
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



I'm new here. I've been reading Cricket for 2 years now, but this is my first time on here. I'm 12, live in Texas, and like to draw. So...... yea.  

submitted by Lauren K <3, age 12, Texas
(December 21, 2014 - 5:14 pm)

Hi, Lauren K <3! Can I just call you Lauren?

My name is EarthGirl (well, not really, it is my screen name.) and I like to draw, too! I've been on here for about six months. We really like new people on CB! 

submitted by EarthGirl
(December 31, 2014 - 3:43 pm)

Hi, Lauren! Welcome!

I'm Katie M (you can call me Katie), an avid reader of books (Especially Percy Jackson, and, of course, Cricket), a writer, and a lover of cats. All the people on here are absolutely WONDERFUL (that includes you, Admins!) and I hope you like the Chatterbox! 

submitted by Katie M
(December 31, 2014 - 4:44 pm)

Hello! I'm Squeak, your friendly cber. You might have heard of me, from being pretty much the only boy (besides Quicksilver), or to being the twin of Danie! Now that I think of it, I think we are the only twins on here. But, like most twins, we are opposites. I'm a neaty neaty, and she's... Well... Yeah. She's also extremely weird (Like the rest of my family) and I'm a bit less. However, in some cases, we are kinda alike. She has dirty brown hair, I have dirty brown hair. She has brown eyes, I have brown eyes. We are both short and weird. We both are addicted to the color green and minecraft, and we both love the power of being able to squirt acid out of the hands. And teleportations. And ice. And animal transformations. And shadows.

But anyways, welcome! There are many things to do on here. Danie and I mostly go on Inkwell, where you can post stories and join rps. RPs stand for role-plays, and it pretty much goes like this:

1. Someone makes a thread and creates the plot of the story.

2. That someone makes a character and asks everyone else to make a character with a specfic character sheet.

3. Once there are enough people, they start the rp. Most do it in first-person, others in third (Brooke is an example).

I hope you enjoy your stay at Cricket Chatterbox Reso-! I mean... I hope you enjoy writing on the Chatterbox!

P.S. Ask someone to explain you CaC, BaB, DtE, or PP. I don't go on there that often. 

submitted by Squeak
(January 1, 2015 - 5:31 pm)

Sure you can call me Lauren! Again, Hi to everyone I haven't already said hi to....

submitted by Lauren K <3
(January 2, 2015 - 5:05 pm)

Salutations, Lauren! I'm so very glad you've joined our merry band! I'm The Chocabookaholic, Choca for short. I hope you like it here!

submitted by The Chocabookaholic , age 12
(January 2, 2015 - 7:49 pm)

Hello Lauren!! Glad to see another new face on here! I'm Abigail A.- I'v been on here for over one year (yay!!!) but I tend to "vanish" during vacations:) What's Texas like? As you can see, I'm a Vermonter and I always tend to think Texas is like VT's opposite- weird, right? 

submitted by Abigail A., age 13, VT
(January 7, 2015 - 8:13 am)