RANDOM TEST #6!!!!!!!!

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

RANDOM TEST #6!!!!!!!!

RANDOM TEST #6!!!!!!!! :):):)

Okay, anybuggy whose initials start with A, E, I, K, I, O, Q, U, V, W, X, Y, Z, or if you just think your name will be hard can feel free to use your middle name or last initial. :):):)

1. Things that are sticky (gum, cake batter, etc.)

2. Cars (Chevy, Ford, etc.)

3. Bad habits (this one's always fun to make up!! :D)

4. Leisure activities (things you like to do for fun)

5. Things you're allergic to (or just things anybuggy can be allergic to)

6. Musical instrument (bagpipe, cello, etc.)

7. Ice cream flavors (chocolate, vanilla, etc.)

8. Things that jump/bounce (ball, Tigger, etc.)

9. Excuses for being late (fun one! Wait, have I used it before?)

10. Things in the sky (air planes, kites, clouds, etc.)

11. Things that have spots (leopards, chicken pox, etc.)

12. Something you're afraid of [not neccesarily you] (the dark, 8 year olds, etc.)

13. Fish (bass, salmon, guppy, etc.)

14. Items in this room [whatever room you're in] (Buddi, TV, etc.)

15. Book titles


My answers:

1. Peanut butter

2. I'm not very good with cars..... Hmm....

3. Peer-pressuring (hehe, if that's real)

4. People watching (*wanders off singing Jack Johnson songs.....*)

5. Poofy-furred dogs

6. PIANO, duhhh!!! :)

7. Pistachio (spelled right??)

8. Pogosticks

9. Pet escaped

10. Pluto!

11. Polkadots! :)

12. Pandas that are rabid :)

13. Ummmmmm...... Let me think...

14. Palm branch (my cat's new favorite toy!)

15. GAA!!!! I DON'T KNOW!!!!!! Hehe, Potter, Harry. :):) I don't think that counts! :D

Like it??

submitted by Paige
(April 16, 2009 - 9:37 am)

9. Killer hippo trapped me in my room!! :)

15. Song of Songs (I guess that counts as a book! :D)

Sorry, that wasn't much help... :):):)

submitted by Paige
(April 17, 2009 - 2:17 pm)

Hee, hee, hee!!!!!!!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!:), California
(April 18, 2009 - 10:19 am)

Which letter should I use?!

My real name starts with L, but here it's M, and My middle name starts with L, and (like Jenni T)mylast name starts with T!!!!



*sob sob sob sob sniff sniff sniff*

*blows nose loudly*

*throws tissue away in nearest trash can*



just kidding.....

submitted by Martia, age 9, mm hmm, whateve
(April 17, 2009 - 2:05 pm)


submitted by Kimberly B, age 13!:), California
(April 18, 2009 - 10:20 am)

I'm on at the same time as Kimmie!! :):):)

submitted by Hi Kmmie! -PP
(April 17, 2009 - 2:12 pm)

I'll do M. It's the easiest.

#1. sticky things~ mochi.

#2. cars~ Mercedes(my dad has a Mercedes mouse)

#3. bad habits~ making Jenni mad and end up sulking with bruises.(which is true, in fact)

#4. Things to do for fun???? that starts with M? Making picture with soft pastels?

#5. Allergic? Milk. That's easy.

#6. Musical instrument~ Marimba!!

#7. Umm.. I'm allergic to milk, right?!?!

#8. Things that bounce....~ Maroon bouncy balls?!?!

#9. Excuse?~ Meowing? How's that!?

#10. Things in the sky~ umm.. Mallard ducks? They fly.....

#11. Spotted things?~ Meowing spotted cat?

#12. Things I'm afraid of~ Mad Jennifer?

#13. Fish~ Mackarel!!

#14.Things in the room with you~ Me!!!

#15. Books~ (I'm right beside a bookshelf, so that should help...) Mariel of Redwall by Brian Jaques!!

Next time I'll do it with L!

submitted by Martia, age 9, mmm hmmm!!!!!!!
(April 17, 2009 - 7:52 pm)

#1. Jam

2. Uh, Jaguar? Is that a car name?

3. making bad Jokes all the time

4. Jumping around for no apparent reason

5. Jelly beans (they make me throw up)

6. Huh? is there a instrument that starts with j? (How about jingle bells--Admin)

7. uh, i don't know anything about ice cream.............

8. Jumping beans.

9. There was a traffic Jam

10. blue-Jays

11. Jaguar (the cat one)

12. Jack-in-the-box (I'm not scard of them anymore, but I used to be)

13. Jellyfish

14. Jennifer/me heehee is that cheating?

15.Romeo and Juliet


Heehee i think i cheated more than once..........

submitted by Jenni T, age 12, Nowhere
(April 17, 2009 - 7:59 pm)

Thanks Admin!!

submitted by Jenni T, age 12, Nowhere
(April 18, 2009 - 9:06 am)

Okay, I am going to use all my initials (Z, E, and G)!


1. Gum! thanks paige

2. I think there is a car named thesomething Escape...

3. Zipping your zipper up and down over and over so it makes that annoying noise.

4. Go to the zoo

5. Eggplants I guess

6. Grand piano

7. Granny smith apple. (HEY IT'S POSSIBLE!)

8. Zany people with too much energy


10. Giant hot air balloons

11. Going bad food. (you know with mold)

12. Zebras

13. Guppy... hee hee

14. Zebra print rug

15. I DONT KNOW!!!!

submitted by Zoe, age 12, Standish, Maine
(April 18, 2009 - 8:45 am)

Okay...I'm going to use my middle initial.M

1. Ummmmm........uhhhh...Moose slobber
2. Mitsubiti
3. Mooing when ever you see a cow????
4. Mountain cllimbing
5. Milk(gross!!!!!!! MIlk is disgusting!!!)
6. Metaliphone(metal xylophone)
7. Moose tracks(YUM!!!)
8. Men in fat suits(hehehehehe that would be fun to see(or do!!!))
9. Mom didn't wake me up on time
10.Migrating birds
11.Moose that are dappled(haha)
14.Mac computer
15.AAAAAAAHHHHHHH...i don't know!!! wait...Moon, good night(hahahahahahahahahahah)
That was fun!
submitted by Kake, age 12 , On a plate
(April 18, 2009 - 10:40 am)

Same time............

submitted by Jen-hi Kake!!!, age 12, Nowhere
(April 18, 2009 - 10:41 am)

I think I'm on at the same time as Jenni!:):):) Hi!!!:):):)

submitted by Kimberly B-Hey Jenni, age 13!:), California
(April 18, 2009 - 11:01 am)

Okay, my middle initial's B...

1. bubble gum

2.  Buick

3. Brattyness

4. Be on the computer?

5. blueberries (no seriously, my friend throws up every time she has them!)

6. bass guitar

7. Butter Pecan! my FAVE

8. Ball

9. Bunny got out, my dog started chasing her, and knocked over my backpack, which spilled it's contents all over the floor...

10. Bats

11. BAD case of measles??

12. Bad dreams

13. Bluegill

14. Books! lots and lots!

15. Bulfinch's Mythology 

submitted by Willa
(April 18, 2009 - 11:12 am)

1. Things that are sticky- Elmer's glue

2. Cars- Eureka

3. Bad habits- Eating hair

4. Leisure activities- ????? 

5. Things you're allergic to - ?????

6. Musical instrument - Euphonium

7. Ice cream flavors - Extra Chocolate :)

8. Things that jump/bounce - Extra-bouncy-ball :D

9. Excuses for being late - Elephant blocked the road

10. Things in the sky - Eurpean Starling (a bird)

11. Things that have spots - ?????

12. Something you're afraid of- Every type of spider

13. Fish- eel

14. Items in this room- Extra batteries 

15. Book titles - Early Flute, The

submitted by Ema, age 11, NY
(April 18, 2009 - 11:54 am)

Hi, Paige!

submitted by Hi from Brynne!, age 13, Flying away on
(April 18, 2009 - 5:49 pm)