I Really Want

Chatterbox: Blab About Books

Harry Potter Roleplay- never going too Die!
I Really Want...

I Really Want to do this HP Role Play that EVERYONE agrees will never "die."

submitted by Kat, age 12, A Place
(July 2, 2010 - 10:43 pm)

I think there's another HP RP going on...but I don't know if there's a limit to the number of same book series RPs going on.  It might be a little confusing for there to be two of them.  However, I'd be willing to do this RP, if there's enough people.

submitted by Amy G., age 13, PA
(July 3, 2010 - 9:29 am)

Marauders? Potter era? Next-Gen? I vote Next-Gen -- we already have a Marauders going. 

submitted by ZNZ
(July 3, 2010 - 3:16 pm)

I'm willing to do next-gen, BUT we all have to agree- once we join- not to back out!

"I agree to join this next-gen HP RP and agree not to back out unless the rest of the 'roll-players' agree to end this RP by a majority vote."


submitted by Kat, age 12, a Place
(July 4, 2010 - 2:03 pm)

Okay! How about we start the year of the epilogue? I call Rose! 

submitted by ZNZ
(July 5, 2010 - 3:38 pm)


I'll be James:

I pretended to act like I won't miss my parents,but when I reach the compartment with my freinds Ethan Trake and Bron Gorvyn, I make sure to get the window seat, and I watch as my waving parents shrink into the distance. I look into the hall and see a very pretty girl, Ava, being pulled into the compartment across from mine by her freind Liric. My hand instinctevly jumped to my hair and ran through it backwards, as it always did when Ava was around. Ava looked into my compartment. My eyes snaped away and landed on somone else. Peake Vassar, a Slitherin in my year, closly trailed by a first year I recognized as Scorpius Malfoy. Vassars eyes landed on Ava. I scowled and looked at her too, she was talking to her freind Liric now.

(I can be Ava Too!)Wink


submitted by Kat, age 12, Where do you th
(July 5, 2010 - 9:14 pm)

I hope this is an OK start, I think Ava should have a Profile:

Ava Downey - Griffindor second year

Appearence: Tall, with shoulder length, honey-colered hair, and Hazel eyes.

Family: Half-Blood, Mother is(or was) Susan Bones

Other Info: Pretty much best in her year, will play keeper for Griffindor Quidich team

Likes: Quidich, defence against the dark arts

Dislikes: Slitherins, Herbology

Inbetween: James Potter (who says he will be the best seeker Hogwarts has ever seen)

submitted by Kat, age 12, Ummmmm...Mars?
(July 6, 2010 - 10:50 am)

I'm sorry, right now I have too many things going on to join, even though I said I could!  I'm so sorry!!  Also I'm already doing a round robin.  Sorry!!

submitted by Amy G., age 13, PA
(July 6, 2010 - 1:15 pm)

It's OK.

submitted by Kat, age 12, Who knows?!
(July 6, 2010 - 6:33 pm)

Hey! ZNZ! Lets find out where Rose is

submitted by Kat, age 12, Somwhere beyond
(July 6, 2010 - 10:14 pm)

Will any body post?!Will any bodypost?!Will any body post?!Will any body post?!

submitted by Will any body post?!, age WABP?!?!?!, Will any body p
(July 7, 2010 - 11:31 pm)

I'd like to do a next gen, please.  Anyways... I'll just use a character that I made on a dead thread and modify her ever so slightly, because I am lazy. >=)

Name: Ailyn Diwy

Gender: Female

Age/year: 13/3rd year

House: Ravenclaw

Electives: Care of magical creatures, Ancient runes, Arithmancy

Best class: Transfiguration

Favorite class: Defense against the Dark Arts

Physical description: Ailyn is a tall and rather thin girl.  She has long, wavy black hair and green eyes.  She has long fingers and rather pale skin.

Personality: Ailyn is very friendly and likes being around people.  She is loud and talkative.  She also likes playing the guitar, which she is quite good at.  She is outgoing and likes meeting new people.  However, her talkativeness can get her in to trouble.  She can also be rather hyper and annoying.  She gets mad rather easily,  but when she is mad...Well...Let's just say she gets very mad.  She also isn't very good at controlling her emotions, making her easy(and fun) to tease.  She can also be rather clumsy. She's very smart, but does not show it often.

Other: Ailyn has a secret ability.  She tries to hide it from others, but it can be very hard for her.  She's an animagus.  She can transform in to a black cat with electric green eyes.  The problem with her animagus is the fact that she has an urge to do it whenever she is really mad(which can be rather often), even if she is in front of other people.  She's not a pureblood witch.  Only halfblood.


Ailyn slowly walked through the train station.  She saw platform eight, nine, ten... Ah-ha!  She walked up to a brick column, gathered up her things, made sure no one was around, and stepped through the wall.  Inside, there was a massive train.  Ailyn ran past massive groups of people and leaped on the train.  Most of the people were not on the train yet, but there would be soon.  She ran to the back of the train.  here!  A whole empty compartment, all to herself!  She knew that it would eventually be full, but she still happily sat down on a seat and waited for their arrival at Hogwarts with excitement.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(July 8, 2010 - 10:24 am)

Wait...Ailyn is 13 and an Animagus?

Are you sure?

submitted by B
(July 8, 2010 - 2:02 pm)

An uncontrolled one, mind you.  Plus she kind of got it naturally, like those people that can change their appearance naturally.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(July 8, 2010 - 4:57 pm)

Wait, I'm going to have Ailyn do Divination instead of Arithmancy.

submitted by Dawnpaw
(July 8, 2010 - 2:14 pm)

That was great Dawnpaw!

I'll be on later as Ava!Wink

submitted by Kat/James/Ava, age 12/12/12, here/hogwarts e
(July 8, 2010 - 1:13 pm)