
Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



So, some people are  calling me Biblio now, and I've posted a few times as Biblio. It's cute, and I like it! So, just to let you guys know, it's not an imposter or some other new CBer, and you can call me Biblio! 

If you guys want to introduce new nicknames or talk about your'e nicknames here, that's fine!

Exclamation point count is 4 out of 5 sentences.

You know, I'm allowed to be happy sometimes, Isadora.

SHE STOLE MY FONT!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

That's more exclamation points than I had in the whole thread!

Excuse the CAPATCHA, please.

Hey! I'm a QUEEN!

Of Riverdale, which I'm not a citizen of becuase I'm an AE. You should really think these things through before you set up exclusion acts.

Don't worry Dora, you can always join my kingdom. As a slave.

That's enough! 


submitted by Bibliophile/Biblio, age 12, off the grid
(May 9, 2016 - 8:11 pm)

Okay, Biblio! My nicknames are Leaf of Love and Leaf, from my former name, and Mei, of course.

Also, I thought this was funny: 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh)
(May 10, 2016 - 6:37 am)


submitted by Top
(May 16, 2016 - 10:23 pm)