Since everyone else

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Books. That. I. Liked.
Since everyone else...

Since everyone else is doing this, it seemed appropriate.

1. Lord of the Rings        

Great books, hands down.

2. Harry Potter

J. K. Rowling is completely brilliant in using ancient mythology to create names and spells, plus they're just really fun books.

3. Twilight *ducks head to avoid numerous balls of paper*

Because I like it.

4. The Golden Compass

I can see why some people wouldn't like it, but it's still a great book.

5. Wicked

I'm not done with it yet, (almost) but so far, I love it.

6. A Wrinkle in Time

It's a great book, and it's cool how they use science in it.

7. Eragon

Dragons are awesome, plus good writing.

Wow. These are all fantasy so far. (it's not like I'm suprised, though)

8. Nicholas Flammel

Great book series, plus alchemy is always intresting.

9. Warriors

People sometimes get kind of.... obsesive about this series, but I think it's pretty good.

10. The Cat Ate My Gymsuit (otherwise known as An Attempt At Including A Non-fantasy Book to this List.)

Paula Danziger is always great, and I love the plot.

And there are more.......





submitted by Mathilda B., Greensburg, PA
(August 9, 2009 - 10:07 pm)

1. LOTR. Completely agreed.

2. HP. Loved these books. Probably my favorite series.

3. Twilight. Ugh. Hate. TROS!!!!!

4. Golden Compass. So-so, but the sequels ruined the story for me.

5.Wicked. I'm not allowed to read it until I'm 18.

6. Wrinkle in Time. At least it was original, but the plot didn't flow well IMHO.

7. Eragon. Ripoff of LOTR. Nothing else.

8. NicholasFlamel. Ah, I'm not the only one who likes these! Book 1 especially.

9. Warriors. Original warriors is good. Next-gen stuff like NP and PO3 was horrid.

10.Cat/gymsuit. Never read it.

submitted by Reuben
(August 10, 2009 - 12:06 pm)

LotR- Still reading.

HP- Excellent.

Twilight- I won't say anything, but if you recall, I was the one who scared you off you DtE twi-thread. Sorry bout that, by the way...

Golden Compass- Never read. Heard bad things, though.

Wicked- Also never read. Heard good things, though.

WiT- I'll have to reread that, it was *slightly* over my head when I was eight.

Eragon- No, thank you.

Nicolas Flamel- I saw them at the library, does that count for anything?

Warriors- No comment.

CamG- Actually, not such a Danziger fan myself.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.63, NJ
(August 10, 2009 - 1:46 pm)

Yeah, I remeber. Apology accepted. While we're on the subject, you guys are going to have to suffer through 2 more Twilight books! (or you can just ignore them, I was just under the opinion you had decided to read them all)

submitted by Mathilda B., Greensburg, PA
(August 11, 2009 - 6:08 pm)

1. I love LotR!

2. Oh yes. But I hate Harry-the-character.

3. I dislike it. Intensely. But I do love spoofs and parodies of it. :)

4. Found it boring, actually.

5. Lovelovelovelovelove...

6. On my list of "need to read this book", but I don't actually have it in my possession so...

7. Blech. Blatant LotR ripoff.

8. Never heard of it.

9. What Reuben said.

10. Never heard of it what's it about?

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(August 10, 2009 - 1:02 pm)

I've read 1 (great), 2 (great), 6(great, and it's actually sci-fi, not fantasy - have you read the rest of the series?), 7 (great), and 9 (pleasant, and verry addicting)!

submitted by Ima
(August 10, 2009 - 1:11 pm)