Dreams;I had

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Dreams;I had


I had an idea for a thread- how about we list some of the oddest dreams we've had?

As for me, there was one I had where . . . Well, I don't exactly know how to put this . . . I killed an evil talking vacuum cleaner with a fireplace poker to defend my gramma. 

True story. *Looks nervous*

I'd love to hear some funny -or just plain weird- dreams from Chatterbox! 




P.S. Has anyone here ever experienced 'lucid dreaming'? Where you are aware you are dreaming and/or can activly control things in your dream? I've had one.

submitted by Alias S.
(January 31, 2015 - 5:21 pm)

Next! So I had a dream I was at my local library and all my friends were smoking. So weird!

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of dreams
(February 4, 2015 - 1:29 pm)


I fell from the sky and landed next to a really awesome purple car. A policeman said "Excuse me ma'am is this your car?" and I was all like, "It is now!!" Then I started driving. Then I realized I'm ten and can't drive. So my new car and I fell off a bridge and landed in England. Seriously. They had Welcome To England! signs everywhere! But then I realized I was underwater and my car was gone. Then a bunny hopped up to me and starts singing the flower song:  "Red flower, Red flower, You look so bright! Yellow flower Yellow flower, You smell so nice!" and then I realized I was a walkin-talkin-multi-colored flower. Then my car fell from the sky. "Is this you car?" the bunny says as he turns into a hippie guy, and I turn into a mermaid. "Yes." I say, and drive off into the sunset with my multi-colored mermaid hair blowing in the wind.


submitted by SAVVY44x
(February 4, 2015 - 4:38 pm)

I have a lot of driving dreams, I don't even think about the fact I can't drive! Usually I end up crashing though.

submitted by Forrest
(February 4, 2015 - 5:46 pm)

I drive in my dreams a lot too for some reason. 

Also, has anybody read the short story "The Sound of Thunder" by Ray Bradbury? If so you know the part at the end and they are back at the office and because he stepped off the path it changed the future and they had to kill him? Remember how he crouched down and closed his eyes and they shot him? That happened to me in my dream once. I was in the office and bent over and everything and I heard the shot and then I woke up. I have also been shot in my dreams one other time but it was different. It is a really creepy feeling. Especially when you first wake up after. 

Captcha says: nnyo. That's right I was thinking Nooooo! before I got shot in my dream. 

submitted by Juniper Mae
(February 8, 2015 - 12:08 pm)


submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 8, 2015 - 7:18 pm)

This one's really weird.....

So I dreamt I was older and had a boyfriend, then I went on Cricket with him in the room, and he was all like, "Cricket? You go on?" And I was like, "Yeah.... how do you know what it is??" and he was like "Because I'm T.O.N." SurprisedAnd then I fangirled and fangirled and fangirled and fangirled. 

submitted by SAVVY44x
(February 10, 2015 - 6:44 pm)

I had this dream I was talking to Teresa over the phone and chattering about school and I meantioned this boy in my school, and she said she had seen him. And so I realized she must live near me, but I kept thinking, well he travels a lot (which actually he doesn't do) so maybe that's how. But then Teresa and I met up and I really wanted to show her my school, but I kept on thinking how my parents were always saying not to tell people online where you lived and what city you were in and all that. And I thought maybe it still aplied even though I knew Teresa face-to-face.

submitted by Indigo
(February 14, 2015 - 11:30 am)

I had a dream in black and white (I think. I can't quite remember now...) where I was on a cruise (I didn't see it, I just knew), with the cast of Harry Potter, and Bellatrix had kidnapped Hermione, and there is this step in my house from the kitchen into the living room, and I slid off that step and...maybe, this is weird, really...I don't know, somewhere, and rescued her. I felt very good, actually, to rescue Hermione.

Also, is it just me, or do strobe lights make you feel like you're dreaming? Because it seems like you dream in sort of image-flashes, or at least that's how you remember it, and strobe lights make life look like that...It's kind of mess-up-y.

Again, also...I listen to music, sometimes it's in my dreams. Like, I had a dream was doing Fiddler on the Roof Jr. (which we were) but it was really strange, it was like Fiddler Junior Junior, and then R5 Loud acoustic was just playing in the backward, which is wrong, I mean, R5 wasn't in Fiddler! It was strange.

submitted by FNU LNU, age 12, Khaznot Quay
(February 14, 2015 - 1:30 pm)

Oh, I had a driving dream where my sisters, mom, and I were at some ski lodge and we couldn"t find my mom and my sister (who is ten) started driving while I was texting my mom to ask where she was, and then I looked up and my sister is driving up this hill, and I'm like "What are you doing!?" and then I have to drive back. And I'm thinking, I'm in sooo much trouble, so I just didn't tell my mom. Weird.

submitted by FNU LNU, age 12, Khaznot Quay
(February 14, 2015 - 1:39 pm)


I'm chatting with Hermione about Arithmancy and Voldemort comes in and asks her to dance. Ron appears and steps in front of Hermione. Voldemort shrugs and says "Take her" pointing at me. Then Annbeth shows up dragging Forrest and Quicksliver. St. Owl has her feet chained to their legs which are chained to Annabeths hands. St. Owl has Ron's wand and she kills Voldemort. Then Bellatrix Lestrange shows up and says, "You killed my boyfriend." Bellatrix and Nagini get in a huge fight over who Voldemort liked more. Meanwhile Hermione had  blasted Annabeth and the CBers out. Masked Piester comes in with a pie and throws it at Nagini and Bellatrix. WOKE UP. 

submitted by Young Writer
(February 18, 2015 - 4:54 pm)

Yaaaaaay I killed Voldemort :) I am now all powerful!

submitted by St.Owl, age 10
(February 21, 2015 - 2:00 pm)

So I had a dream my mom was having another baby. She wanted me to get new friends. I was preparing for my musical theatre friends to come over. Then...

2 b continued! 

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of dreams
(February 19, 2015 - 10:06 am)

...I went to my class (which was oddly inside Target). I went into the room I usually go to. But it was much bigger and less decorated. And there was different kids. Well, some were the same, but most were different. And the teacher was different. I'm pretty sure it was my old bus driver who ran into a stop sign, always wore black long sleeves and had the heat on, and we swore under everything she was a green-skinned witch. The class started and she had the class help her put on a musical number about her taking over the world. The class went horribly. I didn't even get to join in the musical number! When the class ended, my friend came out of the room, sweating and panting. I told her, "Wow, you must have practiced!"  Then I somehow got a pile of clothes in my hands. I ran through Target to find a clothes hamper. I found one, so I put my pile in. I also found my mom and Savvy. They were playing with the new baby, who was oddly about two years old. I told my mom about the class and she told me she had set up the new teacher! I explained more, and then she decided not to go to a show because the new teacher was a bad singer. The end!

submitted by Ellie, age 12, Place of dreams
(February 19, 2015 - 1:43 pm)

Once Upon a Time

I was in a factory and everyone there wanted me to read The Hunger Games. So I took this quiz entitled "Are you ready to read The Hunger Games??" And the questions were like "Do you like jelly?" and nonsense like that. After the quiz, a guy told me I passed and handed me the third book. "But I need the first book!" I said, and he said "Sorry, we sold the first book to another person named CaykeTheCook" and I was like "Sold? But you gave this to me for free!!" and he said, "That's because it's my birthday and I'm feeling particularly nice today." And I said "Well, I'll just have to find it on Wattpad...." so I went on wattpad (the app), and I searched for The Hunger Games. I found it and started reading. It said "Katniss ate a potato", and then turned into the Sponge Bob movie in book form. So I told the guy at the factory, and he said, "You should report it to the Wattpad administrators!" and so I did, and they said, "Oh, it happens all the time!" and I was like, "Oh, well if it happens all the time, I guess it's okay." So I went back to my guy, and he said, "Go find it on minecraft." So I went on minecraft and started playing a Hunger Games (ikr ironic), and I found the book in the chest. I started reading what I thought was The Hunger Games, but it turned out to be all about jelly. About how all hg cherries love jelly and a full biography on each individual flavor. Then the deathmatch started in the minecraft hg, and surprisingly I was the only one there. So I started to read again, when I heard this thundering deep voice from above saying, "It' time to eat dinner!!!" So I went to the dinner table, and it was suddenly made out of iron and glass, and a guy named Colby, and Taylor Swift were there. I told them about my Hunger Fames experiences, and Colby suggested he carve the entire book into a block of cheese. So he got a plastic knife and carved "Once upon a time" into a block of cheese, then said "Sorry we're out of cheese!" and I said, "It's okay, I read 4 words of it which should be enough." Then I texted Maple that I read The Hunger Games!!! and she was like "Oh, great, what was your favorite part?' And I said, "Upon" and she said, "You only read 4 words of it??" and I said, "Yeah, we ran out of cheese," and she was like, "Oh, yeah that happened to me when I first started reading The Hunger Games. I'm sure it happens to everyone."


The End

submitted by SAVVY44x
(February 19, 2015 - 7:45 pm)



submitted by Daffodil
(February 22, 2015 - 7:17 pm)