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Brookclan the Second: Warriors Roleplay
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All members of Brookclan! Post here! I noticed our last thread was pretty full, so I made a new one. Everyone! Please join! Our founder, Silverstar, wanted this clan to have strong leaders and deputies that take care of their clan and are always there for them, and members that look out for each other. Let's keep those same goals in mind! Please join! We will accept all of you!!! BROOOOOKCLAAAN!!!! (Same camp, member, etc., just a new thread) (Oh, and I hope this was fine with you, Winterstar! )

submitted by Tawnyflower, Brookclan Medic
(December 29, 2009 - 12:22 pm)

Of course, Tawnyflower! PLEASE JOIN!!!

submitted by Winterstar
(December 30, 2009 - 1:17 am)


submitted by Winterstar
(December 30, 2009 - 12:20 pm)

We're here, now!!

submitted by Crimsonheart, Scarletkit, Gol
(December 30, 2009 - 12:53 pm)

I am here!!!!

submitted by Dovefeather
(December 31, 2009 - 12:37 pm)

Pebblestar says he is no longer mad at us and "offers peace", but I don't know . . .

submitted by Tawnyflower
(January 1, 2010 - 2:33 pm)

Hi! Winterstar said I could join the Clan...

submitted by Stormpaw, age 12 moons
(January 11, 2010 - 6:14 pm)

T: Hello, Stormpaw! *smiles*

C: Hi, Stormpaw! 

Both: Oh, btw, topity top top top!

submitted by Tawnyflower, Crimsonheart, &
(January 11, 2010 - 11:15 pm)

And you can! Just please give us a description! I think, just for our own sake, we should all do a description, unless your name is like, Whitefoot. Then you're most likely have a white foot. I think this should be the description thing.


Coat Color:

Eye Color:



Special Markings:



Does everyone or anyone agree? I will do mine, now.


Name: Winterstar

Coat Color: White. 

Eye Color: Green

Gender: She-cat

Position: Leader

Special Markings: Creamy points (Ears, tail, and feet)(And nose)

History(Optional): Was a loner. Mated with a different clan's cat, had kits in ApprenticeClan. Had two more kits.

Age: 3 seasons. 

Since I've got kits.....

Name: Shadowkit

Coat Color: Gray

Eye Color: green

Gender: She-Cat

Position: Kit (Soon to be warrior apprentice)

Special Markings: N/A

History(Optional): N/A

Age: 8 moons


Name: Forestkit

Coat Color: Brown

Eye Color: Blue

Gender: Tom

Position: Kit (Soon to be warrior apprentice)

Special Markings: Black streaks


Age: 8 moons


Name: Brookkit

Coat Color: Silver

Eye Color: Orange

Gender: She-cat

Position: Kit (soon to be warrior apprentice)

Special Markings: N/A

History(Optional): N/A

Age: 8 Moons


If the next two say any different on the other threads, just ignore those 

Name: Twilightmist

Coat Color: Black

Eye Color: Blue

Gender: She-cat

Position: Queen/Warrior

Special Markings: Misty-like streak along back

History(Optional): Was borne unto ApprenticeClan, then joined her mother's clan, BrookClan.

Age: 17 moons 


Name: Dawnshadow

Coat Color: Orange

Eye Color: Yellow

Gender: She-cat

Position: Warrior

Special Markings: N/A

History(Optional): See Twilightmist.

Age: 17 moons


Name: Shinekit

Coat Color: White

Eye Color: Orange

Gender: She-cat

Position: Kit warrior or if Medicine Cat Apprentice is open, that would be good.

Special Markings: N/A

History(Optional): N/A

Age: 4 moons


Name: Darkkit

Coat Color: Black

Eye Color: Green

Gender: Tom

Position: kit warrior

Special Markings: N/A

History(Optional): N/A

Age: 4 moons

WoW! I've A LOT of cats!!!!! 


submitted by Winterstar
(January 12, 2010 - 3:06 pm)

Sorry I haven't posted. I am here now! :D

submitted by Dovefeather
(January 12, 2010 - 11:05 am)

Wait, you had more kits?? I don't remember that! Or do I??? I'm not sure! I might, but . . . *rambles on*

submitted by Tawnyflower
(January 12, 2010 - 9:28 pm)

I had two litters. One of my kits, Twilightmist, had kits. So, my family is 8. I think. I think we've enough warriors to mentor my second litter. lemme check... Alright... 

*Up to high stone* Cats of BrookClan! Gather under the Highstone for a clan meeting! *cats gather* Three young cats are long overdue their apprentice names. Forestkit, Brookkit, and Shadowkit. Step forward. *The three share odd glances* *Suprised look on their faces* Junglestreak, you will mentor Forestpaw. I'm sure you will pass your knowledge onto her. *The two touch noses* Mistyleaf, you will mentor Brookpaw. Pass on the wisdom of waiting to her. *touch noses* Eagleclaw, you will mentor Shadowpaw. Train him with the courage I've seen you use in battle. FORESTPAW!!! BROOKPAW!!! SHADOWPAW!!!

submitted by Winterstar
(January 13, 2010 - 2:13 am)

And, Tawnyflower, you helped me deliver one! You were just an apprentice. 

submitted by Winterstar
(January 13, 2010 - 12:30 pm)

I have kits, too. They are almost six moons old!

submitted by Dovefeather
(January 13, 2010 - 4:58 pm)

Ok, Dovefeather, If you post descriptions, or at least names, I'll make them apprentices in three days.

submitted by Winterstar
(January 13, 2010 - 5:58 pm)

Okay. I will do that soon. Right now I can't because I have to go, but I will.

submitted by Dovefeather
(January 14, 2010 - 7:06 pm)