CBers as colours!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

CBers as colours!

CBers as colours! Credit to... Cayke, I believe.

So, basically, you say what colour you picture each CBer as. Well, not picture, but... what colour represents them? Yeah.


Cayke: Buttercup yellow with streaks of bubblegum pink

Somebody: A dark midnight blue

Danie: Black with electric green zigzags running through it

Scylla: A soft, pale mint green

Balletandbow: A deep magenta-red

Micearenice: Baby blue

Poetic Panda: White with dark purple spots

Regina: Pale strawberry pink

Nora: Dark violet with sparkles

Rose bud: A bright magenta

Katydid: Light pink and sky blue stripes

Mewerne: Dark forest green

Kitty Girl: A light yellow with orange swirls

Cho: A bright, neon blue 

S.E: Dark blue with black and white dots.

That's all for now, but more are to come! What do you see me as? Other CBers?


submitted by Booksy Owly
(February 1, 2016 - 4:51 pm)

I'm flattered that most of you put me on the top when saying my colors, XP. Thanks, I love 'em!

Booksy Owly: Brown, with white specks.

Danie: Darkish green.

Cho Chang: Hmm, dark blue.

Hotairballoon: White, with red stripes.

Savvy: Bright, happy, jumpy, bubbly, bouncy hot pink. XD

Luna: Dark blue with a silver moon pattern. 

Nora The Singer: Bright, happy smiling yellow! 

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(February 5, 2016 - 1:25 am)

Abigail: Since you remind me a lot of my friend Abigail who moved to Texas, I have to say you are rainbow.Cry

Leaf of love: light green, with mottled brown
Novelist: Oldish page yellow, with black stripes
Phantom: Grey-blue
submitted by Cho Chang
(February 5, 2016 - 9:11 am)

Now things are looking up! Phantom N, I love your comparison of my color to a hawk's feathers!

Phantom N: Sort of a misty black with maroon fading in and out, maybe some silver-gray in there too.
Cho: Navy blue with silver stripes. Like Ravenclaw.
Abigail: Light green like a summer breeze! Golden light in there too.
Brookeira: Royal purple fringed with white. The white has black speckles in it. The purple shimmers slightly.
Bibliophile: You're. . . I don't know. Oh! Lavender, dark royal blue, some cyan in there, maybe copper specks?
Cayke: Bright, sunshiny yellow with pink spots here and there.
submitted by Scylla
(February 5, 2016 - 9:50 am)

Thank you :)

l will do more later, as this is fun! 

submitted by Phantom N., age 13, Ghostly Places
(February 5, 2016 - 9:35 pm)

I'll try my hand at this... 

Phantom N.- A deep, cool blue

Scylla- sharp, pale mint green

Poetic Panda- Velvet violet with a touch of magenta

Hot Air Balloon- A dreamy, white-ish pale rosebud

Coconut the Dog- Golden-brown

Cho C.- A bright, copper-bronze with streaks of sky blue

Whomever goes by the name of "a big fat nobody"- Tangy reddish-orange, like punch

Cockleburr- Emerald forest green

Elvina- Glittering turquoise

TARDISrider- Bright blue

Balletandbow- Swirling yellow and dark pink



submitted by Amber, age Purple, ColorTown
(February 6, 2016 - 1:42 pm)

Thanks Scylla! Those are my favorite colors!


submitted by Bibliophile, age 12, Chicago,IL
(February 15, 2016 - 11:17 am)

Can someone please do me? I'm feeling kind of left out...

Cho: Deep midnight blue, like a NightWing can be... Or a RainWing! XD

Merenwe: Kind of a mottled grey/brown/green. 

Cayke: Pastel pink with bubbles of bubblegum pink.

Scylla: Blue, lighter then midnight blue, but darker then sky blue.

St. Owl: White and black/grey, like a snowy owl. Sometimes brown and grey, like a barn owl. XD

Cron: Black. Deep, dark black with a bit of brown.

Nora: (who shares my name) Purple and silver.

Abigail: Purple, all shades.

Wren: A sky blue.

Danie: Pastel purple, sometimes deeper.  

Phantom N.: A dark something, maybe blue.

Moonshadow: Black and wisps of grey and white.

Micearenice: Grey, like a mouse. XD

Leafmist: Misty green.

LeafoflLove: A bold green.

Amber: Well, amber.

PoeticPanda: Black and white. Like a *ahem* panda. XD

Noelle C.: Hmm, a curly buttercup yellow.

SheWhoMustNotBeNamed: Well, brown. Like potato brown. XD

balletandbow: Pastel pink.

TARDISrider: Umm, black. With bits of red.


Swift says "fpbw." Are you trying to do this too, Swift? Who's rainbow? Me? Uh, thanks, but I don't think that's particularly my color. 




submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(February 6, 2016 - 1:29 pm)

Coconut the dog: Swirls of varying shades of brown, from very light tan-almost-white to dark chocolate almost-black.

submitted by Aquina W., age 13, Atlantis
(February 6, 2016 - 6:03 pm)

CBers that are doing my color- just a warning. Pretty soon you're going to run out of different shades of mint green.

Coconut the Dog: Caramel brown dappled with stripes of dark brown like a Samoa Girl Scouts cookie.
submitted by Scylla
(February 6, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Scylla- You are royal dark blue swirled with deep gold.

Lyra S.- Lime green with light blue poka dots.


submitted by Horse Spirit Girl, age 14
(February 6, 2016 - 10:32 pm)

So much green! I am green all around apparently, with some pink. Tee hee. And even dark purple! What a surprise!

I would type, but I'm too friggin exhausted...

submitted by Katydid
(February 7, 2016 - 2:05 am)

Coconut- A cream with sprinkles of brown

Scylla, I'm sorry about the mint green thing! I think I kind of started it... 

submitted by Booksy Owly
(February 7, 2016 - 1:26 am)

Fang right you did! Whatever. I like mint green, everyone, but try to be a little more creative. Thanks, HSG!

HSG: Tribal deerskin color with geometric patterns that're dark red and bright blue.
Katydid: A rich leaf green.
submitted by Scylla
(February 7, 2016 - 10:22 am)

I love all your descriptions of me, you guys! :) I'll give this a try, though, I don't generally think of CBers as colors, more of personalities, if you know what I mean...

(Note: my sister Starseeker helped me with some of these. I noted that where necessary, but the rest was all me. :) ) 

Cho Chang: well, the colors of Ravenclaw. Kinda hard not to.

Merenwe: for some reason, I picture you as a cat, so kitten grey.

Cayke: pink and brown, like the colors of a, well, cake.

Scylla: having read The Odyssey last year in class, I have an image of Scylla in my mind. For you, I would have to say...dark green, like the Scylla serpent.

St. Owl: well, an owly brown, like medium and darkish, you know? But with flecks of blue and green.

Cron: I don't know you that well, but I must say, you strike me as a dark midnight blue and black for some reason. Perhaps because "Cron" sounds like "Crow" to me.

Nora: since you refer to yourself as a singer, I would have to say gold, like the spotlight, with a dash of light pink for some reason.

Abigail: Well, I have a friend who goes by Abby but her real name is Abigail, and she has a lot of blue and purple with a dash of green that she wears, so I'd have to say I think of you as those.

Wren: considering a wren is a bird, I picture you as a happy brown (gee, I feel like Bob Ross XD) with flecks of yellow and gold.

Danie: Hm...dark purple, blue, and black.

Phantom N: well, considering you refer to yourself as a phantom, I'd have to say black, but with whisps of white and grey.

Moonshadow: dark purple and silver

Micearenice: light yellow with, well, mousy brown. But mostly yellow.

Leafmist: leafy (XD) green with a hint of misty (XD) blue

Leaf of Love: leafy (XD) green with dark pink

Amber: well...amber, but for some reason also light blue.

Noelle C.: shiny black, like a person's hair would be. Not like dark, oily black, but a beautiful, gleaming black.

Booksy Owly: light blue and light green.

Will T: hm...I would have to say...dark green, blue, and black.

balletandbow: well, ballet shoe pink. 

Applejaguar: well, jaguar brown with apple colors mixed in, like gold and red.

Indigo: well..indigo.

Coconut the Dog: well...coconut white.

Shadow Dragon: well, dark black. But with a blue tint.

Dragonrider: lightish black, like the color of the twilight sky

Starseeker: dark blue with shiny silver stars XD. Starseeker says that she's actually purple, black, and silver.

The Novelist: for some reason, burnt autumn orange, like the cover of those old, really pretty books. :)

Katydid: light leafy green.

S.E.: lightish-medium green as well as lavender.

Butterfly: well, butterfly colors, like lavender and light leafy green with touches of blue.

TARDISrider: TARDIS blue of course. 

Bibliophile: orange, like the EasyBib bibliography company logo. But also red. 

Chinchilla: soft grey, like a chinchilla XD, but also light pink.

Lyra: the color of a harp, like goldish brown. 

Rose bud: well, rose colors, like pale pink and red. But also green for the leaves.

Joss: since you seem to love acting, I must say, a shimmering light gold for the spotlight. (Not the exact shade of Nora's, just lighter.)

Joan: autumn red/orange for some reason

Horse Spirit Girl: horse-y brown, but also sunset colors like orange and purple.

Brookeira: light blue. I'm not entirely sure why.

Over the Rainbow: *sigh* rainbow. But mostly sky blue.

Somebody: Starseeker, my sister, thinks you're greyish with lavender.

Savvy44x: Starseeker thinks you're red and orange. 

Luna: medium blue with silver, so not quite the Ravenclaw colors, but almost.

Hermione: well, Gryffindor colors. Starseeker says orange, too.

KittyGirl: well, cat colors, like orange and black and white and brown. Starseeker adds "fluffy grey and light pink". 

Aquina: that shade of ocean blue where it sometimes looks blue and sometimes green. 

Gee, I'm exhausted! If anybody else wants me to do them, I will do so happily! :) 

~Poetic Panda (and Starseeker)


submitted by Poetic Panda
(February 7, 2016 - 12:27 pm)

Wow, Poetic Panda, that is impressive.

submitted by Cho C.
(February 7, 2016 - 5:40 pm)