MISSION: Revive old

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

MISSION: Revive old

MISSION: Revive old Cricket posts

Hey guys! Looking through the back pages, I was once again reminded how awesome some posts were! I wanted to do something about it, so here's my new reviving page.

I have just one rule: the revive must fit with the thread. (Sorry tops and pokes) Meaning if it's a story, join. Etc etc

Sign up to be an agent below:


Cricket Name: 

Agent Name:

Do you vow to help revive cricket threads with honor? (Sorry if that sounds too anything) 

[yes] [no] 





Later guys!

submitted by Violet, age 13, Reviving land
(November 1, 2014 - 3:04 pm)

cricket name- SAVVY44x

agent name- 13minecraft


submitted by SAVVY44x
(November 2, 2014 - 10:25 am)

Cricket Name: Butterfly

Agent Name: Ime29

Do you vow to help revive Cricket threads with honor?: Yes, yes, and double yes!


One question. Why do we need agent names?

submitted by Butterfly/Ime29
(November 2, 2014 - 12:28 pm)

I don't know, I thought it was kind of fun. Anyhow, welcome agents! Welcome to  the HQ, where old threads get found, and searched for awesomeness. (Let me know if I get too overboard with this.)

The first thread to revive? THIS ONE.

Later, Agent adcb123  

submitted by adcb123, age 13, here
(November 3, 2014 - 1:55 pm)

Cricket name: Ellie

Agent name: random_singer

Yes, I vow to revive Cricket threads with honor! 

submitted by Ellie, age 12, school
(November 3, 2014 - 2:02 pm)



Who doent

submitted by MapleSyurp
(November 3, 2014 - 7:52 pm)

CB name: Little Sister

Agent name: manga_crazy_101

Absolutley! Is Time Travel RP an old thread? 

submitted by Manga_Crazy_101
(November 4, 2014 - 2:51 pm)

We-elll, scratch that. Anything that died and was awesome, revive it, post new twists and turns on it and let peoples see it!


That is all. Good night.



submitted by Violet, age 13, Here
(November 4, 2014 - 11:19 pm)

I, Magic Dragon the Mighty, vow upon my honor to revive Cricket threads.

Signed, Agent IX

To the vaults!

I have a complaint. If we don't top, how will others feel the awesomeness of these old threads?

submitted by Magic Dragon
(November 7, 2014 - 9:13 pm)

We dont usually top beacause we add to the awesomeness, is that alright?

Vi- out.  

submitted by Adcb123, age 13, Here
(November 10, 2014 - 12:32 am)

Cricket Name: Winter Firefly

Agent Name: 1800smartiepants

Do you vow to help revive cricket threads with honor? (Sorry if that sounds too anything) 

[yes]  [no] yessssssssss! Durr!

submitted by 1800smartiepants
(November 10, 2014 - 9:43 am)

Cricket Name: Daffodil

Agent Name: Daffodowndilly

Do you vow to help revive Cricket threads with honor? (Sorry if that sounds too anything.) 

Heck yeah but I can't get on the computer that often but I'll try my best.


submitted by daffodowndilly
(November 10, 2014 - 7:55 pm)

Cricket name: Quicksilver

Agent name: Zachatree111

Yessssssssssss (do I sound like a snake, 'cause I don't like snakes?) 

submitted by Quicksilver, Mercury
(November 10, 2014 - 8:21 pm)

I am a snake so there.

submitted by Daffodowndilly
(November 13, 2014 - 3:43 pm)

Young Writer




submitted by Young Writer
(November 15, 2014 - 12:25 pm)

What a creative code name. *rolls eyes*

Ps, sorry if this comes across mean, I was just jokin', xD. 

submitted by 1800SmartiePants
(November 17, 2014 - 11:46 pm)