Chatterbox: Chirp at Cricket



What if you could remake or make a new CB intro thread? I didn't make an intro thread, though. This is basically how you would make your intro thread of you were just joining today. I'm sure that we've all changed some way and we would make a different intro thread than we did originally. Please post your here. I'll post mine later. :) 

Have fun (I think you will!) 

submitted by Jack-a-Nat
(August 8, 2016 - 9:30 pm)

Nice idea! I never made an intro thread either. Sort of just said hey, I'm coming back again after some years, on a thread I made. But here is what it would look like...

New Here!

Hello everyone, I'm Ashlee and new to the Chatterbox. I've spent some time earlier today reading through the threads (yep, call me a creep) and decided to join what you call the "CB". You all seem like friendly, creative people, so why not? Anyways, I'm fifteen, love reading, writing, art, video games, nature, photography, internet-based applications, etc. Being that it is summer, I'll try to be on as often as possible. Once August 30th hits (first day of school for me), I will only be on during the weekends.

I have some questions for you all:

- Can you introduce yourselves?

- What's an AE? And how is it used? Are they a nickname for other CBers? Imaginary friends?

- What do CAPTCHA thingys do? The "pet" ones?

- Where is the best place to post certain things? Basically, what are all the sections best for?

- Who invented cheeescake?

Sorry, that last one was completely random. I can just look it up myself. xD

I'm looking forward to meeting all of you here on the CB! 

submitted by Ashlee G., age 15, The Future
(August 9, 2016 - 1:01 pm)


submitted by Top, age Top, Top
(August 9, 2016 - 4:58 pm)

I'd say the majority of us never posted an intro thread. I didn't. Also, I originally posted under the name Leovie D, so.....


I'm new to the Chatterbox. Call me Leovie. And I'd just like to say....


submitted by Leovie D., Copern:ica
submitted by Scylla
(August 9, 2016 - 7:32 pm)

Cool idea! Here's mine:

Hey guys! My name is Bluebird, but you can call me Blue or BB if you'd like. I'm excited to be a part of the CB, and to get to know you all!

I can't tell you all of my interests because you'd get bored after the first 10 pages. (just kidding, XD) Let me just say that I like practically everything. My music taste ranges from Swedish hip hop to Indie to 50s love songs, and everything inbetween. I'll read almost anything I can get my hands on, and write/draw whatever the heck my crazy mind can come up with. I play sports and piano and sew and crochet, but I spend the same amount of time procrastinating and watching my favorite youtubers. I am VERY emotional when it comes to literature. I cried in Inside Out! TFIOS was a disater... anyways, I'm a total nerd. (Because that wasn't obvious or anything) 

So... tell me about yourself! Your interest, your hobbies, anything! I can't wait to meet you all! 

P.S. Fall Out Boy is the best band ever!

P.P.S. I've used like, 10,000 exclamation points in the post! And I exaggerate a lot! Bye! 

submitted by Bluebird, age 12, Central IL
(August 9, 2016 - 8:10 pm)

(Oh my goodness I've found someone else who cried during Inside Out. . . I'm not alone in this world anymore. . .)

submitted by Booksy Owly
(August 10, 2016 - 12:20 am)

Haha, Bluebird and Booksy, I cried during Inside Out too! It's really annoying when I watch a movie or read a book and want to talk about it for hours, examining each piece, and everyone just shoos me away. They watch the movie and a second later are doing something else. I am always like: HOW CAN YOU NOT STOP AND THINK/CRY ABOUT IT? Sorry, caps.

submitted by @Bluebird and Booksy, age 15, Ashlee G.
(August 10, 2016 - 1:16 pm)
 @Bluebird, you live in Centrarl Ilinois?! I do too; I live right by the Indiana border!
submitted by Athena
(August 10, 2016 - 10:13 am)

Cool, Athena! I live on the central-eastern side as well, but probably not as close to Indiana as you.. And Booksy, Inside Out was SAD. The part after she ran away... I'm glad I'm not the only one who cried ;)

submitted by Bluebird
(August 10, 2016 - 1:21 pm)