The name's Vi.

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

The name's Vi.

The name's Vi.

No, it isn't short for anything. Its just Vi.

My father's the Phantom, my husband is Jim Moriarty, and I have an old friend named the Doctor that I haven't seen in forever.

I left France when I was 16, where Sherlock Holmes immediately tried to accuse me of a murder which I obviously didn't commit. I had to hide, and in hiding, I met Jim.

I have a good friend called Raven, also. Say hello, Raven. "Hey. Listen, I gotta fly. We'll continue our introduction next time. flies off"  Bye! That's Vi for you. She hates to stick around.

submitted by Vi, age 34, The Victorian Era
(June 14, 2016 - 1:15 pm)

Um, hello Vi. Funny, I know another CBer with part of name...

submitted by The Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 14, 2016 - 4:20 pm)

Helloi Vi! Welcome to the Chatterbox!

I'm Joan B. of Arc, I love to read, and write. (Especially fan-fictions!) 

I have an AE named Puck, and another AE named Ariel who is her twin brother. Both are based off of characters from Shakespeare plays.

I also have a CAPTCHA named Sir Galahad.

Again, welcome to the CB!  

submitted by Joan B of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(June 14, 2016 - 5:23 pm)



submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 13, Camelot
(June 14, 2016 - 8:18 pm)

Alright, I have to set things straight. I lost track of my age, I'm only 15. I'm Jim's favorite accomplice, and I'll tell you why.

I'm not the Phantom's daughter, I'm Sherlock's only child. He lost custody when he started doing drugs, so Jim jumped in. This was before he was a known criminal - and a very clever one, may I add. He even promised he would marry me when I turn 16. He's really very nice. At least, he's nice to me.

When I say I'm friends with the Doctor, I get the feeling we aren't thinking of the same regeneration. The Doctor I know is half a million years old, and also female.

There, that's the real me. Now I'll give you a short intro to my current AE's. First is Raven. No flying off this time. "Fine, fine." Thank you. Alright, introduce yourself.

"I'm Raven. I am the last of the Winged People, and I'm called Raven because - you guessed it - I have large-" and elegant! "Yes, and elegant black wings that I use to get around. I've been alone for nearly a hundred years, now, but I'm used to it. May I be done now, Vi?" Yes. "Leaves"

I have to introduce Aminta. Aminta? "Yes? I hope this is fast. Father needs a singer so that he can write his newest opera." It won't take any longer than you want it to. Just introduce yourself to these nice people. "Alright. I'm Aminta, the Phantom's daughter. Vi and I have been friends since Father and I moved to England. I'm 16 years old, but Father won't let me marry until I'm older. Is that enough for now, Vi?" Yes, that's plenty. Thank you, Aminta. "You're welcome. Leaves"

And those are my current AE's. They will receive their own introductions when I see fit, but for now, adieu.

submitted by Vi, age 15, The Victorian Era
(June 14, 2016 - 9:17 pm)

Hello Vi! Hello Raven! Hello Amnita! I am Darth Kitty!

And I'm Angel Kitty.

imca lled cmrn. (Translation: I'm called Cameron.)

Angel Kitty is my AE. She is constantly bent on world domination, despite the name. All she will ever ask of you is items to help her efforts in this 'project'.

Yes, speaking of which, do any of you happen to have a crowbar or an orange on hand? (Both are pre—

—Ok, enough! You can stop asking people for things, your never going to get them! (Don't ever give anything to her!!)

into duce meee? (Translation: Introduce me?)

Yes, this is Cameron, my CAPTCHA. Usually he sits on my shoulder, giving me advice (he's a proper shoulder angel). I don't have a shoulder devil (thankfully) maybe because I already have enough demonic influence trailing me around constantly *takes moment to glare at Angel Kitty*.


Cameron is half cat, half pygmy puff. He is probably the most mature out of all of us.

*purrs approvingly*

What? So I'm not mature?

Anyway, that's us. It's nice to meet you!


submitted by Darth Kitty, age bowties, are cool
(June 15, 2016 - 11:00 am)

Hello! Vi! Welco to the Chatterbox! I'm Mei-xue, I'm Chinese, and love to read and write!

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 14, 2016 - 9:22 pm)

Welcome to the CB!

Here are my AEs:

Feisty, a teenage boy who has dragon wings and can metamorph into a dragon. He speaks in bold.

*tries to fly away* Not more AEs! I don't want any other crushes on me-

*grabs him by his shirt* Don't be rude! C'mon, say something!

I would rather be-

Something NICE!

*grumbles* Fine, fine. Is 'good-bye' nice enough for you?

No! Make pleasant conversation.

It's stormy today, so I can be out of sight in the clouds right now. *flies off*

Hey! Come back! Oh, well... Sorry, Vi. Feisty hates meeting new people. Anyways, another of my AEs is Licorice 'le chat'-

French for 'the cat'.

-Yeah, and she speaks in Itallics.

Of course I do!

She is a cat-girl with emerald-green eyes, long black hair, pale skin, black ears with white tips, and a black tail with a white tip. In cat form, she's a black cat with the same ear-and-tail description as above, not to mention the same eyes.

Yes, of course. Hello, Vi, Raven, and Aminta.

She's also very self-esteemed, and can be quite a stuffed shirt sometimes.

Why, YOU!... GoodBYE.

And my last AE, Kandy Kitty. She's a candy -I mean, kandy- cat-girl, but rarely goes into Kandy Kitty Cat Form (K.K.C.F), and when she does she can change into colors like any candy she wants. (kandy cane stripes, kandy corn stripey-thingys, etc, etc.) Her personality is like this: HAPPY/ELATED when meeting new people, throws only candy during pie wars and insists that candy is spelled K-A-N-D-Y, very serious when making candy- ahem, KANDY -and thinks balloons are secret spies from the helium company, therefore enjoying popping them and thinks that Pinkie PIEper is an EVIL HELIUM COMPANY person-pony. She speaks in Bitallics.

HYE!!!!!!! Hye ti VI, hye to RAVEN, hye to AMINTA!!!! Did I miss anyone?????!!!!! *pumps hands all 'round* YAYS!!!!!! Now BE QUIET. I am making KANDY.

Yeah. My AEs really are insane, at least Kandy Kitty is.


I am a dog-girl with blue eyes, dirty-ish blond hair, white ears, and a white tail. My personality is all over this post. 

Yuft abot meee! Coco, howw culd yuuu?! (Translation: You forgot about me! Coco, how could you?!)

Oh man, I did! That is Swift, my CAPTCHA. She is: A young, juvenile you could say, dragon. She is adorable and a troublemaker and she looks like this: 


Image result for cute green baby dragons


Mostly. She is adorable, yes? Her favorite color is green, and she likes threatening to leave.

*waltzes around the room marveling at how adorable she is* Dont yout hink that Imco mple tely ador able? (Translation: Don't you think that I'm completely adorable?) 

Helo Viii, helo Rven, annd helo toyu, Amta! (Translation: Hello Vi, hello Raven, and hello to you, Aminta!)

submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(June 15, 2016 - 9:59 am)

Woah, Coco, did you draw that! If you did, that's amazing!!!

submitted by Bluebird
(June 15, 2016 - 10:28 am)

Here's Feisty:


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(June 15, 2016 - 10:09 am)

Here's Licorice:


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(June 15, 2016 - 10:14 am)

Here's Kandy Kitty:


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(June 15, 2016 - 10:25 am)

Here's me (on the CB)!


submitted by Coconut the dog, age I forgot, In the bed
(June 15, 2016 - 10:27 am)

Hey, you're a great artist! Do you think you could make me and my AE's? I can give you all the info you need, if you're willing to do it. :)

submitted by Vi, age 15, The Victorian Era
(June 15, 2016 - 12:29 pm)

Also, here's me:

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 15, 2016 - 2:01 pm)

Vi! Heya! We know each other.

But you don't know my AEs!

Their names are Feather and--



--Devil Owl.

Dev speaks in bold, Feather in italics. Dev's a complete hypermaniac, absolutely insane, and has a habit of blasting random vegetables at people. Feather is a grammar freak and a karate expert.

I learned from the best!


"Over nine thousand," I suppose?

Oh, and by the way, I highly admire your Sherlock references. I hope you are aware that "Jim" is a nickname, though.

She has to know, if she's a "Sherlockian."

I'm just saying!

I'm just saying.

Please note that when using italics, un-italicizing something means stress on that word.


Are you writing in italics?

You just answered your own question.

Ignoring my AEs, if you want to get to know me a little better...

I am St.Owl. I went to Camp Half-Blood when I was younger and was an Athena child. Then I went to Hogwarts at eleven and was sorted into Ravenclaw. During one of my summers at Camp, I went on a quest that took me to London, and there I ran into the Doctor and Rose, busy trying to solve the mysery of *MAJOR SHERLOCK SPOILERS UP AHEAD, DANGER* Sherlock's death and reincarnation. *END SPOILERS.* Obviously, I told them the answer so they would stop worrying their heads about it. But when doing so, I was accidentally trapped in a time vortex and sent to the future, to Panem after the second war. Luckily, the Doctor was able to retrieve me and bring me home.

You just made that story up to list all your "fandoms."

Did not!

Did too!

Did not!

Oh, you must be right. You didn't mention Ireland at all.

Oh, of course! The Doctor accidentally miscalculated and sent us back to medieval Ireland, where we saved the city of Kells and ran into a selkie...


That's "Lier, lier, pants on fire."


I'm entering in the CAPTCHA now...





submitted by St.Owl (and co.), age Recarnated, Everywhere
(June 15, 2016 - 4:40 pm)