Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



Here is how it works: I will post blank lines that represent words, and you CBers and Admins all take turns guessing what the lines stand for. Have fun guessing! :)

_ _ _         _ _ _ _ _ _ _       _ _       _ _      _ _ _ _ __ _ _       _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _          _ _ _ _ _   _ _    _ _ _ _. 


Admin: S 

submitted by Mag Fan
(January 30, 2014 - 7:35 am)

YES!!! THE HANGMAN IS COMPLETE!!! The saying was this:

My favorite CB place to visit is the Inkwell.


Congratulations, you guys! I plan to do another one of these soon, so keep looking for another virtual hangman! 

submitted by Mag Fan
(January 31, 2014 - 6:48 pm)

My favorite RP place to visit is the Inkwell? 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 31, 2014 - 9:07 pm)

Top top topot pot pot

submitted by pin name
(August 20, 2014 - 3:08 pm)