I have a

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Random Thoughts About Books
I have a...

I have a lot of things I want to say about books not mentioned much here, but the length of things I wish to say do not merit individual threads. So, this thread is for posting random thoughts about books! I'll start.

1. Watership Down. I'm rereading it. The writing is as brilliant and the main sub-plot non-brilliant as ever.

2. MAX. I hated this book. Way to take a good sci-fi action mystery and wreck it. James Patterson realized what hereally wanted to write was "global warming romance". I mean, not to spoil the ending, but really, let's have some plot, please. *head-desk-repeat*

3. I can't seem to get through any Terry Pratchett. I've tried to read Wee Free Men, Only You can Save Mankind, and Nation, but I haven't  been able to get past the middle.

4. HG2G is very weird. Awesome, but weird. And that's coming from someone who once/twice wore a bathrobe and carried a towel on Thursday amd thinks the answer to "how much wood can a woodchuck chuck if a woodchuck could chuck wood?" is "42".

5. Rebecca Stead is a really awesome writer. When You Reach Me was one of the best books I read this year.

That's all for now.

submitted by Reuben
(October 18, 2009 - 7:47 am)

Oh, Christopher Paolini... *shakes head sadly*

((The location and age boxes switched up again... Now I have to reprogram my brain to adjust to it... *is lazy* *is in too bad a mood to be coherent*))

((And the "this question is for testing..." thingy keeps showing up... How'd they guess I'm a nonhuman visitor?))


Hi Mary,

We've been getting a lot of spam comments lately, so we had to increase the security settings a little bit. That's why the question thing keeps showing up. Sorry for the annoyance...hopefully we can lower the security soon.


submitted by Mary W., age 11.83, NJ
(October 21, 2009 - 3:44 pm)

Oh, it's no annoyance, Admin... We understand that spam comes through every now and then... I was just in a really bad mood. I'm much more cheerful now though. *pleasant smile*

submitted by Mary W., age NJ, 11.83
(October 21, 2009 - 5:48 pm)

Well, I personally liked the MAX book. BTW, did you read the ones before it?

submitted by Jean, age 11, AK
(October 21, 2009 - 6:50 pm)

Reuben's List (I'll comment on everyone's eventually, when I have time):

1: I loved it. 

2: Never heard  of it, and I don't plan to read it.

3: Never read TP.

4: It sounds very creative, but not my type of book.

5: WYRM sounds good...

submitted by Ima
(October 21, 2009 - 9:23 pm)

@ Jean: Yes, I read the previous books in the series. Book 1 was awesome. Books 2 and 3 slightly less so. Book 4, you could tell the end was near. And in MAX, the end of the series actually being good came.

submitted by Reuben
(October 22, 2009 - 6:22 am)

I loves Watership Down.

Are those the maximum ride novels? I've read three of them I think, not in order, so it was all very confusing... they kind of annoyed me. Like how max is the narrator and has to talk like a teenager the whole time. And I hate Fang. Gross. I also hate how she calls Angel honey.

Harry Potter. I was a harry fan the whole time. I think she did good with the last book. It's brilliant.

Eragon. Like reuben said, exactly like LOTR, and also a little bit Narnia, like how he's always scrying, or whatever it's called, with the pool of water. It's annoying how he uses words in his dialect that no one ever use in real life, even back when Eragon is supposed to take place, although you never even know what time period that is, and that's real annoying too. errr... long sentance.

I have never heard of Rebecca Strand before.

I hate the Clique books. GROSS! I hate them sooo much, I would drown one of them. But can books actually drown? 

submitted by JFB, age 13, Here and There
(October 22, 2009 - 8:08 am)

((Umm, random comment having nothing to do with books featured below!))

@TNO The part of your post about the mom with a 9-year-old in District 9, my mom went to see some rated R movie with my dad that was some super-hero related movie (don't remember the name) and there was a 4-or-5-year-old there! And one part, the hero-people had to, like, justify why they killed someone, so they showed an evil dude murdering a 6 year old, and that poor 4 or 5 year old saw that, and that wasn't even the worst part! I can't believe a parent could be so stupid! Sorry for my unrelated rantings... I'll leave now.

submitted by Emma
(October 22, 2009 - 4:09 pm)

Not a nine-year-old. She was four or five.

The movie (for those who don't know) involved a Nazi-esque anti-alien campaign in Johannesburg while the main human (Wikus) was gradually turned into one of the aliens and the main alien (Christopher) attempted to repair the control unit for the ship so they could escape. There was a subplot with scary Nigerian... cannibal people... and an awful lot of blood/High Octarine Nightmare Fuel/swearing/Cluster F-Bombs/squick etc. etc. etc.

Needless to say, the mother with her four-year-old ended up leaving, oh, half an hour in? 

submitted by TNÖ, age Deep Space, 16
(October 24, 2009 - 8:06 pm)

@ ML's list: 1: I read the first... let's just say... 80 pages of the BT, and found them very boring (B himself irked me), so I didn't finish it, nor did I read HotV.

submitted by Ima
(October 23, 2009 - 7:17 pm)

I accidentally hit Submit, so I'lll continue.

2:  They're great! Couldn't you ask Tommy to borrow the last ones? Or is he not allowed to lend books? Or does he not want to? Or is he just a slow reader? 

submitted by Ima
(October 23, 2009 - 7:32 pm)

Hannah's List:

1: It was awesome!

2: I loved LotR! Hannah, I understand if you don't comprehend it now (my mom doesn't either, so it's certainly no big deal), but do you think you could try reading it again when you're older? I'm only asking becuase I felt the exact same way about Inkspell when I tried to read it at 7 yrs old, but I love it now!

3: Erm... I don't read picture books.

4: What is it about?

5: I liked ToBtB!

8: I loved Eragon as much as HP, and have *reasonably* good arguments (in my opinion, at least) against many of the bad things people have just said about the series, but I don't reallly enjoy debating about this particular subject.

9: TSS is awesome!

submitted by Ima
(October 23, 2009 - 9:23 pm)

@ Ima: Unfortunately we don't get to see each other that often, but he can eventually loan them to me. :D *gloats a bit*

And I agree about not wanting to debate Eragon-Eldest-Brisingir. I think we've taken that argument as far as we can.

submitted by Mary W., age 11.83, NJ
(October 24, 2009 - 11:05 am)

@ Ima: I might try to read LotR again when I'm older (eventually). I posted on Old Cricket's Library what Juniper and Wise Child are about *Is too lazy to type all about it right now*. I hope Frederic S. Durbin has a book signing when The Star Shard comes out! *Crosses fingers*

submitted by Hannah P., age 13, Georgia
(October 24, 2009 - 7:14 pm)

 Okay, I just sort of skimmed through this thread. So this is going to be kind of a rambling post.

Anyway, I read Juniper (but not Wise Child, although it's on theTo-Read list). I thought it was an excellent book, but that might bepartly because it's up my alley, so to speak.

I read Terry Pratchett's Nation. I thought it was supposed to be historical fiction, which threw me off (Where the heck are the Mothering Sunday Islands, anyway?!?) forthe first half of the book, until I figured out that it was some kindof alternate universe. But once I got that straightened out, I thoughtit made some excellent points.

Harry Potter... What can I say that hasn't been said? JKR isdefinitely going down in literary history, that's for sure. I love theseries, and although I think some of the characters' deaths wereslightly gratuitous *coughFredcough*, I don't have any majorgrievances. It's some of my favorite bedtime reading when I want torelax because the characters are like old friends. I've only read alittle of Beedle the Bard, but what I read was good.

Eragon is...kind of...good. If you discount the fact large parts ofthe plot were stolen directly from the classic Star Wars movies, it'spretty impressive. Paolini definitely has the potential to be a goodauthor... but he isn't there yet. I got annoyed in the first bookbecause Eragon was so dadgum clumsy - it seemed like he spent half thebook nursing one injury or another. Subsequent books improved in someways (Eragon as a character got slightly less annoying) and degeneratedin others (plot moving slower, but at least it diverged from StarWars).

@ Hannah - Ok, I can understand not understanding LotR, it's kind ofdense compared to a lot of stuff. But the writing not good? Did you seeall the poetry? Tolkien wrote some really outstanding poetry, and Ithink the only reason he's not quoted more is because it doesn't makemuch sense out of its context (and walking around spouting Tolkienpractically screams "nerd").


submitted by Falmiriel
(October 24, 2009 - 12:14 am)

Doing things that scream "nerd" is sometimes considered a good thing. Just saying. (see my original post about HG2G).

submitted by Reuben
(October 24, 2009 - 4:09 pm)