If I am

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

If I am

If I am to be returning to the CB, I feel like I should leave nothing out, but yet again, I feel like I'm now throwing a giant pity party for myself. 

I'm going to make this brief so that I have no excuse to delete this.

I had/have anorexia. I donot think it was bad enough to be full blown deadly anorexia, but I like to refer to it as "almost anorexia". 

It started when my friend started-No. I've always been insecure about my weight. So it didn't start then. It was triggered then. She showed me pictures of plus sized models next to thin women. Now I have nothing against plus sized people. Please don't think that of me. But those pictures just pushed something in me. Hard.

I started limiting my calories to 300-400 a day. I am a runner, so I kept up my old exercise routine and added on more.

I lost weight. I went from 73 to 69 lbs like that.

I'm starting to come out of it now. But its hard. 

Okay. 3...2...1... Pressing submit 

submitted by Young Writer
(June 27, 2016 - 6:52 pm)

Welcome back! I was scanning a few old threads and have seen your name pop up quite a bit. I'm kinda new, coming here in January of this year. It's okay to have a pity party for youself. As for the anorexia (almost or otherwise), I've never had it, but don't give up. Just eat the right foods and be yourself.




submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(June 28, 2016 - 3:32 am)

Those words might seem simple to you, but they mean so much to me. Thank you!

submitted by Young Writer,
(June 28, 2016 - 7:15 pm)
submitted by Top
(June 28, 2016 - 8:51 am)
submitted by top
(June 28, 2016 - 6:39 pm)

YW, I'm so proud that you admitted that. I think you're a great person. Just eat healthily and don't fall into the pits! We're here for you.

submitted by Brookeira
(June 29, 2016 - 8:17 am)

Thank you so much! I missed you, Brookeira!

submitted by Young Writer
(June 29, 2016 - 6:09 pm)

(happy cat noises, despite the fact that I'm not a cat)

Thanks! I missed you too. 

submitted by Brookeira
(July 2, 2016 - 3:16 pm)

Wow, that is way to few calories! But I'm really proud of you for trying to get out of it. It takes a wonderful and strong person (no I have not had personal experience with anorexia but it sounds terrifying). You'll be fine and everyone on the CB supports you. Also, I don't blame you. In a world like this, it's hard not to worry about your appearance. Anyway, I'm glad you're recovering and welcome back! I remember when you left. It was sad. And by the way Ruby M. is back too. And Maple Syrup and probably a lot of others who I'm forgetting. ALSO, I admire you for being a runner-- I don't have the resolve to do it. 

submitted by Applejaguar, age !), New York
(June 30, 2016 - 2:47 pm)

Thank you so much for everything you said! Running, yoga, and writing are my "things'", you could say.

submitted by Young Writer
(June 30, 2016 - 3:14 pm)

First of all, YW, I've missed the heck out of you. Where've you been? Secondly, I feel like crying. I always do when I read anorexia stories, because it breaks my heart to think beautiful people think they need to be skinnier. You're beautiful. I'm so glad you're trying to get out of it. Being underweight is very dangerous, and I don't want you to get sick. Best of luck!

submitted by CaykeTheCook
(June 30, 2016 - 3:55 pm)

Young Writer, welcome back to the CB! Although I have already talked to you previously on other threads. But nonetheless, welcome back. And you have no idea how much I respect you for having the courage to step out of your almost anorexia. I don't know much about it, but I once knew a girl online who went through the same thing. You are amazing, to be able to start overcoming that. High five to you. Just keep on going, you'll make it. And also, I give you lots of credit for being a runner. That is something not many people can be, ever. So good job. And again, we are glad to have you back with us on the CB! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(June 30, 2016 - 11:16 pm)