New TCCP Informat

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

New TCCP Informat

New TCCP Information

Mag Fan and I are excited to bring back and start a new TCCP Project! For those of you who do not know what TCCP is, it stands for The Cricket Currency Project. You can set up your own stores and restaurants by submitting business info using the form below, and other participants of the TCCP can check out your businesses. Both of us have never participated in the previous TCCP, but we are willing to give it a try and start a new one ourselves. If you would like to participate in the TCCP, please fill out the form below to start your business. It is important to read this entire post before registering!

All starting participants will start out with $200,000. It costs money to start your business, buy inventory, and buy things from other Chatterboxers' shops and restaurants. A small building costs $2,000, a medium building costs $4,000, and a large building costs $5,000. It is obvious, but note that you are not using real money for the TCCP!

We are in need of people who are willing to start a bank in order to keep track of everyone's money. We also are in need of a person to start an information desk, where TCCP participants may ask any questions about TCCP. If you are willing to do so, please let me or Mag Fan know. 

TCCP will last for about one month, to the end of February. If the project continues to work, we can extend the length of time that the TCCP will last.

Please fill out the following form if you would like to start your own business and participate in this new TCCP project. You can start building your stores AFTER Mag Fan or I approve your business and give you permission.

Alright, let's get this started!  

Official Registration Form for TCCP Businesses


Name of business:

Description of business:

Building size: 

Inventory cost (range of costs of your items you are selling): 

Information regarding hiring for your businesses will be posted up soon. If you have any questions, please let Mag Fan or me know!

-Nina and Mag Fan 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 30, 2014 - 6:56 pm)

Yes, your business has been accepted!

submitted by Mag Fan
(January 31, 2014 - 9:26 pm)

The Bank will be started on Monday. If there is no owner, I will keep it up and running. Participants are responsible for their own bank accounts.

The Info Desk will also be started on Monday. I'll be in charge of it.

Thank you so much for all of the current participants. We can all start building our stores on Monday, or after Mag or I give you permission to start your store. 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 31, 2014 - 3:53 pm)

Good idea, Nina! You have a way of keeping everything well under control! :)

submitted by Mag Fan
(January 31, 2014 - 6:57 pm)

I'll Run the bank! So, when everyone starts they take out $200,000 from the bank right? Are they required to pay it off? That will be fun!


Official Registration Form for TCCP Businesses

Name: Madeline

Name of business: Madeline & Associates (for now... it's kinda dumb but I have no other ideas)

Description of business: We are a law firm that will help you with any legal questions or problems you may be having. Would you like a loan granted to you from the bank? Perhaps you have been sued by a former employer? We will help you. CURRENTLY HIRING-- To apply, you must submit your resume to Madeline 

Building size:  Medium

Inventory cost (range of costs of your items you are selling): Law services. Prices vary. Inquire today!

submitted by Madeline
(January 31, 2014 - 4:50 pm)

Good, I was hoping someone would buy the bank. It is now yours!

submitted by Mag Fan
(January 31, 2014 - 9:27 pm)

Actually how about the $200,000 isn't a loan, because it makes it more complicated. Let's just assume that the people already had that in the bank.

submitted by Madeline
(January 31, 2014 - 5:01 pm)

T H E    B A N K :

When you buy a building, that money goes to the bank, right (Like, we could just assume that the bank is in charge of the buildings)? If so, the bank currently has $16,000 available for loan. Interest rate 1¢ an hour.



Start~ $200,000

Withdrew (Payed)~ $4,000

Current Total~ $196,000 



Start~ $200,000

Withdrew (Payed)~ $4,000

Current Total~ $196,000



Start~ $200,000

Withdrew (Payed)~ $4,000

Current Total~ $196,000



Start~ $200,000

Withdrew (Payed)~ $4,000

Current Total~ $196,000 


submitted by Madeline
(January 31, 2014 - 5:18 pm)

Madeline, may I please have a job at the bank? I'm pretty good at Math, as I usually get above 90 on my Math tests. Please let me know if I'm accepted!

submitted by Lionreader, age 14, Virginia
(January 31, 2014 - 6:10 pm)

Sure. What would you specifically like to do?

submitted by Madeline
(January 31, 2014 - 6:46 pm)

Well, what jobs will you have to do at the bank? We can maybe divide the work up between us.

submitted by Lionreader, age 14, Virginia
(February 1, 2014 - 7:36 am)

Madeline, I will start the bank on Monday in a different post. You and Lionreader can be the workers of the bank. Look out for the post on Monday! 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(January 31, 2014 - 8:44 pm)

Sorry, Nina! When I posted the bank, your post (above) hadn't been online yet. I hope you don't mind that I started it!


If you don't like it, you can fix it. 

submitted by Madeline
(January 31, 2014 - 6:28 pm)

It's OK! I wanted the bank to be in a separate post from all of the applications for TCCP just so that everything can be organized. When I post the bank on Monday, it's all yours and Lionreader's! You too can work together to make sure the bank is under control. 

submitted by Nina, age 11, Florida
(February 1, 2014 - 9:59 am)

If you want, I can put up the thread...? Otherwise you can just do it. It's just that I'm sick so I'm bored.

But you started this, so it's up to you 

Captcha says, 'furz' :D 

submitted by Madeline
(February 1, 2014 - 4:53 pm)

I'm sorry to hear you're sick. Get better soon! :)

submitted by Mag Fan
(February 1, 2014 - 6:45 pm)