Hey, guys, I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Hey, guys, I

Hey, guys, I need help. How do I get a CAPTCHa? Do I just create one? I'm confused.

submitted by Booksy Owly.
(March 31, 2015 - 5:38 pm)

Oh yeah! Just make a quick comment to announce your new CAPTCHA (spam box) and occasionally post what it says! You've seen 'em around. Fruity, say hi! No. Not azzr. Hi! Try again. You do not spell hi vpkc! Oh well.

Oh and just so you know, my CAPTCHA is this adorable fuzzy purple thing with cute little paws and huge adorable violet eyes. And cute little sharp teeth! Sharp teeth are so adorable.

Fruity: hoct!

Somebody: that still isn't hi. 

submitted by Somebody, age Who cares, Various places
(March 31, 2015 - 10:16 pm)


Okay, thanks a lot!

My CAPTCHA is a little light violet ball that is very furry and has huge ears.  Its name is Boble. Say hello, bloble!

Boble: uhtw

No, boble, I will not let you watch TV!

Boble: Mehi

Do you meen Meh, hi? A little rude, but it'll do. 

submitted by Booky Owly
(April 1, 2015 - 9:05 pm)