Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket




submitted by MysteriousHood
(January 27, 2014 - 6:56 pm)

*Rallies CBers to carry Timbermist away from the throne room and toss her into the moat*

*Tosses in a donut after her*

"Enjoy your soggy donut!"

*Races back into the throne room and tapes self onto chair while the soundtrack switches to We are the Champions* 

submitted by Winner, age Winning, the universe
(April 15, 2020 - 3:00 pm)

*slowly emerges from moat, bristling fur completely black and red, large wings spreading out from back, tail spikes out, and red slits for eyes*

*squighes soggy donut in claws*

The throne WILL be mine

*shakes head, eyes go back to normal*

What is happening??

*eyes turn to slits again*

I will be the winner, no matter what it takes!

*Zooms into castle, water droplets flying off back*

*hisses and lunges into the throne room*

*snatches the crown back, and doesn't give anyone a donut*



*Slowly, fur turns back to its normal light blue color, tail spikes lie flat, and eyes go back to normal*

*Looks around, confused*

Where am I? What just happened?... Am I...Winning?

submitted by Timbermist, age 150 moons, the castle
(April 15, 2020 - 4:54 pm)

Wow, this got really intense while I was gone. But anyway...

*kicks out ALL opposing CBers* *settles into throne* Ahhhh. I missed this. 

submitted by Starchaser, age 12, Pyrrhia
(April 15, 2020 - 7:02 pm)

While Starchaser is reclining on the throne, she recieves a box tied with pink ribbon and bearing the Label: A gift for you!

*She opens the box to find it filled with beautiful cupcakes decorated with note written in pink frosting that says: Vengence is Sweet*

*Looking up, she realized that while she was gazing at the cupcakes, she had been carried, in the throne, down to the dungeon and locked up*

*Winner builds a new throne in the throne room that is equipped with a defence mechanism and a cup holder for her chai latte*

"Ahh, victory at last!" 

*Sips chai latte and orders another*


submitted by Winner, age Winning, the universe
(April 16, 2020 - 7:48 am)

*frees Starchaser*

YOU DESERVE TO TREAT YOUR DUCHESS BETTER, SO-CALLED "WINNER"!  *freezes defense mechanism with my snow powers* *with Starchaser's help, tosses Winner into the moat* 

Thanks Star. *summons a padded chair in the throne room for her to sit on*

*sits in the throne* *sips matcha* Your move. 

This is getting fun! We are all allowed to be OP, yes?

submitted by Agent Winner, age Classified, Enceladus
(April 16, 2020 - 8:23 am)

This went back and forth, no?

Venni, veddi, Vecci! 

submitted by Strawberri, age 12 winning, earth
(April 16, 2020 - 10:26 am)

*walks into castle, only hints of red still showing in horns*

Hey, sorry about that alternate ego misshap a while back...

umm here are some donuts to make up for it...

*gives everyone a donut*

now I am winning!

submitted by Timbermist, age 150 moons, On the throne
(April 16, 2020 - 11:43 am)

Mission Impossible plays softly in the background 

*Adapts to the water (gillyweed-style) and swims to the floor of the moat*

Ya'll forgot that I built this castle 

*Locates a drainage hatch and unlocks it, opens it, and steps inside the narrow passageway behind it, shutting the hatch behind*

*Follows the dark, dank passage until it begiins to  slope upward, revealing a door labled with a W*

*Pushes door open to reveal that it opens up behind the throne.*

*Snatches donuts out of Timbermist's lap, the crown off of her head, and shoo's her off of the throne*

Soundtrack swiches to Party in the USA by Miley Cyrus 

submitted by Winner, age Winning, the universe
(April 16, 2020 - 12:58 pm)

Writes a decree

Starbucks Coffee is hereby outlawed EVERYWHERE* 

*In every place, time, and dimension forevermore 

submitted by Winner, age Winning, the universe
(April 16, 2020 - 1:34 pm)

*kicks Winner off of the throne and steals donuts* *turns off radio* TURN THAT DISRESPECTFUL JUNK OFF! (anyone get that reference?)



submitted by Agent Winner, age Classified, Happy Suds Laundromat
(April 16, 2020 - 1:57 pm)

*strolls in casually*


*runs to throne and battles Winner*


Take that, Winner!

*chases Winner out*

Someone bring me a box of donuts! 

submitted by Starchaser, age 12, Pyrrhia
(April 16, 2020 - 1:57 pm)

I'm back

submitted by Strawberri, age 12 winters, earth
(April 16, 2020 - 2:16 pm)

*kicks Strawberri off throne* 

*eats banana bread*

*summons floating ice swords and a pack of arctic wolves* FITE ME 

submitted by Agent Winner, age Classified, Happy Suds Laundromat
(April 16, 2020 - 4:54 pm)

*Darkside starts playing*

*fur becomes black and red, eyes turn to slits*

You want to fight? I’ll fight. 

*Summons sheilds of fire that melt the ice swords, throws a ball for the wolves to fetch*

*wolves run off*

So there.

*takes throne, nails it to the ceiling of the castle, and flies up to sit in it*

*summons floating fire swords and protects throne with shadow magic*

What are you going to do about it now?

*bares teeth* 

submitted by Timbermist, age 150 moons, The throne
(April 16, 2020 - 6:09 pm)

Soundtrack: Rise Up, by Andrea Day

*Rises slowly to feet and sees the destruction all around*

*Gallops a horse into the throne room to see Timbermist on the roof*

*As swords slash and arrows fly, jumps up to the ceilling and yanks Timbermist out of the throne* 

Soundtrack swiches to Oh Happy Day (Aretha Franklin Version) 

*Restores throne to it's rightful place and sits down on it*

"Cupcake, Anyone?" 

submitted by Winner, age Winning, the throne
(April 17, 2020 - 8:40 am)