As everyone has

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Opposite of Complications
As everyone has...

As everyone has probably seen, there's a game at the moment called Complications, where one person posts the title of a book and the next person makes a very long-drawn-out, complicated version of that title and posts the next title. This is the opposite of this game, as suggested by Lupine! A person posts a very complicated version of a book title, the next person tries to guess what the book was originally called and posts the next complicated version.

First one: A Very Miniscule Place Where People Usually Live Which Happens To Be In The Middle Of An Expanse Of Grasses, Wildflowers, Etc.

submitted by Amethyst, age many years, Arendelle
(November 13, 2022 - 9:28 am)

Ooh, I LOVE The Greenglass House!! And Bluecrowne, and The Theif Knot, and the Ghosts of Greenglass House, and The Raconteur's Commonplace Book, and the Left-Handed Fate! And I'm pretty sure no one can get mine... it's a few comments up (the one that starts with "a fancy word, which reminds me of a cat..." , so, hint: (ONE) of the author's is NOT dead, the other is. If you've read it, you'll prob have a better chance of getting it now!

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(July 2, 2023 - 10:35 pm)

Yay, you got it!!! I also love the series so far, but I haven't read The Left-Handed Fate yet.

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(July 4, 2023 - 3:13 pm)

@Moon Wolf, good job!! Did I make to easy?

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(July 4, 2023 - 3:14 pm)

I just kind of broke down the words and thought about what books with those titles actually exist. I originally thought purple but it didn't make sense because it's not a book title lol

submitted by Moon Wolf , age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(July 4, 2023 - 5:12 pm)

@CelineBurning Bright, is the book The Purloinig of Prince Oleomargarine? I took about 20 minutes doing research, it was so hard!

submitted by Cloud Bunny, age forever, Up in the Clouds
(July 4, 2023 - 3:38 pm)

WOAH! Yes it is! That's pretty committed! :)    I LOVE the Purloining of Prince Oleomargarine (yes, partly because of the name, but it is a really good book with really good drawings) and totally recommend it! YAY PESTILENCE AND FAMINE! Oh, just realized what I just said probably sounded terrible, right? I meant the character in the book, she's one of my favorite characters. I love the drawing of her doing her dance! Has anyone read it? It's kinda like Mark Twain's last book, he died before he could finish it, so brother and sister Philip and Erin Stead took up the story! That's what I meant by the hint, in the Note at the beginning from Philip Stead, he made it very clear that he was NOT dead (idk about now tho...), even though if you said his name fast, it sounded like "Philip's dead".

submitted by CelineBurning Bright, age As Needed, The FireMist Sea
(July 4, 2023 - 5:37 pm)

The Number That Typically Occurs After Five of Black Scavenger Birds Known for Making A Noise That Sounds Like "Caw"

Male Ruler of Lingering Scratches

Gray Figure Created by Obstruction of Sunlight and Skeleton Material




submitted by fallen leaf, 11:11
(July 7, 2023 - 5:23 pm)

Hmm, let's see...

Six of Crows?

King of Scars?

Shadow and Bone?

Okay, here's mine:

An Illumination Of Brightness Within The Hazy Water Condensation Cloud 

submitted by Moon Wolf, age lunaryears, A Celestial Sky
(July 7, 2023 - 7:48 pm)

yep, all three correct! as you may have guessed, i love the grishaverse :D (six of crows is definitely my favorite but i love all three series)

submitted by fallen leaf, 11:11
(July 8, 2023 - 4:35 pm)