I am Silverheart,

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

New clan! Iceclan! Need evil cats!
I am Silverheart,...

I am Silverheart, the Leader of Iceclan. I need cats to join, so we can take over the forest. I believe in Starclan, but I do not worship it, like those other silly cats. Join, and we will be stronger than anyone! And let it be known, I have been to Everburn Forest, and I survived! Nothing can hurt me! I have nine lives, without Starclan! We will rule the forest!

Name: Silverheart

Personality: Cruel, strong, and very powerful

Pelt: Grayish white

Special markings: Three long burns down his side

submitted by Silverheart
(December 30, 2009 - 10:55 am)

HEY!!! I MADE UP ICECLAN!!!!!!! I WILL NOT SUPPORT THIS SO-CALLED CLAN!!! ICECLAN IS RULED MY ME, SNOWSTAR!!! And you have to have the name "star" to be a true leader. back to my ranting... ICECLAN IS NOT EVIL!!!!! *sits down* thank you and have a nice day!

submitted by SNOWSTAR
(December 30, 2009 - 12:16 pm)

I will join. I will worship and be loyal to only you, Silverheart. Here is my description:

A grayish-white she-cat with blue eyes. Is very strong, feirce, protective, and is a great fighter. Is pregnant, but does not know yet. Is 16 moons old.


Thank you. Please let me join. *Bows down loyaly*

submitted by Clovetail, age 16 Moons, Iceclan camp
(December 31, 2009 - 12:58 pm)

Nightstar: You're kidding! Again?!! I still can't believe everyone keeps making up evil Clans to rule the forest. It never works! Can't anyone understand that?!! This is crazy!

As Snowstar said, there is already an IceClan.  Of course, that wouldn't matter to you, because you want to be the only Clan. But you really should just give up and surrender. You can't win. You're the only cat in your Clan, for StarClan's sake!

I don't believe you went to Everburn Forest and escaped, and I don't believe you have 9 lives. Where on earth would you get them from?!!

Goldberry (a StarClan cat): She's right. You have not been to Everburn Forest. You have to be dead to go there, and you certainly can't escape it. Your former Clan was ravaged by fire, and you were strong enough to survive, which was quite a feat, but it wasn't Everburn Forest. And you don't have 9 lives. Only StarClan has the power to grant 9 lives. And if you do have 9 lives (which you don't, but you seem convinced, and I won't have any cat believe you have them), I hereby take them away from you right now. You only have 1 life now, and you only ever did.

Nightstar, Rowanheart, Stonegaze, and all the other warriors I play: Surrender now,  or we'll attack immediately.

Speckledfur, Mossfire, and all the other medicine cats I am: We will heal the injured, but only those not in your made up 'IceClan.'

Actually, I don't think we should call it IceClan anymore. Instead of giving you a nickname, Silverheart, I'll give the Clan one. From now on, we'll calll you... *is really bad at thinking up nicknames* All right, I guess I'll wait until someone else comes. Until then, you'll just be LiarClan, since you lied about so many things...

Oh, and by the way, strong and powerful mean the same thing. *smirk*

Waterpaw: I'll ask my mentors if I can heal the non-LiarClan cats, too. I'm just an apprentice, though.

submitted by Ima
(December 31, 2009 - 2:08 pm)

Do you not understand?! I was dead! I did burn! I lay there while the flames consumed me until I was nothing more then a skeleton! And Starclan did not help me! I believed in them, and their warriors walked around the edges of the fire while I burned! And I still found myself alive and full when I woke up lying on the Thunderpath. And, when the monster raced over me I still was alive and managed to drag myself to the forest!

submitted by Silverheart
(January 1, 2010 - 6:51 pm)

"You will not take over!" Ottersplash yowled. "The last time someone tried, it didn't work!" He stepped back, fur on end. "If you try to take over, you will be sorry, Silverheart! You are not even worthy of a warrior name or a leader name unless you stop this instance!!! I will report you to my leader unless you cease!"

submitted by Ottersplash, LakeClan warrio
(December 31, 2009 - 11:04 pm)

*smirks*How about *mock trembles* MeanClan! I'm kidding..

submitted by Snowstar
(January 1, 2010 - 1:26 am)

You strange little Lakeclan warrior. My name is Silverheart because do you think Starclan would give me nine lives? I have them because of Everburn Forest. Also, I will change the name to Emberclan. Clovetail, you may join.

submitted by Silverheart
(January 1, 2010 - 9:39 am)

Did I not make myself clear? You cannot escape from Everburn Forest! It is impossible! It was created so that the most evil of cats cannot interract with the living any longer, as they can in the Dark Forest. Look at Tigerstar! The original, I mean. Without him, Brambleclaw wouldn't have became so power-hungry and Hawkfrost could've been a lot less evil than he was, or at least not done so many ill deeds in power's name. We felt we had to stop this. So StarClan created Everburn Forest.

It was a horrible place where fire burned forever. The spirits of the evil dead had to run forever, exhausted, or give up and burn forever in the flame. THERE IS NO ESCAPE. THERE IS NO INTERFERENCE. THERE IS NO COMING BACK TO LIFE. Even we can't do that! We have made mistakes in the course of our lives and deaths, but we soon learn of them. This is clearly not one. 


Would you like for me to tell the world your real past? 

Once upon a time, there was a Clan. In that Clan, there was a tomcat named Silverheart who was power-hungry and evil, but very intelligent, loyal and good at fighting.  He thought there was a difference between powerful and strong. Anyway, there was a devastating fire. It demolished the Clan camp. Everyone died. Except Silverheart. He lived. Like Hawkfrost, he had been loyal to his Clan. It was this event that made him change his mind. He vowed never to care about anything or anyone again. His heart grew even more cold and callused than it was already. He was angry at the world, so he wanted to change it, shape it, master it until it became the way he wanted it, and was truly his. So, he made this Clan and told everyone his scars were from Everburn Forest. 

Ottersplash, there's  no need to tell your leader. She already knows. She posted it on the LakeClan thread, and on this one, and on the thread for Gatherings. Except, she mainly sounded tired when she said it. I expect she grew weary of so many evil Clans, never giving up, appearing too often, all the time...

So, Silverheart, when exactly do you plan to take over the forest? Of course, you can just sit here and never do anything. I'm fine with that, of course. But if you plan tp do anything else, well, it might as well be now as later.

submitted by Goldberry, age dead, StarClan
(January 2, 2010 - 3:16 pm)

Thank you, Silverheart. *Bows*

submitted by Clovetail
(January 2, 2010 - 3:20 pm)

Goldberry, that is not true about my past. If I wanted cats to know about my real past, I would tell them.

submitted by Silverheart
(January 3, 2010 - 4:52 pm)

We are attacking the Lakeclan thread. Come back to this clan when the battle is over, Clovetail.

submitted by Silverheart
(January 4, 2010 - 5:56 pm)

Oh, so that is what you're here for. That's what I assumed, but I didn't want to attack without making sure. Thanks for letting us know.

submitted by Nightstar
(January 4, 2010 - 8:00 pm)


submitted by UNKNOWN!
(January 4, 2010 - 8:27 pm)

Yeah! If he wins, I just might die of shock. I mean, honestly, we have over 600 replies, more than any thread on BaB, and, like Unknown said, 50 cats (about). Silverhert must be losing his mind.

submitted by Nightstar✩
(January 4, 2010 - 10:43 pm)

I can still hear you. Besides, one of your warriors just got attacked, so I wouldn't be joking.

submitted by Silverheart
(January 5, 2010 - 7:05 pm)