Anyone want to

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Anyone want to...

Anyone want to join Darkclan?

submitted by Deathstar, age 18 moons
(September 13, 2009 - 5:32 pm)

These warriors RPs are getting a bit too excessive. Three new ones today alone!

submitted by Reuben
(September 14, 2009 - 6:04 am)

Yes, and... *counts* six or seven this week alone, should memory serve. And a lot of them are re-posted things... not to troll, but maybe could you guys tone it down just a tad?...

submitted by Mary W., age 11.71, NJ
(September 14, 2009 - 3:05 pm)

There are way too many... The thing is, some of the threads have about 18 pages. I can imagine that some people (er... cats?) might not want to read all that before joining a Clan, but would stilll want to roleplay. I imagine that's why people (or cats, whichever term you prefer) make so many new Clans...

I do participate in the Warriors RP, but I try not to make new threads for it. In fact, I've only  made one, if memory serves. Although if every Warriors RPer makes 1 new thread, we'd have a big problem...

But anyway, Deathstar of DarkClan?  Hm... Something tells me Deathstar is going to turn out a villain... Just a piece of advice: try not to make that so obvious next time.

submitted by Ima
(September 14, 2009 - 9:44 pm)

Deathstar? interesting name...

submitted by a cat
(September 14, 2009 - 4:34 pm)

It's making me think of Star Wars.

submitted by Jen
(September 14, 2009 - 8:18 pm)

Oh my gosh! I didn't see that! How could I not have seen that?

submitted by a cat
(September 16, 2009 - 5:12 pm)

F: I'll join as deputy. 

S: And i'll be a warrior.


Name: Furyfang (TOM)

Coat color: Dusk brown.

Eye color: Amber.

Personality: Quiet. Strong. Bold.

Name: Shadowclaw (SHE-CAT!)

Coat color: Black.

Eye color: Green.

Personality: Proud. Fierce. Strong.



submitted by Furyfang and, Shadowclaw
(September 20, 2009 - 1:28 am)

Shadowclaw and Furyfang, you can join. We need a medicine cat though...

submitted by Deathstar
(January 15, 2010 - 6:02 pm)