The things I

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Things I hate
The things I...

The things I hate in books as a list. Feel free to add your own. some of these are true for movies.

1. Random capitilization- hate hate hate hate. Okay so the Chosen One must Use his Gift to Bestow peace upon the Realm. I Hate that!!!!!

2. Fake words out of nowhere- Umm first you are talking normal and then you are taking wierd...

3. When the author gets too distracted by the word he/she is making that they forget the plot.- *coughHobbitcough*

4. Sparkly vampires- this needs no explanation.

5. There always has to be a crush- why do the charectors fall in lve with each other? Why? They don't HAVE to fall in love but they do just for the fun of it!!!

6. Dumbing down-kids are people too

7. All adults are evi evil people, except the fat ones that smile

8. When the book could be shorter, but isn't- Like all those extra pages when the plot only spreads two.

9. Adjectives- Sometimes the slightly deranged authors happily enjoy carelessly injecting unsightly adjectives because they simpelmindedly think that this, horrible, dastardly thing, could make them look more proffessoinal, smart ect.

10. Same goes for description.

Thats all for now, folks!


submitted by Adina , age 12, Mostly in fanta
(August 27, 2009 - 12:18 pm)

*gives cookies* You're just in time, Adina. I am annoyed at several things right now, at this moment, and needed to vent.

1. Dirty fingernails. *sarcastic nod* Thank you, outdoorsy day camp!

2. SUN. I LOATHE SUN. So. Much.

3. School. Twelve days.

4. Summer homework. No-brainer.

5. Bug spray. Thanks again, day camp! It's all greasy and slimy and... ugh. *shudder*

That's about it for now.

Regarding yours:

Caps: Actually, I *like* insane capitalization. ;)
Fake words: Tolerable for fantasy, though, naturally.
Plot distraction: Hobbit is right. ;)
Sparkly meyerpires: Weeeeeell...
Crushes: And they're always so predictable. The Percy-Annabeth vs. Percy-Rachel (vs. Percy-random-girl-on-island... what was with THAT?) was no fun because you /knew/ how it'd end.
Dumbing down: The word springing to mind would be "GIC." The word after that would be "hate."
Evil adults: Smiley adults are scarier than serious adults half the time. *shrug*
Long-drawn-out-books: *nods to Smeyer* That's you, m'dear.
Purple prose: See New Moon, page 118. One of the worst passages I've ever read. ;)

I feel whiny now, so sorry about all that... on a brighter note, I *do* enjoy day camp. And cookies. Um... and writing, reading, computer, fencing, LM, the HP roleplay, and a bunch of other stuff. I could make a positive list if you want... *trails off*

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 27, 2009 - 5:17 pm)

Yeah, that's what I was about to do (making a positive thread) since I seem to enjoy ranting. I thank you dearly for the cookie but I can not eat it since I have a tummy ake. I wish you luck in school. Maybe if you do something bad you can get kicked out and homeschool with me!!!! *looks at admin* I did not say that. *Disapears stealthily through the night...*

submitted by Adina , age 12, Mostly in fanta
(August 27, 2009 - 10:30 pm)


submitted by Adina, age 12, Mostly in fanta
(August 27, 2009 - 7:55 pm)

Argh. Yes. I CANNOT STAND #1. Fake words are OK if #3 doesn't interfere. #4 - didn't bother me too much. #5 - I can't read a straight out romance, but I don't mind a crush or two IF and only IF it contributes to the plot. Crushes for the sake of it? That's annoying. 

I've never experienced #6 or #7, I don't think.

#8 - H'm. If the book's good enough I usually don't mind. ;)

#9 and #10 - Annoying, annoying annoying. 

submitted by Lena
(August 28, 2009 - 7:59 am)

@ Adina: They'd never kick me out. :D I've done pretty bad things before... but never even gotten detention. Usually 'cause I have good reasons for doing the bad things. Other than having fun I mean.

Um, yes, I'll definitely shut up now... sorry...

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 28, 2009 - 3:54 pm)

I can't stand in all the stupid cartoon show that they have now that all adults are stupid dummies!  They make kids out to be smarter than their parents, and the kids get away with everything.  

I also hate books that don't breathe!  What I mean is, that the paragraphs are so long and quotations never end!!!  When characters talk forever without a break.  Without even one little pause to say, She scratched her forehead, or some little thing like that. 

submitted by R~D~, age 13
(August 29, 2009 - 8:24 pm)

But- but- but- Ray Bradbury writes like that ("jawbreaker" sentences, to use his term)! *hugs the Bradbury* And it is awesome!

submitted by TNÖ, age 16, Deep Space
(September 5, 2009 - 1:05 am)

1: I don't really mind it.

2: I don't really mind it.

3: I've never noticed any of this, and I've read The  Hobbit. Can I please have an example from that book?

4: I've never noticed any.

5: I don't mind well-described romances, but if it's just random and poorly-portrayed, I hate it.  Regarding PJatO: If random girl on the island means Calypso, she wasn't exactly random. She was actually in mythology. She did contibute to the plot. She served as a distraction, a way to take time away from Percy's quest. It would've been alot easier for him without her, so she was an obstacle.

6: The words that pop into my head are the same as Mary Liz's.

7: I hate books like that.

8: I like long books better, actually.

9 and 10: Adjectives and descriptions help the reader visualize what's happenning better. I like them.

submitted by Ima
(August 28, 2009 - 5:32 pm)

Good timing-I'm waiting for A Very Potter Musical to download, so....

1. I like, actually-and is the Choosen One Harry Potter?

2. Er.... Some fake words are okay, two many are ghastly.

3. Agree, but first HP and now Tolkien? I bet next is Twilight... *checks question* Yes, yes it is.

4. You people and your dislike for sparkly vegitarian (sp?) vampires.

5. I can stand it in Twilight, but if the writing's not good (yes, I like Smeyer) then I can't stand them.

6. Agree

7. Agree (I'm lazy)

8. Agree

9. ugh- GIC

10. Agree

My current list:

1. Kids running around for no reason. I never did that. Why should they?!? After all, as all of you know I was a model child. *grins evily*

2. People in 2nd grade talking about crushes and boyfriends

3. Trace Adkins

4. When A Very Potter Musical takes a long time downloading

5. THE WORLD!!!!! *laugh usually done by Dr. Evil* (I'm feeling espeacially evil today, okay?

submitted by Mathilda B., Greensburg, PA
(August 28, 2009 - 8:36 pm)

Also limits. Word limits, age limits, time limits. Not fun.

Um... the Chosen One can be anyone, really. It's a fantasy plot used way too much. Way, way too much. It could be Harry, it could also be Eragon, it could also be Otto, there are tons of people it could be. And it's always the MC, never, like, the MC's friend or sister or something. Gets annoying after awhile, really.

Yeah, Maggie and her... friends... do two things on that list, talk about crushes and randomly run around. Strange, isn't it?

submitted by Mary W., age 11.69, NJ
(August 31, 2009 - 7:54 am)

1. Annoys Me Too.

2. I like random words, if and only if they aren't used too much.

3. *coughTolkienisageniuscough* I really don't mind.

4. Hate to the infinith power. And everything asscociated with them.

5. Eh. Don't mind, but it is bad when predictable.

6. I hate dumbing down in general. I don't need things simplified for me.

7. In most of the books I read, most adults are neutral or good, and the fat ones that smile are the evil people.

8. Yes. One example of a story I like that doesn't have that problem.

For Sale: Baby shoes, never used.

Yes, someone actually wrote that as a story.

9. I agree. Simplicity.

10. I agree.


What I do to avoid those:

1. Obvious

2. Don't make them random, put in a coded message

3. My writing style doesn't really focus much on description or charactes, and it's not very loquacious.

4. No vampires in my stories, except things that caused the legends of vampires.

5. Make the character, if there is romance, fall in love with someone totally unexpected, such as the villian. (Data in "First Contact", Star Trek Next Generation Movie)

6. Don't dumb down.

7. As most of my characters are psycotic in one way or the other, there aren't defined lines between good and evil.

8. See three.

9. See 8.

10. See 9.

11. See 12.

12. See 11. 

submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(August 29, 2009 - 6:21 pm)

I know I posted here before... I'm not sure what happened to it. Well, assuming that it shows up before this does, I'd like to add to it.

About 6: I especially hate it when books dumb down people older than you. It makes you feel even more insulted. For example, I was 7 when I first read A Wrinkle In Time.  I loved it, and immediately started looking for more books by  Madeleine L'engle (spelling?). The other Time Quartet books were just as wonderful, but when I started reading the books about the Austin family (which, as far as I know, doesn't ave any other title – or did she call them te Chrono books one time? I don't remember), it dumbed down 8 -year-oldes. That was annoying.  I never finished it, actually. It was too hard at the time, anyway. However, I plan to start it again. I'm sure that anything by the author of A Wrinkle in Time and it's sequels would be good. Well... I can't be sure, I suppose. Kevin Henkes wrote Olive's Ocean, but he also wrote picture books about mice that only kindergarteners could enjoy. 

submitted by Ima
(August 29, 2009 - 8:49 pm)

Pirocks, for the Data refrence, you get ASTOUNDING QUANTITIES OF VIRTUAL CHOKLIT!!!

submitted by Reuben
(September 1, 2009 - 2:08 pm)

Thanks. Someone's writing a fantasy movie script where I turn into Data at one point. *smile*


Thanks for the choklit. 

submitted by Pirocks/Enceladus
(September 20, 2009 - 12:07 pm)

1.Don't mind it very much.

2.It is okay until you can't understand it at all...

3.Huh? I don't really get this one. Then again, I've never read The Hobbit...

4.Never read Twilight, don't plan to.

5.I'm not a romance person. Only unless if it is VERY well done,I suppose.

6.Haven't really experienced it. I guess I like books about smart people.

7.Adults are bad guys often, but I don't mind. I have some video games where I like the bad guys.Well, some of them, anyways. And the bad guys are often thin. Ahhh!Eat, you people! If a kid was the main bad guy, they would seem inexperienced.

8.Long books rock!

9 and 10. I don't see why you don't like people who are descriptive.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(September 3, 2009 - 8:06 pm)