Dear Admins/Editors,

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Dear Admins/Editors,

Dear Admins/Editors,


Hello. I was writing to say that last night I wrote a Warriors RP on the Inkwell and posted it. I posted that at about 8:00 central last night. As of now, 3:30PM central, I have not seen it. I  know that since you guys need to accept each post before it appears, it takes a while. But I have scrolled through all 183 pages of the Inkwell, and did not see it. I remember it was titled, "Warriors Roleplay," or around those lines, and I am 89% sure the name it is titled under is Trill W. I have tried searching for it on the Google search engine, search all combinations of "Warriors," "Roleplay," "Trill," "Cricket," "Magazine," and "Inkwell." The pages that come up are either:

A) Not mine

B) Old ones I had posted, but sort of just fizzled

or C), the one that comes up a lot, it is my page, but for some reason, the page does not load my page, but a coded(slightly) version of the Inkwell. Here is the link, if you would like to see it.

I was hoping you could help me find it? If it just hasn't been posted, I'm very sorry to have disturbed you. I am posting this here so that doesn't happen again. ;)


Thank you very much.

~Trill Woodhena, mostly using Cricket Kyngdom


I think I remember posting it this morning. The google search engine is the best we can do, too. Maybe someone will spot it. Or can you submit it again? 


submitted by Trill W., age 13, Please Read
(June 22, 2016 - 3:37 pm)

Hello, Trill! I'm Lucy/Xiǎolóng on Kyngdom, by the way.

Anyways, I found your RP! Thanks for mentioning me! It's here:

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 22, 2016 - 3:57 pm)

Thank you both. :DDDD


submitted by Trill W., age 13, STUPID TUNNELZ
(June 22, 2016 - 5:58 pm)

When I'm trying to find a thread, what should I type into google? 

submitted by Cockleburr
(June 24, 2016 - 12:34 pm)


site: text you want to find 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(June 24, 2016 - 6:57 pm)