I think I

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

I think I

I think I need advice.

My brother literally sits at the computer all day playing video games. It drives me crazy. As some of you may know I am participating in nanowrimo this month and the computer is sort of an important part of that. He has his own laptop so I am sort of confused why he doesnt just play on that. Whenever I ask him to get off so I can get on we end up yelling at each other and I don't enjoy yelling or being yelled at. Does anyone have any ideas in how I should ask him differently or what I should do? I'm sort of at a loss right now. Any advice is appreciated. Thanks in advance.

(This is my first time making a new thread thing. When I press the submit button will it blow up? I guess we'll find out. Here goes...

Urg... h and n look so similar on the captcha... 


I'd suggest you talk to your parents about setting equal computer time use for each of you.


submitted by Regina
(November 7, 2015 - 7:39 pm)

Yes, I'd do what Admin said. If you speak to your parents about it, they could probably find a solution where you both get a satisfactory amount of "computer time."

If that doesn't work, maybe try to talk to him about why he thinks he needs to be on the computer all day in a non-defensive way.

If neither of those result in any change, maybe try something a little less... er... diplomatic? Not trying to suggest anything violent, but I'm just saying, at least from my personal experience, sometimes talking doesn't get you anywhere. Some people view actions as being more powerful and meaningful than words.

But what the heck do I know, I don't even have any siblings (aside from a 28-year old brother who lives in Ohio, but that hardly counts in this discussion). 

submitted by hotairballoon
(November 7, 2015 - 8:56 pm)

Yay, no blowy-up-thready!

And yay for brothers *eyeball roll*

I struggle with this as well. My best advice is to talk to your parents WITHOUT your brother there. That way you can get out all your emotions surrounding this without having the little pest blwoing up as well. Explain to them why this frustrates you and what you think a good solution would be. And tell them if you feel like you need their intervention, or if you just need advice. Hope this gets solved soon! 

submitted by The Phoenix, age Immortal, Oblivion
(November 8, 2015 - 8:05 am)

Thanks so much guys!! Your advice was really helpful!! 

submitted by Regina
(November 8, 2015 - 10:43 pm)