Alright, i haven't

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Different Warrior RP
Alright, i haven't...

Alright, i haven't really done the Warrior RPs much, but i have been reading a lot of the different Clan Threads. I would like to keep this one as close to the books as possible. I think that it would be fun to do it more like a Harry Potter RP. It would be really great if you all joined!!!

This is MoorClan. Our Clan lives on a wide moor, we hunt mainly rabbit, ground squirrels, and marmots. We are incredibly proud, loyal, trustworthy and fearless. Our camp is in a patch of briers not far from a brook.

Name: Eaglestar
Description: She-cat. Dark grey with black stripes. Green eyes. Long tail. 
Position in Clan: Leader 


A lean she-cat stalked through a bramble tunnel into the camp. the earth was damp and cold beneath her paws. Cold air swept through the briers and ruffled the fur on the limp rabbit that she held in her jaws. A warrior nodded as she passed. Eaglestar, for that was her name, placed her fresh-kill on a small pile. The camp was mostly empty, for the clan did not have many cats, she yowled into the night. "Starclan, please send me cats, who will live by the Warrior Code!"

And as her prayer was answered, cats came...


Alright, join in however you want!!

P.S. If there is a Clan on here named MoorClan, please let me know, i'll change the name. 

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 16, 2009 - 1:57 am)

*Speaks in Pretty voice* Greetings Eaglestar. I would like to become a queen. I will have kits soon.I lost my mate to a bager. Plese let me join. I need a place to stay and have my kits. Here is my description:

Name: Dreamspirit

Gender: She-cat

Pelt color: Tortishell

Eye color: Light Green

Age: 13 moons

Please let me join Eaglestar. Please.

submitted by Dreamspirit, age 13 moons
(November 16, 2009 - 12:10 pm)

Eaglestar rushed to the queen. "You are most welcome here, Dreamspirit." The two she-cats walked together to MoorClan's nursery. It was warm and lined with feathers and rabbit fur. "You can stay here until your kits reach 6 moons," Eaglestar told her. "They will be valuable to this Clan."


(I am writing this Warrior RP like a Harry Potter one.) 

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 16, 2009 - 5:07 pm)

*Pads into camp* A bright white she-cat padded into camp, a bundle of herbs in her mouth. To Eaglestar she said, "May I join and be your medicine cat?" As Eaglestar answered, Lightpelt looked around the camp. 

submitted by Lightpelt
(November 17, 2009 - 1:28 am)

Eaglestar purred at the white cat. "Yes, you will be highly valued in our Clan," she told the cat. "Come with me, i shall show you the medicine cat's den." They walked over to a tussle of brambles. They were thick, and there was a tunnel that led deep into the thorny branches. Eaglestar nodded to Lightpelt, signalling that she should go in first. With Lightpelt ahead they made their way into the Medicine den. The den was cozy, and sheltered from winds. Places for herbs had been dug into the ground in one corner. "Please let me know if you need help with anything. We do not have any apprentices yet, but if you desire something, just tell one of our warriors. I'm sure that they will be more then happy to help." Lightpelt nodded.

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 17, 2009 - 3:00 pm)

*Bows her head* Thank you Eaglestar. *Curls up and falls asleep*

submitted by Dreamspirit, age 13 moons, Moorclan camp
(November 17, 2009 - 10:00 am)

*Gasps* Help!!! *gasps* I'm about to *gasps* have my kits!!!!! Please, *gasps* Hurry!!!

submitted by Dreamspirit, Moorclan camp
(November 17, 2009 - 6:38 pm)

*Hears Dreamspirits cries* *bounds into den* "It'll be alright, Dreamspirit" the she-cat with the white fur whispered. Just stay calm.




__ Kits lay bundled up, next to their mother. 

submitted by Lightpelt
(November 18, 2009 - 12:14 am)

Oh, They are so butiful! Here are her kits:

Hollykit: Black she-cat with green eyes

Dustkit: Grey Tom With blue eyes

Jaykit: Silver tabby tom with blue eyes

Oh, Im so happy!! Thank you Ligtpelt!!!!

submitted by Dreamspirit, Camp Nursery
(November 18, 2009 - 12:56 pm)

Eaglestar padded into the nursery. seeing the three kits her eyes lite up. "Oh Dreamspirit, they are amazing!" she meowed. "I am sure that they shall be valuable warriors someday!" 

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Nurser
(November 18, 2009 - 11:11 pm)

The she-cat purrs at the other she-cats kits. Beckons leader...

submitted by Lightpelt
(November 19, 2009 - 12:39 am)

Eaglestar, seeing the look on Lightpelts face pads over. "What is it Lightpelt?"

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 19, 2009 - 4:15 pm)

What is it Lightpelt???? is somthing wrong????

submitted by Dreamspirit
(November 19, 2009 - 7:27 pm)

No, nothing's wrong, I just didn't see the post about Eaglestar seeing the kits, so I was going to tell her (him?) to come see.

submitted by Ligthpelt
(November 19, 2009 - 11:03 pm)

Ah very good, Lightpelt! I am off to go hunting, Lightpelt you are in charge until my return. 

submitted by Eaglestar, MoorClan Camp
(November 20, 2009 - 8:27 pm)

A small spotted she-cat walked into camp.

"Sorry for trespassing," she said. "But I have a warning for your Clan. A cat named Tigerstar, leader of TigerClan, wants to take over the forest, including your Clan and mine. He's evil, and attacked a medicine cat of a different Clan—not me, but someone I know—for no reason. We need everyone we can to fight against TigerClan, and although you have no warriors, Eaglestar can fight, and Lightpelt can help to heal the injured.

Please don't attack yet, though, Eaglestar, because they've been given the option of surrendering without bloodshed. Although I highly doubt they'll take advantage of it (and it really would be better for them, as they're only 3 cats strong and surely have no hope of winning), they might if enough cats pledge to fight against them. Do you think you could go onto the TigerClan thread and say you'll rebel? You don't have to do any of this, of course—I'm just a medicine cat from another Clan, and have no right to give you orders—but I thinkit would be wise. He wants to take over the forest!

Thanks for  listening!"

submitted by Mossfire, ApprenticeClan
(November 20, 2009 - 8:04 pm)