Hello WOF fans!!

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Hello WOF fans!!...

Hello WOF fans!! This thread is for anything wings of fire. It's for sharing fanfic or talking about favorite characters. You can exchange WOF knowledge or favorite books. Think of it like a book club! ( you can talk about other books too but my main focus is this series ) I wish you could post art on Blab About Books otherwise we could share fan art but it's fine. Anyway I hope you enjoy this thread and connect with people who have the same interests as you! 

~ LunaWolf 
submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, 12 winters
(February 3, 2022 - 9:58 pm)

YESSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSSssssssssssss Wings Of Fire is my life.... My water bottle is covered w/WoF stickers. My friend got me a Kinkajou pin for my birthday (she also has a Moon pin!). Many of my friends got me dragon-related stuff for my b-day. I have two dragon/book shirts (in purple, and they arrived at my house the same day...). I have books 1-14..... Heh. Yeah. I'm definetly a FanWing. Hey, even my CB name is my WoF oc! My fave character is Kinkajou. (I dressed up as her for Halloween...). She's spindiddly, in my opinion. And book 10 proved that even more for me... She should totally have a book... My friend and I started to write her a book, but we didn't really get past the prologue... Anyways, what I'm saying is that Wings of Fire is the best!

submitted by Rainbow!, age 12!!!, Pyrrhia, (she/her)
(February 4, 2022 - 5:46 pm)

Awesome!!! Yes same I'm TOTALLY a Fanwing! I own all the books too and the forge your own dragon world one. I haven't done it yet though. Also I agree Kinkajou should have her own book, she really deserves it. I can't wait till the 15th one comes out! I hope it's not the last one. My favorite characters are Moon, Kinkajou ( obviously ), Sky, Sunny, Glory, Quibli, and Wren but all the characters are amazing. I'm in a Wings of fire roleplay club and I was thinking maybe we could do one on here too if enough people join. Hooray for wings of fire!! Best series ever 

submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, Narnia
(February 4, 2022 - 10:34 pm)

I am SOOOO a Fanwing! My favorite tribe is Nightwings, my favorite character is Moonwatcher(I like her so much if I had to change my CBer name I would change it to Moonwatcher2.(since there is already a Moonwatcher out there)), and my favorite book is Moon Risng.( All about Moon LOL) I am obsessed with dragons, I even have my own WoF OC I made on an Avatar Maker.(I posted it in 'ART POSTING') I have read almost all the books, (2 books left!) And I even made a fan-based WoF series!(3 books are done, 1 I am working on, and the last one I haven't started yet.) So, total Fanwing! I hope that they make more books in the series! Like soon! And I agree! Kinkajou should have her own book! In my books I am making, I let Peacemaker have a book.(If you don't know who he is I am not giving spoilers away) Also 4 characters I created are in my books! I wanted to be a dragon for Halloween this year, but we couldn't find a costume that would work, so I have to be a cat. Well, that's all about my whole entire WoF Fanwing extravaganza! See ya!


P.S. I made my own prophecy too! 

submitted by Ayles C., age 11, Colorado
(October 13, 2022 - 3:57 pm)
submitted by WOF-TOP, Pyrrhia
(February 4, 2022 - 5:46 pm)

Ooh~ Watcha wanna talk about??? My favourite character is undoubtedly Moon(Watcher?) and I aspire to be an inky black psychic dragon some day-

Anyway. WOF. Yea. 

Ooh, also that prickly Leaf-speaker in the 3rd generation. I like her and Willow too... 

Also WHY? WHAT? How did Quibli end up with Moon??? I was lowkey rooting for local Tsundere boi (in other words Winter) and Moon, but I guess maybe he 'didn't deserve' to end up with her because of how horribly he treated her, especially at the beginning. I don't buy it, but I get the argument. :/ 

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(February 4, 2022 - 10:43 pm)

I think moon is my favorite character too. Also how did I forget sundew when I was listing my favorites?! I like quibli and moon together. I think he's better for her because like you said when was pretty rude to her. I did feel bad for winter though :( my favorite book is definitely moon rising. It's amazing. Also I found these drawings I did forever ago of some of the characters when I first read the series. There pretty bad XD 

submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, Narnia
(February 5, 2022 - 2:51 pm)

Never say that again about your art this is AMAZING the head and the colors and everything else-

whenever anyone says that to me I'm usually like "...you're just saying that though" so know this that drawing is genuinely amazing

submitted by Tsuki the Skywolf
(February 5, 2022 - 8:39 pm)

Yeah, especially the wings and claws look awesome!



P.S. (Just to clarify, I'm not saying that I don't like Quibli, or his relationship with Moon since it is a respectful, un-forced relationship. It just felt like it came a little out of nowhere for me personally; whereas Winter seemed to have a guilty admiration/fancy for Moon since the moment he first met her/we saw his thoughts about her. Then he takes out all of his negative emotions on her for a stupid reason. However, by the end of his arch he's willing to face his past actions and move past the extreme trauma of his childhood, while refusing to let the abusive, cut-throat society he belongs to dictate his life and decisions -- he's willing to become a better dragon and partner who is loving and respectful. Yet all of that growth and potential is cut short by moon being like, 'Actually, I'm with Quibli now :/'

I find it frustrating that thematically it seems to suggest that 'be good from the start, and you can get anything you want :D' while those who have to work their butts off to dig themselves out of a pretty crumby situation like Winter, are just sorta dismissed, and their efforts discredited, basically saying; 'so what, if you work hard to get out of your difficult situation? It doesn't matter, you won't get what you want in the end.' I can't bring myself to love that resolution to the Quibli-Moon-Winter dynamic entirely. It looked like there could've been a redemptive moment for all of that trouble and growth, but it was completely squandered in the end; instead reinforcing that sort of toxic notion of 'purity.'

[Of course that's not to say that just because Winter liked Moon he was entitled to a relationship with her/her liking him back. That's simply not the case. I only believe the whole thing could've been executed better to send a better message: Like saying, 'I don't want to date you because you treated me terribly and I don't want a partner like that' instead of the comparatively weaker, 'Oh, sorry. I can't date you since I'm with someone else now :P.' I think the former would have been a much more powerful statement.] So basically, even if Moon didn't accept his feelings, that would've been fine; that's not the problem. It's the thematic undertones that rub me the wrong way.

Of course, I can definitely still see the less oppressive, and prolly more direct message too, like; 'don't take what/who you have for granted, because they might not be available in the future,' but it feels a lot more superficial to me. Granted -- I tend to overthink, though, so don't let me tell you what to believe. Form your own opinions based on your personal experiences!)

Anyway, sorry 'bout the rant, thanks for putting up with me, I guess. :P

submitted by Jaybells, age Obscure, Lost in the Universe
(February 6, 2022 - 1:22 pm)

Thanks guys! Honestly saying my art is bad is sorta a defense mechanism for me. Like I think I have to say it's bad before other people do? Idk why I do it. But anyway thanks!

Yeah I agree with what you said jaybells. Winter tried really hard to be a better dragon for moon. I also did really like there relationship, and even though moon chose quibli I think it really helped winter to work harder on what he says and also the more obvious: not all nightwings suck and your not the only one that matters. But I also think that even though moon was more like, oh sorry I can't date you since I'm with someone else now, he probably got the message that he should have treated her better. Another thing is that I just don't know if moon is the right dragon for him. She's gentle and sweet and his grumpy standoffishness didn't exactly match that. Hopefully winter finds someone who he loves just as much. Also I just find quibli very endearing. Also pretty hilarious. Anyway we can talk more about the moon-quibli-winter situation later but I have a question: 

Do you guys think flames of hope is the last last book? Like I know it's the last one in the lost prophecy arc but is that the last WOF arc? As much as I love the series and wish I could go on forever, I kinda think ( don't judge me on this ) that it should be. I mean the series has to find its ending somewhere and I think there building up a pretty good one with the 15th book. Also I'm worried if she continues the series with another arc I'm gonna be old and gray by the time they all come out ( or a teen ) and won't be interested anymore or feel like I'm too old to read them ( even though wings of Fire isn't too young for anyone! ) my friend said that he thinks it will be the last book but maybe Tui could do like another arc with the next generation. Another series with like bumblebee, Auklet, cliff, peacemaker, and some others as the protagonists. I like that idea. Maybe it could even be a stand alone legend that's like the future of jade mountain academy. What are your guys opinions on the topic? 

P.S jay I didn't have to put up with you, that was a good rant and my post is weak in comparison XD 

submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, Narnia
(February 6, 2022 - 10:38 pm)

I think it's entirely possible that the main series has come to an end. This might not be evidence, but I noticed that in the epilogues of books #5 and #10, a new conflict or idea is introduced -- for example, Sunny thinks of Jade Mountain Academy and the dragonets make plans. At the end of the fifteenth, there isn't as much of that. Someone also pointed out to me that although the main series might be finished, Tui T. Sutherland could still continue Legends and Winglets and such.

Anyway, these are just my random ideas. Also, who are your favorite characters? Mine are Kinkajou and Bumblebee.

submitted by Wafflecat, age 11, with her nose in a book
(November 4, 2022 - 7:29 pm)
submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, Narnia
(February 5, 2022 - 2:52 pm)

So excited: I'm first in line for my library's copy of TFOH :D

submitted by Raven
(February 5, 2022 - 6:30 pm)

I can't wait! It comes out in April right?

submitted by LunaWolf , age 12 winters, Narnia
(February 5, 2022 - 9:54 pm)

Yes, I think so. *EEEEeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee* *squealing and jumping around crazily with excitment* I gotta add the book to my collectionnnnnnn

submitted by Rainbow!, age 12!!!, Midnight Gulch
(February 6, 2022 - 8:53 am)


submitted by TOPPER, age T0P, TOPPINGTOWN
(February 12, 2022 - 11:52 am)