Yay! I'm reading

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Maximum Ride
Yay! I'm reading...

Yay! I'm reading an AMAZING series right now called Maximum Ride, by James Patterson! It's about this group of kids that had avian (bird) DNA grafted on to their human DNA when they were babies. So, ya....they can fly! On top of that,  they have a bunch of cool powers. Like, one of the flock (that's what they call their group) can read minds and another is blind but he can tell exactly what something looks like just by touching it. Anyway, check it out. It's REALLY good!

~Kake (not chocolate cake...not vanilla cake...but Koffee Kake!)

submitted by Kake, age 13, On a plate
(January 24, 2010 - 7:42 pm)


submitted by Jean
(January 24, 2010 - 11:49 pm)