Hi!  I really

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Fever 1793
Hi!  I really...

Hi!  I really love this book, Fever 1793, because it makes me feel like I'm there.  You always know when you are reading a good book when it brings out your emotions, and this book really brings out mine...  Laurie Halse Anderson, the author, does an awesome job using extraordinary adjectives and amazing descriptions and dialogue.  Really everything in this book is awesome.  Please read this! 

P.S. This book is a historical fiction novel describing the Yellow Fever of 1793 in Philadelpia, Pennsylvania (I hope I spelled that right!) and surrounding areas.

submitted by Cora S., age 11, Ripon, WI
(December 3, 2008 - 5:18 pm)

I loved this book, too!!!  Yellow Fever sounds so awful!!!  I you like Historical Fiction and don't mind sad books (like I do!!!), try reading The Red Necklace.  I looooovvvved it!!!  It's one of my favorites!

submitted by BellaTrix
(December 5, 2008 - 1:45 pm)

What is The Red Necklace about?

submitted by Jennifer S., age 14, Chicago, IL
(January 16, 2009 - 5:52 pm)