This is a

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

This is a

This is a poll! 

Everyone loves polls.... So I made one up. Really there is nothing to it. All you have to do is answer the questions. They are all yes or no answers. If they get too personal for you, just skip that question. 

1.  Do you drink coffee?

2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

3.  Do you own any animals?

4.  Are you average height?

A. Taller?

B. Shorter?

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair

B. Eyes 

(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)

6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?

7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10?

8.  Do you play a sport consistently?

If so, is it:

A. Soccer

B. Lacrosse

C. Basketball

D. Volleyball

E. Other

9. Have any reallife crushes?

10.  Are you homeschooled?



My answers are 1. Yes. I drink at LeAST 2 cups a day. Yes. I am 14.

2. I have 5 younger sibs.... No older.

3.  Yes. A shetland sheepdog,  a cat, guppies, and two gerbils. 

4. 4A, I am tall for my age  

5. 5a, light brown/dirty blonde, 5b hazel

6.  Yes. Every day I wake up at 6:30. It is weird, I must have an inner alarm clock.

7.   I ALWAYS have to be able n bed by nine thirty  

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 7, 2016 - 7:00 am)

1.  Do you drink coffee?

Not regularly, but I do drink it. 

2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

I have no siblings 

3.  Do you own any animals?

One pony, two dogs, and two cats. 

4.  Are you average height?


A. Taller?


B. Shorter?

Yes, a bit 

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair

In real life? A kind of coppery-goldy-red-brown. 

B. Eyes 

Sea green 

(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)

6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?

Um, I have a completely different sleep schedule between weekdays and breaks...

7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10?

See above answer... 

8.  Do you play a sport consistently?


If so, is it:

A. Soccer

B. Lacrosse

C. Basketball

D. Volleyball

E. Other

9. Have any reallife crushes?

No. The part of my soul that used to house crushes is a black void. 

10.  Are you homeschooled?


submitted by Brookeira
(July 7, 2016 - 8:52 am)

Cool, mthanks Brookiera! Guys, I meant weekend, not weekdays. Sorry for the typo!

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 7, 2016 - 9:53 am)

1.  Do you drink coffee?

Of course not. I can barely stand the stench alone. I can't imagine how terrible the drink would be.

2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

Yes; no 

3.  Do you own any animals?

Yes, three  

4.  Are you average height? What does that mean?

A. Taller (ever so slightly) ?

B. Shorter?

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair

B. Eyes 

Well. Considering I'm not a real person (just kidding) I cannot effectively answer this question. 

(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)

6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?


7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10?


8.  Do you play a sport consistently?


If so, is it:

A. Soccer

B. Lacrosse

C. Basketball

D. Volleyball

E. Other

9. Have any reallife crushes?


10.  Are you homeschooled?


submitted by Scylla
(July 7, 2016 - 10:00 am)

1. Nope

2. One sibling, a younger brother.

3. No, but we are taking care of a teacher's two Guinea pigs for two weeks.

4. B: Shorter

5. Hair: Brown. Eyes: Brown.

6. No. 8:30 or 9 ish.

7. Usually around 9:30 but there have been late nights like last night, where I went to bed at 10 or 11.

8. No.

Thanks for the survey, Elmodaisy! 


submitted by OwlgirlNo
(July 7, 2016 - 10:17 am)

1.  Do you drink coffee?

Yep, from time to time.  

2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

Yes and yes. 

3.  Do you own any animals?


4.  Are you average height?

l don't think so, then again, l have no idea what an average height for my age is.  

A. Taller?

l guess....? l'm taller then most people my age and a few years older then me. 

B. Shorter?

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair

Currently gold-white and pale blue. (The tips of my hair are dyed, but despite the fact that it's supposed to be long-lasting, it's wearing out.)

B. Eyes 

They're a sort of ugly, murky, green-blue, like discolored water. 

6.  On a weekend or school break, do you wake up before 7?

Nope. l never wake up before eight or so unless l have to go somewhere.

7. On a weekend or school break do you go to bed before 10?

Nope again. l go to sleep 11-12 every night. 

8.  Do you play a sport consistently?

Yep. A and E, E being swimming, running, biking and skiing.  

If so, is it:

A. Soccer

B. Lacrosse

C. Basketball

D. Volleyball

E. Other

9. Have any reallife crushes?

Not really....... 

10.  Are you homeschooled?


submitted by Shadow Dragon
(July 7, 2016 - 12:12 pm)

My sis is going to take this, too. Here's hers. I'll post my answers underneath.

1.  Do you drink coffee?


2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

Bluebird is my only sister. 

3.  Do you own any animals?

Three. 1 dog, Pepper, and two cats, Tiger and Fritzi.

4.  Are you average height?

For my age, yes. 

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair

Carmelly brown, golden highlights (sort of) 

B. Eyes 

Brown, with a coppery tint. 

(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)

6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?


7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10?


8.  Do you play a sport consistently?

If so, is it: E.

9. Have any reallife crushes?


10.  Are you homeschooled?


And, here's mine. (Bluebird)

1.  Do you drink coffee? 

Um, no. I like it, but I don't drink it regularly. 

2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

Lavender is my only sibling. 

3.  Do you own any animals?

A dog named Pepper, a cat named Tiger, and another cat named Fritzi. (3) 

4.  Are you average height?

A) Taller. For a 12 year old, I am a lot taller than everyone in my grade, but for an adult, average.

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair Dark brown, I just dyed blue streaks in it this week, so...

B. Eyes Green, but they appear grey unless you look closely.

(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)

6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7? Yes, I have to to get to school on time.

7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10?

Um... I try to, but usually end up staying up later. 

8.  Do you play a sport consistently?

If so, is it:

C., D., and E. 

9. Have any reallife crushes?

I literally have no standards, so I've had a ton.  

10.  Are you homeschooled? 


submitted by Bluebird & Lavender
(July 7, 2016 - 12:54 pm)

I love surveys! I don't know if I will answer 100% of the questions though.

1. Do you drink coffee?

No. Coffee is gross (yes, even Starbucks coffee).

2. Do you have siblings? More than 2?

Yes, I have four younger siblings. No older.

3. Do you own any animals?

As of now, no.

4. Are you average height?

Much taller than the average woman's height (taller than average man's height too!)

5. For REAL, people, what color are your hair and eyes?

A. Light brown. Used to be blonde as a kid, though. Never dyed my hair.

B. Gray-Blue. Also a hint of hazel and green. Therefore, my eyes have almost all of the possible eye colors combined. In general, I say it is gray-blue.

6. On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?

Even on school days, I wake up 7:20am (unless late start). So I never, ever wake up at seven. On weekends I might wake up 8:20. Rarely, though.

7. On a weekday or school break, do you go to bed before 10?

Again, I never go to bed earlier than 10. School days is usually 10-11 pm. Weekends 11 pm - 1 am. Sometimes even later.

8. Do you play sports consistently?

No sports for me! Unless video games count as a sport. Or reading.

9. Do you have any reallife crushes?

Errr... What do you think?

10. Are you homeschooled? 

I was homeschooled/unschooled almost my entire life. Really, freshman year was my first time being in public school the entire year.

If you don't mind, I might make a new thread with more questions. Just for the fun of it. 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(July 7, 2016 - 1:19 pm)

Thanks, Everyone! Of course I don't mind, Ashlee, and I will definitely post if you make it!

submitted by Elmodaisy
(July 7, 2016 - 1:32 pm)

1.  Do you drink coffee?

Occasionally, but not directly. Like, I drink Starbucks frappuccinos maybe once or twice a month and sometimes occasionally they're coffee based.

2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?

One sibling, Ellie. 

3.  Do you own any animals?

Henry, my dog. Then there's my.... Hundreds?.... Of stuffed animals. 

4.  Are you average height?

I'm actually the exact average height and weight for an eleven year old girl. Weird, I know. 

5.  For REAL, people: what color are your

A. Hair- it's medium-dark brown at the top, but it fades into medium-light blond. No, I didn't dye it, I just have naturally strange hair.

B. Eyes- bluish grey.

(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)

6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7? During a school day, yes, not on a school day... Sometimes.

7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10? I never go to bed before ten... Lights out us at ten thirty, but if I'm reading a good book I stay up later with a reading light, and then I have to actually fall asleep which usually takes at least a half hour..

8.  Do you play a sport consistently?


If so, is it:

A. Soccer

B. Lacrosse

C. Basketball

D. Volleyball

E. Other

E, it's gymnastics. 

9. Have any reallife crushes?

Hmmm........ No I don't think so. 

10.  Are you homeschooled?

No but I wish I was. 

submitted by Savvy44x
(July 7, 2016 - 1:38 pm)

1. Do you drink coffee?

No. One, I am twelve years old. Two, I'm fine without caffeine as long as I can wake up on my own clock. Three, it tastes horrible.

2. Do you have siblings? More than two?

Yes, one extraordinarily annoying younger brother.

3. Do you own any animals?
Yes, a dog. She's a husky mix and her name is Bluebell.

4. Are you average height?

A. Shorter?
B. Taller?


5. For REAL, people: what color is your

A. Hair

It used to be a really distinct blond, now I think it's more dirty blond.

B. Eyes

My parents say blue-green; everyone else says blue-grey.

6. On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?

I have to wake up at 6 on school days because I have a long commute, but I am distinctly surprised if I wake up before 9 on a break. I've found myself getting 12 hours of sleep a day. . .

7. On a weekday or school break, do you go to bed before 10?

I go to bed at 9 on weekdays (but read until 9:30), but I usually stay up past 10 on breaks. My summer bedtime is supposed to be 10:30, but I stay up until 11 sometimes (and later because of reading).

8. Do you play a sport consistently?

No, seasonally. I play soccer in the fall and baseball in the spring.

9. Have any real life crushes?


10. Are you homeschooled?


submitted by St.Owl, age Recarnated, Everywhere
(July 7, 2016 - 3:50 pm)

1. No, my mom won't let me. 

2. Nope

3. Nada

4. A. I think I might be about two inches above average height?

5. A. Black. B. Dark brown

6. Oh gosh, my schedule is so messed up. In short, the answer is no.

7. Nope...

8. No, but I'd like to.

9. Zilch!

10. Yes 

submitted by Novelist, The Secret Forest
(July 7, 2016 - 4:57 pm)
2.  Do you have siblings? More than 2?
Too personal, I've already given away way too much about myself.
3.  Do you own any animals?
I used to
4.  Are you average height?
A. Taller?
B. Shorter?
5.  For REAL, people: what color are your
A. Hair
B. Eyes 
Really dark brown
(If this is too personal, that you cannot answer without lying, please don't answer this.)
6.  On a weekday or school break, do you wake up before 7?
7. On a weekday or school break do you go to bed before 10?
8.  Do you play a sport consistently?
If so, is it:
A. Soccer
B. Lacrosse
C. Basketball
D. Volleyball
E. Other
Does ballet count?
9. Have any reallife crushes?
10.  Are you homeschooled?
submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh) , Fairyland
(July 7, 2016 - 5:09 pm)

1. Yes

2. One, who is 10 and is... trying on this old wig, which BTW looks super creepy on her because it's long, and tangled, and an unnatural color. My family is not normal. 

3.Do stuffed animals count? Heh, heh.

4. I'm tall for 12 (at 5' 3")

5. I have mid length brown hair, with natural blond and red highlights. I have eyes that are either ice blue, grey/blue, grey/green, or blue/green.

6. Yes. And then I just lie in bed for no good reason, and mouth my favorite songs.

7. I go to bed at 9:00 every night, but sometimes will just lie there 'til about 10:30, or I read under the covers 'til about midnight.

8. I used to play baseball (I know, I'm a girl and baseball is a "boy" sport, and I should be playing softball, but frankly, I don't care.)

9. There's this one kid in my youth group who is super cute, and who I THINK likes me (He always treats me different, in a good way, then all the other girls. But there's a bit of drama because this OTHER girl in my youth group who has been crushing on him since fourth grade, and I don't know if he likes me, or if he likes her, so, yeah! Confusion and crushes in one run on sentence.)

10. No. 

submitted by Luna Lovegood, a.k.a Brooklyn Newsie
(July 7, 2016 - 6:25 pm)

I am going to answer the question aboiut crushes in depth; No. No. No No.

Sorry, but- past expiriences have

(a) Made me the least concerned parson about crushes I know

(b) Given me an annoying school year

See, I find it annoying that people are so worried about crushes and love and all that stuff. 

submitted by DJ Gared
(July 7, 2016 - 7:08 pm)

1. Do you drink coffee? 

No. I just decide not to.

2. Do you have siblings? More than 2?

Yes, and yes. I'm the oldest of 7 so far.

3. Do you own any animals?

Personally? No. We have chickens, 2 of which I named, and my brother has a guniea pig. Other than that, that's all the animals we have.

4. Are you average height?

B.; I'm 5'.

5. 5a, Dark brown hair, (it's really short now.) 5b, dark green.

6. On a weekday or school break, do you get up earlier than 7?

Um, yes. I'm an early riser, and most of my energy is in the morning. I ususally wake up at 6:45, maybe earlier.

7. On a weekday or school break, do you go to bed earlier than 10?

Maybe? It sort of depends on how I'm feeling, how tired I am, and what my parents say.

8. Do you play a sport consistently?

Yes, E.

9. Have any reallife crushes?

*Hides head from embarrassment while blushing*

Yes, some may call me boycrazy, while others call me a romantic.

10. Are you homeschooled?

Yes, and I absolutely LOVE it.  


submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(July 7, 2016 - 9:39 pm)