Dear Cricket,Hi!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Dear Cricket,Hi!

Dear Cricket,
Hi! My name is Caroline F. I live in Virginia Beach. I know I am the quadrillionbazillionth person to say this, but I hate your mag. It is terrible! Just kidding! It is the BEST MAG EVER!!!!! I always check the mailbox, even on Sundays, to see if Cricket came. I started subscribing a few years ago. My mom read it when she was my age, so she got Cricket for me. She even won a poetry contest in Cricket once, and not to brag, but being as awesome as I am, of course I have won too! I am eleven years old and am in sixth grade. I really love art and am in the art program at my school. I also love reading, writing, exploring, playing outside, sewing, knitting, cooking, and eating candy. I do not have any pets yet. But I will soon! We are planning on getting one. I do have a little brother though, named Nate. Dear buggies: Pussywillow, you are sooooo adorable! You are so cute and are all like,"Mwee Mewy  Mew!" Marty, I did NOT think you were a girl! Is Marty short for Samantha, or is it a nickname for Marta?

My favorite movie is Star Wars, and I do not have a favorite book. I do love the Percy Jackson series though, and anything by Kate DiCamillo.

Well, my potstickers are ready! I have to go!

Tucshe! That means bye in German.


My given name is just Marty!


submitted by EarthGirl
(December 28, 2014 - 1:58 pm)