Hi there everyone...I'

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hi there everyone...I&#39

Hi there everyone...I've been getting Cricket for almost two years, and I love it! This is my first time on Chatterbox. Like pretty much everyone here, I'm a reader. I'll read pretty much anything you throw at me, but I particularly like books with strange titles. Sometimes I'll walk through the library, looking for names that catch my interest! I like to read Cricket because each story is a different genre--sometimes nonfiction, sometimes fantasy, sometimes stories about things that could happen in real life. I also like the crossbird puzzles, and the contests. So far I've only managed honorable mention, but I'm working on it! :) Anyway, let's see..I have two younger brothers and a dog who's completely obsessed with fetching frisbees, my favorite flavor of ice cream is coffee heath bar crunch, and I like to bake cookies. I'm also on the cross-country team at school, and I absolutely LOVE anything related to art. I love to draw, I love to paint, I love to...make things!

Bye for now...Cool


Welcome to Chatterbox, Sadie! We're glad you're here.


submitted by Sadie E., age 12, Vermont
(January 9, 2015 - 8:09 pm)

Hi! I'm Quicksilver (not from X-men). I've had Cricket for 3 years, and I also love it! I'm a boy, by the way. There are so many girls on the CB.

submitted by Quicksilver
(January 9, 2015 - 10:32 pm)

I agree, there aren't enough boys on CB. I'm a girl myself, but I don't mind boys at all.


submitted by dragonrider
(June 1, 2015 - 6:16 pm)