him to that world, but what if he exposes the wonderful world then there will be war. But it turns out his brother isn't his best friend anymore he's his worst enemy. 

submitted by Barnswallow
(November 14, 2017 - 3:39 pm)

The Foxcraft trilogy by Inbali Iserles. It is about a young fox named Isla who lives in the Graylands. (Basically suburbia) Isla's family is killed by a group of Taken, foxes who have had their wills stolen by-- *claps hand over mouth* Well, you'll find that out in the second book. She meets a fox named Siffrin who tells her about a thing called Foxcraft. Foxcraft is a magical art used for good and self-protection. It can be twisted for evil though. Some of the things in Foxcraft are karakking, which is when a fox 'throws' his/her voice, making it sound like another creature and seemingly come from somewhere else. There is also slimmering, stilling the mind and body and making the illusion of invisibility. That is all I will say, since anything more would be spoiling. The last book is the best, but the other two are also really good.

submitted by Aspen
(November 23, 2017 - 7:51 pm)

I would definitely recommend the Pendragon series, by D.J. MacHale. Bobby Pendragon is a normal and very popular kid, but his world changes when his Uncle Press tells him that he is what's called a Traveler. There is an evil traveler named Saint Dane, and he is trying to cause chaos on the Territories, which are like different worlds. Bobby must travel to different territories and stop Saint Dane from destroying them, with the help of other Travelers. Each territory is unique, and each book focuses on the conflict on a different territory. There is a little bit of romance (Bobby likes a girl named Courtney, they kiss), but it is not overwhelming. Really good books, a lot of adventure, the author is AMAZING. By far my favorite series.

submitted by booknerd
(January 10, 2018 - 9:27 pm)