Cricketeer Poetry Contest

Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket

Cricketeer Poetry Contest

Cricketeer Poetry Contest!

So...this is how it works! We'll have three rounds so that I can participate in one too, and we won't leave anybody out. We'll have a first place and a runner-up.

I'll judge the first round. Anybody can enter! The winner of the first round will judge and pick a topic for the next one, so that he/she doesn't win two rounds in a row and I get to enter at one point as well.

So, topic is: Believing. Do you believe in fairies? What about hope? Books? Poetry? Do you really think that the rumors about neon green, pie-eating rabbits are true, or do you think that the one about a fluffy, pink pickle-like creature who is in love with your brother is more believable? Judging will take place NEXT SATURDAY 'cause I got summer camp, which means spending a week w/out electronics! 

submitted by Rose bud, age 13 3/4, Caer Dallben
(July 15, 2016 - 2:50 pm)

I'll join! I'm not very good at writing poetry, but you know, may as well give it a try!

submitted by Will T
(July 15, 2016 - 5:11 pm)

I'm joining! Looks fun!

submitted by Abigail S., age 11, Nose in a Book
(July 16, 2016 - 10:29 am)

I'm joining! Though I might not get my entry in till the last day

submitted by Esthelle (Es-thel-ay, age Anonymous, Rivendell (I wish) ;)
(July 16, 2016 - 3:28 pm)

I'll join for the first round!

submitted by Leafpool
(July 16, 2016 - 12:38 pm)

Even if I'm the most awful poet in the history of poets, I'll join.

submitted by Scylla
(July 16, 2016 - 3:24 pm)



If you believe in yourself

Everything will turn out fine

If you believe in yourself

You will be respected


If you don't believe in yourself

You will fall

If you don't believe in yourself

No one will respect you


No one will respect you

If you don't believe in yourself

You will fall

If you don't believe in yourself


You will be respected

If you believe in yourself

Everything will turn out fine

If you believe in yourself


I decided to try out a reverso poem! It's my first time.

Hazel said henc! Like hence. Or henceforth.

submitted by Leafpool
(July 16, 2016 - 5:25 pm)

Don't say that! You're an amazing poet!

Anyways, joining. Bet I'll fail. 

submitted by Mei-xue (May-shreh), Fairyland
(July 16, 2016 - 5:31 pm)

Yep, there you go, Leafpool. Gotta make me feel better by writing an awesome poem that completely overshadows my work. My strength lies in storytelling yet I'm here because I want to have fun. Yeah! 

submitted by Scylla
(July 16, 2016 - 10:00 pm)

I'll join! I love poetry!

submitted by Clouded Leopard
(July 16, 2016 - 4:10 pm)

Y'all are epic. See you next week!

submitted by Rose bud
(July 16, 2016 - 8:17 pm)

Joining! How many entries can we submit?   


Do you believe in fairies?

The tiny, winged creatures, flying around your head.

Soaring up in the sky, twinkling voices like little bells.

They're there, can't you see? 


Do you believe in elves?

The tricky, little creatures, with pointy ears like spears.

Dancing around the fire, their magical powers enchanting the world.

They're there, can't you see?


Do you believe in mermaids?

The graceful, lovely creatures, gliding through the waters.

Laying on the warm rocks, then with a tiny splash diving down toward their underwater palaces.

They're there, can't you see?


Do you believe in witches?

The magical, unpredictable creatures, brewing potions in their cauldrons.

Wands waving, casting spells, sometimes evil, and sometimes good.

They're there, can't you see? 


Do you believe in magic?

Different for everyone, sometimes like a bell, sometimes like a tree. 

Swirling around in the air, drawing you in to join the fun.

It's there, can't you see?


Do you believe?

Fairies, elves, mermaids, witches, magic.

They're all there, can't you see?

submitted by Alexandra
(July 16, 2016 - 6:17 pm)

I'll join! I'm not very good, but I'm in!!! 

submitted by Joan B. of Arc, age 14, Camelot
(July 16, 2016 - 6:23 pm)

I STILL LOVE YOUR LOCATION!! Anyhoo, joining. 

submitted by Cho Chang, @Caer Dalben too!
(July 16, 2016 - 6:45 pm)


submitted by Butterfly
(July 16, 2016 - 6:57 pm)

I hope this isn't too early to post my poem. I had a great idea, and I can't wait to share it.



Do you believe in destiny?

A path paved by stars ahead of me.

Do you believe in chemistry?

True love’s kiss on the shining sea.


Do you believe to trust in fate?

It’s not your time; it’s not too late.

Do you believe you’ll soon be great?

Your only road, your only gate.


But then, you see, I see no way

In thinking we’re controlled day to day.

I know I bow to no authority.

It’s the only way to truly be free.  

submitted by Clouded Leopard, age 13, writing poetry
(July 16, 2016 - 7:56 pm)